Inherited fromLate Latiniectāre, fromLatiniactāre, probably viaSpanishechar since it's present also in Western dialects (where*xeitar would be the expected result). Doublet ofaxeitar, formed fromxeitu, western result ofLatiniactus
- IPA(key): /eˈt͡ʃaɾ/[eˈt͡ʃaɾ]
- Rhymes:-aɾ
- Syllabification:e‧char
echar (first-person singular indicative presentecho,past participleecháu)
- tothrow
- Synonyms:llanzar,aventar
- tothrow out,throw away
- Synonym:tirar
- tothrow up,vomit
- Synonym:devolver
- toemit
Esa florecha muncha grana- That floweremits a lot of pollen
- tokick out,expel
- Synonym:espulsar
Echáronlu de la escuela- Theyexpelled him from the school
- tosend(someone or something in a direction)
- Synonym:empobinar
Echáronlu pa la ciudá cola caxa- Theysent him to the city with the box
- tosprout
- Synonyms:biltar,campiar
Los praosechen agora de primavera- The fieldssprout now that it is spring
- toservefood
Nun m'eches más pote- Don'tserve me more stew
- tolay down,put to sleep
Echólu na cama- He/Shelaid himdown in bed
- toplay
- Synonym:xugar
¿Echamos una (partida)?- Want toplay a (game)?
Echaron una bona partida ayeri- Theyplayed a good game yesterday
- tosow,plant
- Synonym:semar
Esti añuecharon fabes tamién- This year theysowed beans as well
- toguess,calculate
- Synonym:abarruntar
¿Cuantos años-yeches?- How many years do youguess (he/she is)?
¿Cuantoeches que tien dientro'l bolsu?- How much do youguess she/he has inside her/his pocket?
- tospend,usemoney
- Synonym:gastar
Valte másechar les perres en chicolate- It's better if youspend the money in chocolate
- toprepare (ameal orclothes) for someone whodeparts
Échame los pantalones azules que voi a trabayar- Prepare the blue jeans for me, I'm leaving for work
Échame la merienda que marcho- Prepare a meal for me, I'm leaving
- toput on,play (a film or TV show)
Tanechando un nuevu programa nesta canal- They areputting on a new show on this channel
- toforget, to get out of one's head
- Synonyms:posar,escaecer
Nun soi aechar lo que mi dixo- I can'tforget what he/she said to me
Conjugation ofechar
infinitive | echar |
gerund | echando |
past participle | mecháu,fechada,nechao,m plechaos,f plechaes |
person | first singular yo | second singular tu | third singular él/elli | first plural nosotros/nós | second plural vosotros/vós | third plural ellos |
indicative | present | echo | eches | echa | echamos | echáis | echen |
imperfect | echaba | echabes | echaba | echábemos,echábamos | echabeis,echabais | echaben |
preterite | eché | echasti,echesti | echó | echemos | echastis,echestis | echaron |
pluperfect | echare,echara | echares,echaras | echare,echara | echáremos,echáramos | echareis,echarais | echaren,echaran |
future | echaré | echarás | echará | echaremos | echaréis | echarán |
conditional | echaría | echaríes | echaría | echaríemos,echaríamos | echaríeis,echaríais | echaríen |
subjunctive | present | eche | eches,echas | eche | echemos | echéis | echen,echan |
imperfect | echare,echara | echares,echaras | echare,echara | echáremos,echáramos | echareis,echarais | echaren,echaran |
imperative | — | echa | — | — | echái | — |
- ichar(Monastir, Sarajevo)
- tothrow
- toput to bed
Inherited fromLate Latiniectāre, fromLatiniactāre. Doublet of the borrowingjactar. Cognate withGalicianxeitar and, more distantly,Englishjet andjut.
- IPA(key): /eˈt͡ʃaɾ/[eˈt͡ʃaɾ]
- Rhymes:-aɾ
- Syllabification:e‧char
echar (first-person singular presentecho,first-person singular preteriteeché,past participleechado)
- (transitive) tothrow,toss,cast,jettison(to release an object from one's grasp so that it moves through the air)
- Synonym:tirar
Echa los dados.- Throw the dice.
