Shortened form ofdistribution, +-o.
distro (countable anduncountable,pluraldistros)
- (Internet, software, countable) A set ofsoftwarecomponents, oftenopen source, that have beenpackaged into a larger product or component fordistribution to end-users.
- (Internetslang, uncountable) Thepropagation ofwarez by distributing it to varioussites.
1998, “Bubba Zenetti”, inNeed Good FTP sites....Distro's and non-ratio sites-Please.:If anyone can help me with obtaining a source with an updated ftp list, eitherdistro sites or non ratio sites, please contact me on ICQ[…]
Shortened form ofdistributor, +-o.
distro (pluraldistros)
- (slang) A mid-level drug dealer; Adistributor.
2019 October 7, Courtney A. Kemp, Theo Travers, Andre J. Ferguson, 21:00 from the start, inPower(Like Father, Like Son), season 6, episode 7 (TV series), spoken by Jason Micic (Mike Dopud):JASON: Hey Tommy, get over here! TOMMY (played byJoseph Sikora): I was just loading up my shipment, what’s up?. JASON: There’s someone I want you to meet. My guy right here, one of my highest earningdistros in New York City, Tommy Egan. Tommy, Rodolfo Ramirez.
set of software components
Borrowed fromEnglishdistro.
- IPA(key): /ˈdɪstroː/
- Hyphenation:dis‧tro
distro m (pluraldistro's,diminutivedistrootje n)
- distro, especially an open-source distribution, often of Linux
distro (pluraldistro-distro)
- distro
- (fashion)distribution outlet: a business that buys goods from a distributor and sells them to others