Possibly from ablend ofdilis(“anchovy”) +tuyo(“dried fish”) +itlog(“egg”) +-s, food which poor people eat.
dyologs (Baybayin spellingᜇ᜔ᜌᜓᜎᜓᜄ᜔ᜐ᜔)(slang)
- unfashionable;unstylish; inpoortaste
- Synonyms:baduy,tsaka,pandyologs
Ngayon ka lang bumili ng damit,dyologs na damit pa.- You only bought clothes now, and you boughtunfashionable clothes.
Nang nauso ang mga selpon, nagingdyologs ang mgapager atbeeper hanggang nawala na ang mga ito sa araw-araw na kagamitan.- When cellphones became popular, beepers and pagers becameunfashionable until these disappeared from everyday things.
dyologs (Baybayin spellingᜇ᜔ᜌᜓᜎᜓᜄ᜔ᜐ᜔)(slang)
- youngster from theslumarea(usually a teenager)
May mgadyologs na nakatira doon sa may estero.- Someslum youngster live by the estuary.
- person exhibiting thecrudebehavior ofslumyoungsters
Wag ka nga magulo,dyologs ka ...- Hey cut it out, you're beingdyologs ...