Long stood Sir Bedivere / Revolving many memories, till the hull / Look’d one blackdot against the verge of dawn / And on the mere the wailing died away.
1980,AA Book of British Villages, Drive Publications Ltd, page151:
The switchback road to Diabaig - pronounced 'Jer-vague' - passes through some of the most exhilarating scenery in Scotland.[…] With a final swoop, the road plummets down into Diabaig, where cottages aredotted across the slopes of a rocky semi-circle.
2023 April 14, Rosyln Sulcas, “Review: Grief and Mourning, Delivered With Ecstatic Vitality”, inThe New York Times[8]:
Wooden crosses, some drunkenly askew,dot a darkened stage at the start of Vuyani Dance Theater’s “Cion: Requiem of Ravel’s Bolero.” There is silence, then the sound of weeping, which escalates to heart-rending, gasping sobs.
2016,Kerry Greenwood,Murder and Mendelssohn, Sydney: Allen and Unwin, page332:
`Which means,' said John, `that someonedotted him a good one, shoved him into the bathtub, ran the water, then opened his mouth and poured champagne into it until he drowned.'
"Have you the pictures still?" I asked. "Yes; I am keeping them till my daughter is of marriageable age, and then I shall sell them. They will be herdot."
1927, Anna Bowman Dodd,Talleyrand: the Training of a Statesman:
As a bride, Madame de Talleyrand had brought a smalldot of fifteen thousand francs to the family fund.
Daunay, Jean (1998)Parlers de Champagne : Pour un classement thématique du vocabulaire des anciens parlers de Champagne (Aube - Marne - Haute-Marne)[9] (in French), Rumilly-lés-Vaudes
Baudoin, Alphonse (1885)Glossaire de la forêt de Clairvaux[10] (in French), Troyes
A secondary form ofdodde(“long, soft raceme, as of a cattail plant”), a word of uncertain but perhaps gibberish origin related toGermanDutte,düttenkolb(“bulrush”), themselves linked to words likeZitze,Titte.
Barker, M. A. R. (1963).Klamath Dictionary. University of California Publications in Linguistics 31. Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Gatschet, Samuel S. (1890).The Klamath Indians of southwestern Oregon. Volume II, Part II. United States Government Printing Office.
krievi, krievi, leiši, leiši... visi man draugi, radi; krievamdevu savu māsiņu, pats es ņēmu leišu meitu ―Russians, Russians, Lithuanians, Lithuanians... all friends, relatives to me; to a Russian Igave my little sister, (and) I myself took a Lithuanian girl (as wife)
tev, meistar,dodam mīlestību savu ―to you, master,we give our love
arī tas taisnums māksla, to iemācīties nevarēja, tas cilvēkam vai nudots no paša sākuma, vai palika visu mūžu nesasniegts ―also that straightness (is) art, one can't learn it, either it isgiven from the very beginning (= from birth), or it remains unobtained (for one's) whole life
uzdevums bija kvadrāta un taisnstūra laukuma aprēķināšana, jadots perimetrs ―the task was the calculation of the square and rectangular area, if the perimeter isgiven
kopu uzskata pardotu, ja irdots pilns tās elementu saraksts ―a set is considered to begiven if a full list of its elements isgiven
dot produkciju virs plāna ―togive production (= to produce) above the plan
govsdod daudz piena ―(this) cowgives a lot of milk
jaunā aitu šķirnedod augstvērtīgu vilnu ―the new breed of sheepgives high-quality wool
augļu koki pēc dziļām ziemām dažkārtdod bagātīgas augļu ražas ―fruit trees after deep winters sometimesgive abundant fruit harvests
elektriskais motorsdos baltu, spodru gaismu ―the electric motorwill give white, bright light
pēdējā laikā gleznotājsdevis vairākas vērtīgas gleznas ―in recent times, (this) painter hasgiven (= produced) many valuable paintings
visvairāk latviešu literārā valodā iesakņojušos jaunvārdudevuši J. Alunāns, Kronvaldu Atis, Rainis un A. Upīts ―most of the new words that struck root in the Latvian literary languages (were)given (by) J. Alunāns, Kronvaldu Atis, Rainis and A. Upīts
jauna mašīna maksā četrus tūkstošus, jūsēja ir pietiekami nobraukta, lai par tonedotu pat pusotra ―a new car costs four thousand, (but) yours is quite traveled, so that (one)wouldn't give one and a half thousand (= fifteen hundred)
Mare vēl bija izskatīga sieva, četrdesmit sešus viņai gandrīz nevarējadot ―Mare was still a handsome woman, you almost couldn'tgive her forty-six (years of age)
nedomā kustēt! ja bēgsi, no abiem stobriem tevdošu stilbos ―don't (even) think about moving! if you run, from both barrels Iwill give (= shoot) (you) in the leg
Koponen, Eino, Ruppel, Klaas, Aapala, Kirsti, editors (2002–2008),Álgu database: Etymological database of the Saami languages[11], Helsinki: Research Institute for the Languages of Finland
R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “dot”, inGeiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies