1854,Gedichte im Tiroler Dialecte. Von C. v. L., p. 21 (in the poemDer Sommer. Im Kitzbichler Dialecte):
Ge mooch a wenggail Stond Schau, weil i nettdes Wegs a bi Oft thoan ma dlei mitnond Ey schaula Oergaill gest a zweg Schaugst gwiß dar Olma zua Oft had ma schia n dleichn Weg Hun höchst a besi Kua.
1870,Zither und Hackbret. Gedichte in obersteirischer Mundart von P. K. Rosegger. Mit einem Vorworte von Robert Hamerling, (Druck und Verlag von Josef Pock, Graz und Leipzig), p. 133:
Und host bu bisdes Priesters Hond Erhebtdes Kelches Wein, Den Thurm erbaut zum Himmelsfol, So bist du wieda mein!
1885,Edelweiß. Gedichte in niederösterreichischer Mundart von J. G. Hauer. Mit einem Vorworte von P. K. Rosegger, (Druck und Verlag von Carl Gerold's Sohn, Wien), p. 133:
Bet s dr Engldes Herrn o, Moch drauf wieda s Kreuz:
“des” inMartalar, Umberto Martello, Bellotto, Alfonso (1974)Dizionario della lingua Cimbra dei Sette Communi vicentini, 1st edition, Roana, Italy: Instituto di Cultura Cimbra A. Dal Pozzo
Note that normally only the nominativede/het is used. The other forms are archaic, but survive in numerous idiomatic expressions such asdes huizes,des morgens (itself archaic and shortened, like similar expressions, to's morgens in contemporary Dutch).
The current pronunciation is aspelling pronunciation. Before the word became archaic, it was pronounced with aschwa,/dəs/.
the;used withju and eitherpli(“more”) ormalpli(“less”) to form the second half of a coordinated comparative.
Ju pli mi lernas,des pli mi scias.
The more I learn,the more I know.
1903, Ben Elmy, “La Lingvo de la floroj”, inThe Esperantist: The Esperanto Gazette for the Spreading of the International Language, page138:
Ju pli ni studas la florojn,des pli ni konstatas, ke multe da ili posedas nesuspektitajn lertecojn, kiujn apud besto ni volonte nomus instinkto aŭ еĉ prudento.
The more we study the flowers,the more we establish that many of them possess unexpected abilities, which in an animal we would willingly call instinct or even foresight.
Capitalized for the great octave or any octave below that, or in names of major keys; not capitalized for the small octave or any octave above that, or in names of minor keys.