A goalkeeper failing to stop the ball from entering the goal Inherited fromMiddle English failen , borrowed fromAnglo-Norman faillir , fromVulgar Latin *fallire , alteration ofLatin fallere ( “ to deceive, disappoint ” ) , fromProto-Indo-European *bʰāl- ( “ to lie, deceive ” ) orProto-Indo-European *sgʷʰh₂el- ( “ to stumble ” ) .
CompareDutch feilen ,falen ( “ to fail, miss ” ) ,German fehlen ( “ to fail, miss, lack ” ) ,Danish fejle ( “ to fail, err ” ) ,Swedish fela ( “ to fail, be wanting, do wrong ” ) ,Icelandic feila ( “ to fail ” ) ,Spanish fallar ( “ to fail, miss ” ) .
fail (third-person singular simple present fails ,present participle failing ,simple past and past participle failed )
( intransitive ) To beunsuccessful .Throughout my life, I have alwaysfailed .
1577 ,Raphaell Holinshed , “The Historie of Englande”, inThe Firste Volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande [ … ] , volume I, London: [ … ] [ Henry Bynneman] for Iohn Harrison,→OCLC ,page249 , column 1:If they ſhoulde gyue battayle it was to be doubted, leaſt through treaſon amõgſt themſelues, the armie ſhould be betrayed into the enimies hands, the which would notfayle to execute all kinde of crueltie in the ſlaughter of the whole nation.
2013 August 10, “A new prescription ”, inThe Economist , volume408 , number8848 :As the world’s drug habit shows, governments arefailing in their quest to monitor every London window-box and Andean hillside for banned plants. But even that Sisyphean task looks easy next to the fight against synthetic drugs. No sooner has a drug been blacklisted than chemists adjust their recipe and start churning out a subtly different one.
( transitive ) Not toachieve a particular statedgoal . (Usage note: The direct object of this word is usually an infinitive.)The truckfailed to start.
( transitive ) Toneglect .The reportfails to take into account all the mitigating factors.
1960 December, B. Perren, “The role of the Great Central—present and future”, inTrains Illustrated , page765 :Those who have advocated the closure of the G.C. have so farfailed to say by which alternative route this North-to-West traffic could be carried.
( intransitive ) Of amachine , etc. : tocease tooperate correctly.After running five minutes, the enginefailed .
2021 December 29, Dominique Louis, “Causal analysis: crashworthiness at Sandilands”, inRAIL , number947 , page33 :We also found that the only emergency egress from the tram was by smashing the front or rear windscreens, and that emergency lighting hadfailed when the tram overturned.
( transitive ) To bewanting to, to beinsufficient for, todisappoint , todesert ; to disappoint one's expectations.I'vefailed my parents many times growing up.
1843 April,Thomas Carlyle , “ch. II, Gospel of Mammonism”, inPast and Present , American edition, Boston, Mass.:Charles C[offin] Little andJames Brown , published1843 ,→OCLC , book III (The Modern Worker):A poor Irish Widow […] went forth with her three children, bare of all resource, to solicit help from the Charitable Establishments of that City. At this Charitable Establishment and then at that she was refused; referred from one to the other, helped by none; — till she had exhausted them all; till her strength and heartfailed her: she sank down in typhus-fever […]
1918 ,W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell , chapter II, inThe Mirror and the Lamp , Indianapolis, Ind.:The Bobbs-Merrill Company ,→OCLC :That the young Mr. Churchills liked—but they did not like him coming round of an evening and drinking weak whisky-and-water while he held forth on railway debentures and corporation loans. Mr. Barrett, however, by fawning and flattery, seemed to be able to make not only Mrs. Churchill but everyone else do what he desired. And if the arts of humblenessfailed him, he overcame you by sheer impudence.
( ambitransitive ) To receive one or morenon- passing grades inacademic pursuits.Ifailed English last year.
( transitive ) To give a student a non-passing grade in an academicendeavour .The professorfailed me because I did not complete any of the course assignments.
( transitive , obsolete ) To miss attaining; to lose.To be wanting; to fall short; to be or become deficient in any measure or degree up to total absence.The cropsfailed last year.
1591 (date written),William Shakespeare , “The Second Part of Henry the Sixt, [ … ] ”, inMr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. [ … ] (First Folio ), London: [ … ] Isaac Iaggard , andEd[ ward] Blount , published1623 ,→OCLC ,[ Act II, scene ii] :Till Lionel's issuefails , his should not reign.
