This was aneveryday and everynight scene a couple of decades ago.
1992, Patricia Connelly, Pat Armstrong, editors,Feminism in Action: Studies in Political Economy, Toronto, Ont.: Canadian Scholars’ Press,→ISBN, pages16–17:
It calls for methods of thinking, of writing texts, and of investigation that expand and extend our knowledge of how oureveryday/everynight worlds are put together, determined and shaped as they are by forces and powers beyond our practical and direct knowledge.
1997, Celeste Fraser Delgado, José Esteban Muñoz, “Rebellions of Everynight Life”, in Celeste Fraser Delgado, José Esteban Muñoz, editors,Everynight Life: Culture and Dance in Latin/o America,Duke University Press,→ISBN, page20:
The locus of emancipatory hopes shifts fromeveryday to everynight life.
When describing the frequency of an action denoted by a verb, it is considered correct to separate the individual words:every hour,every day,every week, etc.
Influenza is considered aneveryday virus because it infects peopleevery day.
Putting away the tableware foreveryday, a chore which is part of theeveryday.
2003, Robert Pack,Belief and Uncertainty in the Poetry of Robert Frost (Middlebury College press)[1], UPNE,→ISBN,→LCCN,→OCLC, page110:
Then you came in. I heard your rumbling voice Out in the kitchen , and I don't know why , But I went near to see with my own eyes . You could sit there with the stains on your shoes Of the fresh earth from your own baby's grave And talk about youreveryday concerns.[…]