The art and practice of conductinginternationalrelations bynegotiatingalliances,treaties,agreements etc., bilaterally or multilaterally, between states and sometimes international organizations, or even betweenpolities with varying status, such as those of monarchs and their princely vassals.
Admiral Hackett: Hell of a thing you just pulled off, Commander. Curing the genophage? I never thought I'd see the day. Shepard: Wrex has agreed to help the turians, Admiral. We should get their full support. Admiral Hackett: And the salarians? How did you manage to get them on board? Shepard: Carefuldiplomacy. Admiral Hackett: Uh-huh… I don’t think I want to know what that means. Doesn't matter. You're starting to put together a real alliance out there. Admiral Hackett: Good work, Commander. Hackett, out.
1983 August 13, Ray Thomas, “Rural Canada”, inGay Community News, volume11, number 5, page 5:
As I was talking with many relatives I have in this town I got assaulted with intense probing of whom I was married to, then who is your girlfriend, then it was what do you do for a job? Most of these relatives don't know I'm gay and deflecting these questions put to the test the art ofdiplomacy.