FromLatinēlūdō(“evade, elude”), fromē(“out of”), short form ofex, +lūdō(“play; trick”).
elude (third-person singular simple presenteludes,present participleeluding,simple past and past participleeluded)
- (transitive) Toevade orescape from (someone or something), especially by usingcunning orskill.
1748, David Hume,Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of moral., London: Oxford University Press, published1973,§ 26:Thus the observation of human blindness and weakness is the result of all philosophy, and meets us at every turn, in spite of our endeavours toelude or avoid it.
1951 August, P. W. Gentry, “Cliff Railways”, inRailway Magazine, page516:The line continued in operation until about 1908, but the precise date of closure haseluded research.
2021 May 29, Phil McNulty, “Manchester City 0-1 Chelsea”, inBBC Sport[1]:It leaves City still searching for the Champions League, the trophy that has alwayseluded them
- (transitive) Toshake off (apursuer); togive someone the slip.
2012 December 29, Paul Doyle, “Arsenal'sTheo Walcott hits hat-trick in thrilling victory over Newcastle”, inThe Guardian[2]:Podolski gaveWalcott a chance to further embellish Arsenal's first-half performance when heeludedJames Perch and slipped the ball through to the striker.
- (transitive) To escape beingunderstandable to; to beincomprehensible to.
I get algebra, but calculuseludes me.
- (transitive) To escape someone'smemory, to slip someone'smind.
The solution of that brainteasereludes me and the name of the authoreludes my memory too.
to evade, or escape from someone or something
- Armenian:please add this translation if you can
- Basque:please add this translation if you can
- Bulgarian:избягвам (bg)(izbjagvam),отбягвам (bg)(otbjagvam)
- Catalan:eludir (ca)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:躲避 (zh)(duǒbì),逃避 (zh)(táobì)
- Czech:vyhýbat se (cs) impf,unikat (cs) impf
- Danish:flygte (da),rømme,undvige,undgå,stikke af
- Esperanto:please add this translation if you can
- French:éluder (fr)
- Georgian:please add this translation if you can
- German:sich entziehen (de),entgehen (de),entkommen (de),umgehen (de),aus dem Weg gehen
- Italian:eludere (it)
- Khmer:គេច (km)(kɨc)
- Latin:ēlūdō
- Mongolian:please add this translation if you can
- Persian:اجتناب کردن (fa),تفره رفتن
- Portuguese:escapar (pt),esquivar (pt)
- Romanian:eluda (ro)
- Russian:ускользать (ru) impf(uskolʹzatʹ)
- Spanish:eludir (es)
- Thai:please add this translation if you can
- Ukrainian:вислизати impf(vyslyzaty)
- Vietnamese:trốn chạy khỏi,né tránh (vi)
to escape understanding of; to be incomprehensible to
Translations to be checked
- genitiveplural ofelu
- third-personsingularpresentindicative ofeludere
- second-personsingularpresentactiveimperative ofēlūdō
- inflection ofeludir:
- third-personsingularpresentindicative
- second-personsingularimperative
- IPA(key): /eˈlude/[eˈlu.ð̞e]
- Rhymes:-ude
- Syllabification:e‧lu‧de
- inflection ofeludir:
- third-personsingularpresentindicative
- second-personsingularimperative