Borrowed fromFrenchdrap.
drap (pluraldraps)
- (archaic)Cloth.
drap (third-person singular simple presentdraps,present participledrapping,simple past and past participledrapped)
- (Scotland) Todrop.
drap (pluraldraps)
- Pronunciation spelling ofdrop.
1921,Robert W. Service, “The Twa Jocks”, inBallads of a Bohemian[1]:We've got tae get back wi' her, Hecky. Whit mercy we didna get fou!
We'll no touch adrap o' that likker—
that's hard, man, ye canna deny. . . .
drap m (pluraldraps)
- cloth;rag
FromLate Latindrappus, drappum(“cloth”); compareItaliandrappo,Frenchdrap.
drap m
- drape,cloth
- linen
- underwear
- having the color of sand
- having the color of human skin
FromLate Latindrappum(“cloth”), first recorded inFrankish ordinances (The Capitularies ofCharles the Great). More atdrape.
drap m (pluraldraps)
- sheet,duvet
- → Chadian Arabic:لدرى(ladra)
- → English:drap
- → Russian:драп(drap)
- second-personsingularimperative ofdrapaś
FromOld Frenchdrap.
drap m (pluraldraps)
- cloth (textile)
- French:drap (see there for further descendants)
- →? English:drab
FromOld Norsedráp.
drap n (definite singulardrapet,indefinite pluraldrap,definite pluraldrapaordrapene)
- homicide,killing,murder
drap m
- (non-standard since 2005)pasttense ofdrepe
- “drap” inThe Bokmål Dictionary.
FromOld Norsedráp.
drap n (definite singulardrapet,indefinite pluraldrap,definite pluraldrapa)
- homicide
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
- past ofdrepa
- “drap” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary.
FromLate Latindrappus, ofGermanic origin.
drapoblique singular, m (oblique pluraldras,nominative singulardras,nominative pluraldrap)
- sheet orcovering
- clothing
- Middle French:drap
- French:drap (see there for further descendants)
- →? English:drab
- Picard:drâp(Athois)
- Walloon:drap(Liégeois)
- → Middle English:drape
- second-personsingularimperative ofdrapać