( archaic ) To be affected with want; to come short; to lack; to be deficient or unprovided; used withof .1757 ,Edmund Burke ,A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful :If ever theyfail of beauty, this failure is not to be attributed to their size.
( archaic ) To fall away; to become diminished; to decline; to decay; to sink.1667 ,John Milton , “Book VIII”, inParadise Lost. [ … ] , London: [ … ] [Samuel Simmons ], and are to be sold by Peter Parker [ … ] ;[ a] nd by Robert Boulter [ … ] ;[ a] nd Matthias Walker, [ … ] ,→OCLC ; republished asParadise Lost in Ten Books: [ … ] , London: Basil Montagu Pickering [ … ] ,1873 ,→OCLC :When earnestly they seek / Such proof, conclude they then begin tofail .
( archaic ) To deteriorate in respect to vigour, activity, resources, etc.; to become weaker.A sick manfails .
( obsolete ) To perish; to die; used of a person.1613 (date written),William Shakespeare , [John Fletcher ], “The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eight ”, inMr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [ … ] (First Folio ), London: [ … ] Isaac Iaggard , andEd[ ward] Blount , published1623 ,→OCLC ,[ Act I, scene ii] :had the king in his last sicknessfailed
( obsolete ) To err in judgment; to be mistaken.1667 ,John Milton , “Book I”, inParadise Lost. [ … ] , London: [ … ] [Samuel Simmons ], and are to be sold by Peter Parker [ … ] ;[ a] nd by Robert Boulter [ … ] ;[ a] nd Matthias Walker, [ … ] ,→OCLC ; republished asParadise Lost in Ten Books: [ … ] , London: Basil Montagu Pickering [ … ] ,1873 ,→OCLC :Which ofttimes may succeed, so as perhaps / Shall grieve him, if Ifail not.
To become unable to meet one's engagements; especially, to be unable to pay one's debts or discharge one's business obligation; to becomebankrupt orinsolvent . ( to be unsuccessful ) : miscarry ,come to nought ,come to nothing ,crash and burn ,fall flat ,fall on one's face ,go downhill ,go down the toilet ,go to pot ,go to the dogs ,go up in flames ,go up in smoke (not vulgar);die in the ass ,everything one touches turns to shit ,go to hell ,go to shit (vulgar)( to receive non-passing grades in academic pursuits ) : flunk ( US ) ( to become deficient ) : bomb ,bust ,conk ,tank ( antonym(s) of “ to be unsuccessful ” ) : succeed intransitive: be unsuccessful
Albanian:dështoj (sq) ,mundem (sq) Arabic:أَخْفَقَ ( ʔaḵfaqa ) ,فَشِلَ ( fašila ) Hijazi Arabic:فِشِل ( fišil ) Armenian:please add this translation if you can Bulgarian:не успя́вам impf ( ne uspjávam ) ,не сполу́чвам impf ( ne spolúčvam ) Catalan: fracassar (ca) Chinese:Mandarin:失敗 / 失败 (zh) ( shībài ) Czech:propadnout (cs) Danish:dumpe Dutch:mislukken (nl) ,falen (nl) Esperanto:malsukcesi (eo) Estonian:edutu Finnish:epäonnistua (fi) ,tyriä (fi) ( informal ) ,mokata (fi) ( informal ) ,möhlätä (fi) ( informal ) ,töpätä (fi) ( informal ) ,munata (fi) ( informal ) ,tunaroida (fi) ( informal ) ,sössiä (fi) ( informal ) ,möhliä (fi) ( informal ) ,feilata (fi) ( slang ) ,kämmätä (fi) ( slang ) ,flopata (fi) ( informal ) ,ryssiä (fi) ( informal ) ,sählätä (fi) ( informal ) ,säheltää (fi) ( informal ) ,mennä pieleen (fi) ,mennä mönkään (fi) ,mennä reisille ( slang ) ,mennä puihin ,mennä vituiksi ( vulgar, slang ) ,kyrvähtää (fi) ( vulgar, slang ) ,mennä penkin alle ,kusta (fi) ( vulgar, slang ) ,valua hiekkaan ,kuivua kokoon ,mennä myttyyn ,mennä plörinäksi (fi) ,kädettää (fi) ( slang ) ,mennä kiville ( informal ) ,töpeksiä (fi) ( informal ) ,stefuttaa ( slang ) ,tupeksia (fi) ( informal ) French:échouer (fr) ,rater (fr) Galician:falir (gl) ,mancar (gl) ,apengar ,marrar (gl) ,fracasar Georgian:please add this translation if you can German:scheitern (de) ,keinen Erfolg haben (de) ,ohne Erfolg bleiben ,nicht gelingen ,missglücken (de) Greek:αποτυγχάνω (el) ( apotyncháno ) Ancient:ἀποτυγχάνω ( apotunkhánō ) ,ἀστοχέω ( astokhéō ) ,διαμαρτάνω ( diamartánō ) Hebrew:כשל (he) ( kashál ) Hungarian:kudarcot vall (hu) ,csődöt mond ,elbukik (hu) Indonesian:gagal (id) Irish:meath Italian:bocciare (it) ,fallire (it) Japanese:失敗する (ja) ( しっぱいする, shippai suru ) Khmer:ខ្សុយ (km) ( khsoy ) Korean:실패하다 (ko) ( silpaehada ) Kyrgyz:жол болбоо (ky) ( jol bolboo ) ,иш ордунан чыкпай калуу (ky) ( iş ordunan cıkpay kaluu ) Latin:dēsum (la) ,dēficiō Malay:gagal (ms) Maori:paheke ,rahua Mongolian:please add this translation if you can Norwegian:Bokmål:mislykkes Persian:خراب شدن (fa) ,تصورکردن ,موفق نشدن ,شکست خوردن (fa) Polish:nie udać się Portuguese:falhar (pt) ,fracassar (pt) Quechua:qulluy Romanian:rata (ro) Russian:терпе́ть неуда́чу (ru) impf ( terpétʹ neudáču ) ,потерпе́ть неуда́чу pf ( poterpétʹ neudáču ) ,прова́ливаться (ru) impf ( proválivatʹsja ) ,провали́ться (ru) pf ( provalítʹsja ) ,не удава́ться impf ( ne udavátʹsja ) ,не уда́ться pf ( ne udátʹsja ) ,проеба́ться (ru) pf ( projebátʹsja ) ( vulgar, slang ) ,проёбываться impf ( projóbyvatʹsja ) ( vulgar, slang ) Scottish Gaelic: fàillig Spanish:fracasar (es) ,zozobrar (es) ,escollar (es) ( Americanism ) Swedish:misslyckas (sv) Tagalog:mabigo Thai:ล้มเหลว ( lóm-lěeo ) ,พัง (th) ( pang ) ,เจ๊ง (th) ( jéng ) Tocharian B:kwäl- Ukrainian:зазна́ти невда́чі pf ( zaznáty nevdáči ) Vietnamese: thất bại (vi) Welsh:methu (cy) ,ffili
transitive: not achieve a stated goal
Bulgarian:прова́лям се (bg) impf ( prováljam se ) Catalan: fracassar (ca) Czech:selhat (cs) Danish:fejle ,mislykkes ,slå fejl Dutch:mislukken (nl) ,falen (nl) Estonian:nurjuma Finnish:ei (fi) French:faillir (fr) ,échouer (fr) ,rater (fr) Galician:falir (gl) ,mancar (gl) ,apengar ,marrar (gl) ,fracasar German:fehlschlagen (de) Greek:Ancient:ἀποτυγχάνω ( apotunkhánō ) ,ἀστοχέω ( astokhéō ) ,διαμαρτάνω ( diamartánō ) Hebrew:נִכְשַׁל (he) ( nikhshál ) Hungarian:nem sikerül (neki ) ,nem jár sikerrel ,sikertelen (hu) ( literally“ …is/was unsuccessful ” ) ,nem (hu) ( simple negation of the verb ) Italian:fallire (it) ,cannare (it) ,toppare ,fare cilecca (it) Latin:dēsum (la) ,dēficiō Maori:taka ,ngere Norwegian:Bokmål:mislykkes Portuguese:deixar de ,não conseguir Russian:терпе́ть неуда́чу (ru) impf ( terpétʹ neudáču ) ,потерпе́ть неуда́чу pf ( poterpétʹ neudáču ) ,не справля́ться impf ( ne spravljátʹsja ) ,не спра́виться pf ( ne správitʹsja ) Scottish Gaelic: fàillig Spanish:negar (es) ,fracasar (es) ,no conseguir ,darse un sentón Swedish:misslyckas (sv) Tagalog:mabigo Thai:ล้มเหลว ( lóm-lěeo )
cease to operate
Bulgarian:отка́звам (bg) impf ( otkázvam ) ,не рабо́тя impf ( ne rabótja ) Catalan: fallar (ca) ,espatllar-se (ca) Chinese:Mandarin:故障 (zh) ( gùzhàng ) Czech:přestat (cs) fungovat (cs) Danish:svigte Dutch:mankeren (nl) Estonian:seiskuma Finnish:vioittua (fi) ,vikaantua (fi) ,vikautua ,mennä rikki (fi) ,pysähtyä (fi) ,rikkoontua (fi) ,hajota (fi) ,rikkoutua (fi) French:tomber en panne (fr) German:versagen (de) Hungarian:elromlik (hu) ,tönkremegy (hu) ,meghibásodik (hu) ,felmondja a szolgálatot Italian:fallire (it) ,andare in bancarotta ,fare bancarotta Maori:tapore ,tāporepore ,ngaengae ( of breath ) Norwegian:feile Polish:przestać działać Portuguese:pifar (pt) ,falhar (pt) Romanian:se strica Russian:выходи́ть из стро́я (ru) impf ( vyxodítʹ iz strója ) ,вы́йти из стро́я (ru) pf ( výjti iz strója ) ,не рабо́тать impf ( ne rabótatʹ ) Spanish: pararse (es) Swedish:fallera (sv) ,mankera (sv) Thai:พัง (th) ( pang )
