"[…] A sister of Joseph Gerard[…] was found unconscious on the kitchen floor by the family cook early this morning.[…]" […] What leads could they have, if the old lady wasel zonko?
The accusative formo has variant formslo andno. These alternative forms appear depending on the ending of the preceding word. The formlo is used when the preceding word ends in-r or-s. Theno form is used when the preceding word ends in-u or a diphthong. These alternative forms are then suffixed to the preceding word.
The accusative also forms contractions when it immediately follows an indirect object pronoun. For example,dou che o contracts todoucho(“I gave it to you”).
yes(used as an affirmative answer to a question containing a verb prefixed withel- or to emphasize a preceding statement, having the same value as the verb in question)
A:Eladtátok a házat? - B:El. ―A: Did you sell the house? B:Yes.
This term may also be part of the split form of a verb prefixed withel-, occurring when the main verb does not follow the prefix directly. It can be interpreted only with the related verb form, irrespective of its position in the sentence, e.g.meg tudták volnanézni(“they could haveseen it”,frommegnéz). For verbs with this prefix, seeel-; for an overview,Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes.
Annaelment? Nem mentel. ―Has Anna left [goneaway]? No, she has not.
el inBárczi, Géza andLászló Országh.A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (“The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language”, abbr.:ÉrtSz.). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992:→ISBN
el in Nóra Ittzés, editor,A magyar nyelv nagyszótára [A Comprehensive Dictionary of the Hungarian Language] (Nszt.), Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2006–2031(work in progress; publisheda–ez as of 2024).
Ef unu rait yai a mek unu sin, tier it out an dash it we! Aftaraal it beta fi luuz onggl wan badi paat, dan di wol a di badi get fling dong ael.
If your right eye makes you sin, gouge it out and throw it away! After all, it is better to lose one body part than for the whole body to be thrown intohell.
This verb's conjugation has fallen into general disuse by the 19th century, with only its past participleilan surviving in various expressions. Its verbal noun,ayla(“possession”), remains in vigorous use.
Multiple Latin names for the letterL,l have been suggested. The most common isel or asyllabicl, although there is some evidence which also supports, as names for the letter,lē,ll,əl,lə, and even (in the fourth- or fifth-century first Antinoë papyrus(Canthis(+) etymology besourced?), which gives Greek transliterations of the Latin names of the Roman alphabet’s letters)ιλλε(ille).
el inGaffiot, Félix (1934)Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
Arthur E. Gordon,The Letter Names of the Latin Alphabet (University of California Press, 1973; volume 9 ofUniversity of California Publications: Classical Studies), especially pages 30–31, 42–44, and 63
short form ofelektrisitet,elektrisk,elektro-, used mainly in compound words. It is treated as a noun rather than a prefix, in the same manner as Swedish.
short form ofelektrisitet,elektrisk,elektro-, used mainly in compound words. It is treated as a noun rather than a prefix, in the same manner as Swedish.
Potanin, G.N. (1893) “эль”, inТангутско-Тибетская окраина Китая и Центральная Монголия (in Russian),page428
Yanchuk, Mikola Andriyovich (1893) “эль”, inЭтнографическое ОбозрѢніе: Императорскаго Общества Любителей Естествознанія, Антропологіи и Этнографіи [Ethnographical Review: Imperial Society of Lovers of Natural History, Anthropology and Ethnography][3] (in Russian), Moscow: Publication of the Ethnographic Department, page33
Rockhill, William Woodville (1894) “ell”, inDiary of a journey through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891 and 1892, Washington: Smithsonian Institution,page374
Poppe, Nicholas (1953). Remarks on The Salar Language. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 16(3/4), 438–477.[4]
Kakuk, S. (1962) “el”, in “Un Vocabulaire Salar”, inActa Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae[5], volume14, number 2, Akadémiai Kiadó,→ISBN, pages173-196
林莲云 [Lin Lianyun] (1985) “el”, in撒拉语简志 [A Brief History of Salar][6], Beijing:民族出版社: 琴書店,→OCLC, page19
Yakup, Abdurishid (2002) “el”, inAn Ili Salar Vocabulary: Introduction and a Provisional Salar-English Lexicon[7], Tokyo: University of Tokyo,→ISBN, page88
Dwyer, Arienne M. (2007) “el”, inSalar: A Study in Inner Asian Language Contact Processes: Part I: Phonology[8], 1st edition, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag,→ISBN, pages43, 87
张, 进锋 (Ayso Cañ Cinfen) (2008) 乌璐别格 (Ulubeğ), 鄭初陽 (Çuyañ Yebey oğlı Ceñ), editors,Salar İbret Sözler 撒拉尔谚语 [Salar Proverbs][9], China Salar Youth League, page12
“el” inÖlmez, Mehmet (2012 December) “Oğuzların En Doğudaki Kolu: Salırlar ve Dilleri [The Easternmost Branch of the Oghuzs: Salars and Their Language]”, inTürk Dili (in Turkish), volume CII, number732, pages38-43
马伟 (Ma Wei), 朝克 (Chao Ke) (2016) “el”, in濒危语言——撒拉语研究 [Endangered Languages - Salar Language Studies], 青海 (Qinghai): 国家社会科学基金项目 (National Social Science Foundation Project), page107
A contraction ofelektricitet orelektrisk, that must have taken place between 1920 and 1975. SAOB (letter E edited in 1921) does not mention this, but does mention the prefixelektro-.Lilla Focus (1961) mentionsel- as a prefix, but not as a word of its own.
The use ofel as a stand-alone word (not just a prefix) was discussed inTeknisk Tidskrift,15 December 1934, referring to a proposal from "Fera", Föreningen för elektricitetens rationella användning, an association of electric power grid operators.
Man framhåller nämligen med bestämdhet, att "el" ej får betraktas som förkortning utan som en beteckning för allt som har med elektricitet att göra, avsedd att brukas enbart eller i sammansättningar som prefix eller suffix och aldrig tillsammans med punkt och bindestreck. Språkligt sett, kan väl ordet närmast betraktas som en ellips Teknisk Tidskrift, 15 December 1934 Translation: Indeed, it is firmly emphasized that "el" must not be regarded as an abbreviation but as a designation for everything related to electricity, intended for use solely or in combinations as a prefix or suffix, and never together with a period and hyphen. Linguistically, the word can be considered akin to an ellipsis. Teknisk Tidskrift, 15 December 1934
Vidare är den del av marknaden som har den högsta betalningsförmågan, dvs. hushållen, inriktad på användning avel.
Also the part of the market which has the highest purchasing power, i.e. the households, is set for the use of electricity.
1980, Rune Torwald (c), speaking in the Riksdag on January 11 (protocol, page 46)
När man använder så stor andel avelen till att värma upp bostäder som ju bara utnyttjas vintertid och inte på sommaren, så får man stora säsongvariationer.
When using so large a portion of the electricity to heat homes, something which is only used in the winter and not in the summer, one will get large seasonal variations.
The articleel is used to modify any kind of noun (proper or foreign) which is itself indeclinable in Volapük. Then, whenever that noun needs to be declined, the articleel which modifies it is declined in its stead.