2008 March 1, Jody Miller,Getting Played: African American Girls, Urban Inequality, and Gendered Violence[1], NYU Press,→ISBN, page140:
[…]But I don't care, I mean I don't even care. She shouldn't havedid that."
2010 October 10, Jeanette R Davidson, quoting Bea Jenkins,African American Studies[2], Edinburgh University Press,→ISBN, page189:
We have to take this brutality. We haven'tdid anything. Why?
2014 May 6, Taylor Anderson,Deadly Shores[3], Penguin,→ISBN, page288:
“Spanky—I mean, the exec, Mr. McFaarlane, say the number four gun hasdid for another cruiser, but they all gonna drown, aft, as much water as the screws is throwin' up!"
Walter Breu and Giovanni Piccoli (2000),Dizionario croato molisano di Acquaviva Collecroce: Dizionario plurilingue della lingua slava della minoranza di provenienza dalmata di Acquaviva Collecroce in Provincia di Campobasso (Parte grammaticale).
Jacob Poole (d. 1827) (before 1828) William Barnes, editor,A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland, London: J. Russell Smith, published1867,page94