- (transitive) topour(to cause to flow in a stream from a container)
Echó el agua fuera del vaso.- He poured the water outside the glass.
- (transitive) toput in,add
Yo leecho aceite a la ensalada.- Iadd oil to the salad.
- (transitive) tolet out
Échalo todo.- Let it allout.
- (transitive) todischarge
- (transitive) todump
- (transitive) toemit,give off,send out
Ese animal es extraño.Echa luz cuando se siente atacado.- That animal is weird. Itgives off light when it feels attacked.
- (transitive) tokick out,expel,throw out, tosend packing(to forcibly remove)
Meecharon de la fiesta.- Theykicked meout of the party.
- (transitive) to expel(to remove from membership)
Tevamos a echar del club de lectura.- We'regoing to expel you from the reading club.
- (transitive) tofire,dismiss(to terminate employment)
Al pobre lohan echado del trabajo.- Theyfired the poor thing from work.
- (transitive) toplay(to participate in a sport)
Echamos un partido.- We're playing a match.
- (transitive) tosprout(to cause to grow from a seed)
- (transitive) totake,have (a look at)
Échale un ojo.- Take a look at it.
- (transitive) tomail,post(to send through the mail/post)
- (transitive) togive,bestow (a blessing); toput (a curse) on
Esa mujer meechó un mal de ojo.- That womangave me the evil eye.
- (transitive) toturn (a key); toslide (a bolt)
- (intransitive) tostart off,begin
- (reflexive) tothrowoneself
- (reflexive) tolie down(to assume a reclining position)
Estaba muy cansada, así que meeché en el sofa.- I was very tired, so Ilay down on the couch.
- (reflexive) toput on
Échate crema solar cuando vayas a la playa.- Put sunscreenon when you go to the beach.
- (reflexive) to begin
Se echó a llorar.- Hebegan to cry.
- (reflexive, of birds) tosit oneggs
- (reflexive) togive in, toyield
- (reflexive, Andalusia) totake a nap, tosleep
Cuando llegue a casa me voy aechar una siesta que no veas.- When I get home I'm goingto take a nap you couldn't even imagine.
Deberíasecharte un rato que te veo cansado.- You shouldsleep for a while. You look tired
1Mostly obsolete, now mainly used in legal language.
2Argentine and Uruguayanvoseo prefers thetú form for the present subjunctive.
Selected combined forms ofechar
These forms are generated automatically and may not actually be used. Pronoun usage varies by region.
| singular | plural |
1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | 1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person |
with infinitiveechar | dative | echarme | echarte | echarle,echarse | echarnos | echaros | echarles,echarse |
accusative | echarme | echarte | echarlo,echarla,echarse | echarnos | echaros | echarlos,echarlas,echarse |
with gerundechando | dative | echándome | echándote | echándole,echándose | echándonos | echándoos | echándoles,echándose |
accusative | echándome | echándote | echándolo,echándola,echándose | echándonos | echándoos | echándolos,echándolas,echándose |
with informal second-person singulartú imperativeecha | dative | échame | échate | échale | échanos | not used | échales |
accusative | échame | échate | échalo,échala | échanos | not used | échalos,échalas |
with informal second-person singularvos imperativeechá | dative | echame | echate | echale | echanos | not used | echales |
accusative | echame | echate | echalo,echala | echanos | not used | echalos,echalas |
with formal second-person singular imperativeeche | dative | écheme | not used | échele,échese | échenos | not used | écheles |
accusative | écheme | not used | échelo,échela,échese | échenos | not used | échelos,échelas |
with first-person plural imperativeechemos | dative | not used | echémoste | echémosle | echémonos | echémoos | echémosles |
accusative | not used | echémoste | echémoslo,echémosla | echémonos | echémoos | echémoslos,echémoslas |
with informal second-person plural imperativeechad | dative | echadme | not used | echadle | echadnos | echaos | echadles |
accusative | echadme | not used | echadlo,echadla | echadnos | echaos | echadlos,echadlas |
with formal second-person plural imperativeechen | dative | échenme | not used | échenle | échennos | not used | échenles,échense |
accusative | échenme | not used | échenlo,échenla | échennos | not used | échenlos,échenlas,échense |