to be wanting to, to be insufficient for, to disappoint, to desert
to receive one or more non-passing grades in academic pursuits
to give a student a non-passing grade
fail (countable anduncountable ,plural fails )
Afailure , especially of afinancial transaction ( a termination of an action ) . A failinggrade in anacademic examination . ( slang , US ) Afailure ( something incapable of success ) .( uncountable , slang ) Poorquality ; substandard workmanship.The project was full offail .
fail (comparative morefail ,superlative mostfail )
( slang , US ) Unsuccessful; inadequate; unacceptable in some way.Unknown. CompareScottish Gaelic fàl ( “ hedge ” ) ,Scots faill ( “ turf ” ) . Attested from the 16th century.[ 1]
fail (plural fails )
A piece of turf cut from grassland. “fail ”, inWebster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary , Springfield, Mass.:G. & C. Merriam ,1913 ,→OCLC . William Dwight Whitney ,Benjamin E[li] Smith , editors (1911 ), “fail ”, inThe Century Dictionary [ … ] , New York, N.Y.:The Century Co. ,→OCLC .“fail ”, inOneLook Dictionary Search . FromEnglish file , fromOld French fil ( “ thread ” ) , fromLatin filum ( “ thread ” ) . Compare toMalay fail .
IPA (key ) : [ˈfaɪl] Hyphenation:fa‧il fail
file ,a collection of papers collated and archived togetherSynonyms: berkas ,dokumen ( computing ) an aggregation of data on a storage device, identified by a namefile rack Synonym: rak berkas FromOld Irish foil , fromProto-Celtic *wali- , fromProto-Indo-European *wel- . Cognates includeAncient Greek ἕλιξ ( hélix ,“ something twisted ” ) .
fail f (genitive singular faile ,nominative plural faileanna )
ring bracelet wreath sty Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Modern Irish. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
FromEnglish file .
fail (plural fail-fail )
file ( collection of papers ) information or adocument about someone, something etc.( computing ) file ( aggregation of data on a storage device ) fail (used in the form memfailkan )
file ( commit papers ) file ( to archive ) ( computing ) file ( store computer data ) ( withuntuk ) file ( make a formal request ) fail
Alternative form offil Inherited fromOttoman Turkish فاعل ( fā'il ) ,[ 1] [ 2] fromArabic فَاعِل ( fāʕil ) ,active participle ofفَعَلَ ( faʕala ,“ to do, to affect ” ) .[ 3]
IPA (key ) : /faːˈil/ Hyphenation:fa‧il fail (definite accusative faili ,plural failler )
( grammar , archaic ) subject Synonym: özne ( archaic ) agent ,doer ( law ) actor ,perpetrator ^ Redhouse, James W. (1890 ) “فاعل ”, inA Turkish and English Lexicon [1] , Constantinople: A. H. Boyajian,page1361 ^ Kélékian, Diran (1911 ) “فاعل ”, inDictionnaire turc-français [2] , Constantinople: Mihran,page883 ^ Nişanyan, Sevan (2002– ) “fail ”, inNişanyan Sözlük “fail ”, inTurkish dictionaries , Türk Dil Kurumu Çağbayır, Yaşar (2007 ) “fail ”, inÖtüken Türkçe Sözlük (in Turkish), volume 2, Istanbul: Ötüken Neşriyat,page1540 Avery, Robert et al., editors (2013 ),The Redhouse Dictionary Turkish/Ottoman English , 21st edition, Istanbul: Sev Yayıncılık,→ISBN