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See also:Eagerandeagre





Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishegre,eger, fromOld Frenchaigre,egre (modern Frenchaigre), fromLatinācrus, variant ofācer(sharp, keen); seeacid,acerb, etc. Comparevinegar,alegar.

Alternative forms




eager (comparativemoreeager,superlativemosteager)

  1. Desirous;keen to do orobtain something.
    Stacey is veryeager to go cycling this weekend.
    The hounds wereeager in the chase.
    I waseager to show my teacher how much I'd learned over the holidays.
    You stayed up all night to get to the front of the queue. You must be veryeager to get tickets.
  2. (computingtheory) Not employinglazy evaluation; calculating results immediately, rather than deferring calculation until they are required.
    aneager algorithm
  3. (dated)Brittle;inflexible; notductile.
  4. (obsolete, literal)Sharp;sour;acid.
  5. (obsolete, figurative) Sharp;keen;bitter;severe.
Derived terms
the act of wanting something very much



eager (third-person singular simple presenteagers,present participleeagering,simple past and past participleeagered)

  1. (intransitive) To be or become eager.
    • 1864,The Fathers, Historians, and Writers of the Church, page121:
      Now everybody considered it a high privilege (valued it at a high consideration) to see him and to hear him speak, and to obey his command (him commanding), whereas he, though being such aperson,eagered to be unknown, and to escape notice in solitude.
    • 1913, William Alfred Quayle,The Climb to God, page116:
      Our spirits fret and chafe like sea waves on the rockseagering to climb the shore.
    • 1932, William Faulkner,Light in August:
      The buggy jolted on, the stout, wellkept teameagering, homing, barning.
    • 2002, Mark F. Harris,A Distant Place, page198:
      After entering college, Ieagered to have a parttime job.
    • 2021, Bill Watson,The Chaos Factor:
      After the go-ahead from the joint committee, the Mugglesby CO warmed up andeagered up tremendously, and we went back to plotting.
  2. (intransitive) To express eagerness.
    • 1924, Mark Lemon, Henry Mayhew, Tom Taylor,Punch - Volume 167, page181:
      His hair crinkled towards her fondly. "Yes," heeagered.
    • 1969, Kenneth Patchen,Sleepers Awake, page141:
      Peg! eager voiceseagered voicely.
    • 2019, Toby Litt,Patience:
      [] Sister Clare saying Oh look a greenfinch and the name was a gift to me as much as the three and a half more minutes the green vision danced and fretted andeagered and preened in front of me[]
  3. (transitive) To make or encourage to be eager
    • 2013, Andrzej Łyda, Krystyna Warchał,Occupying Niches, page135:
      Physicians also admit toeagering patients to turn to specialised web sites in order to read further.
    • 1927, Carleton Beals,Brimstone and Chili:
      But they onlyeagered him to be off .
    • 1941, William R. Newell,Romans Verse-by-Verse:
      Its presence gave him no thought of condemnation, but onlyeagered his longing for the redemption body.

Etymology 2





eager (pluraleagers)

  1. Alternative form ofeagre (tidal bore).

Further reading



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