Away from the village, there was anenclosure containing several large animals of a kind I had not seen before—shaggy, long-necked, small-headed creatures who stood or lay at ease around their pen.Alpacas?
2014,Astra Taylor, chapter 5, inThe People's Platform: Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age, Henry Holt and Company,→ISBN:
Copyright, from day one, was designed to be both an impediment and an incentive, a mechanism ofenclosure (one that prevented the unlicensed printing of texts, thereby limiting access) and a catalyst of sorts, a structure to stimulate the production of literary goods by rewarding writers and publishers for their labor.
2019, Robert Stam,World Literature, Transnational Cinema, and Global Media[1], Routledge,→ISBN:
Thecommons evokes resistance to “enclosure” in all its forms, whether in its early proto-capitalist form of fencing in commonly shared land, or in its contemporary forms of marshalling judicial restraints such as “patent” and “intellectual property” to police the ownership of ideas.
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