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See also:départ





FromOld Frenchdepartir, fromLate Latindepartiō(to divide), fromdē-(away from) +‎partiō(part, divide).





depart (third-person singular simple presentdeparts,present participledeparting,simple past and past participledeparted)

  1. (intransitive) Toleave.
  2. (intransitive) To set out on a journey.
  3. (intransitive, euphemistic) Todie.
  4. (intransitive, figurative) Todisappear,vanish; to cease to exist.
  5. (intransitive) Todeviate (from), be different (from), fail toconform.
    His latest statements seemed todepart from party policy somewhat.
    todepart from a title or defence in legal pleading
    • 1788,James Madison, “Number 39,” inAlexander Hamilton,John Jay and James Madison,The Federalist, On the New Constitution, Philadelphia: Benjamin Warner, 1818, p. 204,[2]
      If the plan of the convention, therefore, be found todepart from the republican character, its advocates must abandon it as no longer defensible.
    • 1960,Muriel Spark, chapter 12, inThe Bachelors[3], Philadelphia: Lippincott, published1961, page201:
      [...] he compared the precise points at which the handwriting of the letterdeparted from examples of Freda Flower’s handwriting and coincided with examples of Patrick Seton’s [...]
    • 1960 February, “The first of London's new Piccadilly Line trains is delivered”, inTrains Illustrated, page94:
      The interior colour schemedeparts from the conventional L.T. red and green upholstery and matching paintwork, which has been replaced by a maroon and grey moquette with dove grey paint below the waist rail.
  6. (transitive) Togo away from; toleave.
    • 1589, John Eliot, transl.,Aduise giuen by a Catholike gentleman, to the nobilitie & commons of France[4], London: John Wolfe, page27:
      [...] he [...] did pray them only to do no thing against the honor of God, & rather todepart the territories of his empire, then to suffer their consciences to be forced.
    • 1771,[Oliver] Goldsmith, “Henry II”, inThe History of England, from the Earliest Times to the Death ofGeorge II. [], volume I, London: [] T[homas] Davies, [];[T.] Becket and[P. A.] De Hondt; andT[homas] Cadell, [],→OCLC,page236:
      Then,departing the palace, he [Thomas Becket] asked the king's immediate permission to leave Northampton; [...]
    • 1989,Kazuo Ishiguro, “Day Two: Morning”, inThe Remains of the Day[5], Vintage Canada, published2014:
      At one stage, when I happened todepart the room in the midst of an address by one of the German gentlemen, M. Dupont suddenly rose and followed me out.
    • 1997,Richard Flanagan, chapter 64, inThe Sound of One Hand Clapping[6], New York: Grove, published2001, page323:
      She felt what Mrs Maja Picotti had suspected in her prayers, that her soul haddeparted her body.
    • 2009,The Guardian, Sport Blog, 9 September:
      The build-up to Saturday's visit of Macedonia and this encounter with the Dutch could be construed as odd in the sense that there seemed a basic acceptance, inevitability even, that Burley woulddepart office in their immediate aftermath.
  7. (ambitransitive, aviation) To lose control of an aircraft; to "depart" (sense 5) from controlled flight (with the aircraft as the direct object)
    The envelope protection system allows the pilot to maneuver at high angles of attack without the risk ofdeparting the airplane
  8. (obsolete, transitive) To divide up; todistribute,share.
    • 1470–1485 (date produced),Thomas Malory, “(please specify the chapter)”, in[Le Morte Darthur], book VII, [London: [] byWilliam Caxton], published31 July 1485,→OCLC; republished as H[einrich] Oskar Sommer, editor,Le Morte Darthur [], London:David Nutt, [],1889,→OCLC:
      and so all the worlde seythe that betwyxte three knyghtes isdeparted clerely knyghthode, that is Sir Launcelot du Lake, Sir Trystrams de Lyones and Sir Lamerok de Galys—thes bere now the renowne.
      (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1595, Jacques Hurault, translated byArthur Golding,Politicke, Moral, and Martial Discourses[7], London: Adam Islip,Book 3, Chapter 17, p. 458:
      Then fortified hee his trenches, anddeparted them in foure quarters, wherein he made good store of fires, in such distance one from another, as are woont to be made in a campe.
    • 1597,Thomas Dawson,The Second part of the good Hus-wiues Iewell[8], London: Edward White:
      Fyrst on that day yee shall serue a calfe sodden and blessed, and sodden egs with greene sauce, and set them before the most principall estate, and that Lorde because of his high estate, shaldepart them al about him [...]
    • 1602, “Extract out of the Acts of the Councell ofNice”, in Patrick Simon, transl.,The Estate of the Church with the Discourse of Times, from the Apostles untill This Present[9], London: Thomas Creede, page102:
      That Deacons be not preferred before Priests, nor sit in their ranke, nor in their presence do distribute the Sacraments but only minister vnto them, and assist when they do distribute: but when there are no Priests there, in that case they maydepart them.
  9. (obsolete, transitive) Toseparate,part.
    • 1470–1485 (date produced),Thomas Malory, “(please specify the chapter)”, in[Le Morte Darthur], book IV, [London: [] byWilliam Caxton], published31 July 1485,→OCLC; republished as H[einrich] Oskar Sommer, editor,Le Morte Darthur [], London:David Nutt, [],1889,→OCLC:
      Syr knyght[,] said the two squyers that were with her[,] yonder are two knyghtes that fyghte for thys lady, goo thyder anddeparte them [].
      (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1549 March 7,Thomas Cranmer [et al.], compilers, “The Forme of Solemnizacion of Matrimonie”, inThe Booke of the Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacramentes, [], London: [] Edowardi Whitchurche [],→OCLC,folio xiiii, recto:
      I .N. take thee .N. to my wedded wife, to haue ⁊ to holde from this day forwarde, for better, for wurſe, for richer, for poorer, in ſickenes, and in health, to loue, and to cheriſhe, til death vsdeparte: according to Goddes holy ordeinaunce: And therto I plight thee my trouth.
      The original wording oftill death do us part.
    • 1550, Thomas Nicholls, transl.,TheHystory Writtone byThucidides the Athenyan[10], London, Book 3, Chapter 2, p. 74:
      Thies be than the causes [...] for the whiche wedepart our selues from the Athenyans [...]
    • 1582,Stephen Batman (translator),Batman vpponBartholome his booke De proprietatibus rerum, London: Thomas East, Book 5, Chapter 26, “Of the shoulders,”[11]
      The twisted forkes [i.e. fork-shaped bones] be néedfull to binde the shoulders, and todepart them from the breast.
    • c.1605–1608,William Shakespeare, “The Life of Tymon of Athens”, inMr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, andEd[ward] Blount, published1623,→OCLC,[Act I, scene i],page82, column 2:
      Ere wedepatt, wee'l ſhare a bounteous time / In different pleaſures.
    • 1617,Thomas Taylor,Dauids Learning[12], London: Henry Fetherstone, Dedicatory epistle:
      Great is the affinitie of soule and body, neerely coupled and wedded by God, like Husband & Wife, for better and worse till deathdepart them.

Usage notes


The past participle,departed, unlike that of the majority of English verbs, has an active, rather than a passive sense when used adjectivally:


Conjugation ofdepart
present tensepast tense





Derived terms


Related terms



to leave
to die
to deviate
to go away from
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Translations to be checked




  1. (obsolete)Division;separation, as ofcompoundsubstances.
  2. (obsolete) A going away;departure.







Borrowed fromFrenchdépart.



depart n (pluraldeparturi)

  1. (obsolete)departure


Declension ofdepart


  • depart in Academia Română,Micul dicționar academic, ediția a II-a, Bucharest: Univers Enciclopedic, 2010.→ISBN
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