FromFrench déjà ( “ already ” ) .
already IPA (key ) : /ˈdɛ.ja/ Rhymes:-ɛja Syllabification:de‧ja Uncertain. Possibly related toOld Polish Dejak / Dyjak . For a similar shift, comparePolish alfons ,maciek .[ 1]
deja m pers or f
( derogatory ) clumsy , orawkward person→ Greater Polish:deja → Vilamovian:dej Borrowed fromPolish idea .[ 2]
deja m inan
idea ;thought ^ Wiesław Boryś ,Hanna Popowska-Taborska (1994 ) “deja I ”, inSłownik etymologiczny Kaszubszczyzny , volume 2,→ISBN , page22 ^ Wiesław Boryś ,Hanna Popowska-Taborska (1994 ) “deja II ”, inSłownik etymologiczny Kaszubszczyzny , volume 2,→ISBN , page22 Stefan Ramułt (1993 ) [1893 ] “deja ”, in Jerzy Trepczyk, editor,Słownik języka pomorskiego czyli kaszubskiego (in Kashubian), 3 edition Jan Trepczyk (1994 ) “idea”, inSłownik polsko-kaszubski (in Kashubian), volumes1–2 Eùgeniusz Gòłąbk (2011 ) “idea”, inSłownik Polsko-Kaszubski / Słowôrz Pòlskò-Kaszëbsczi [2] “deja ”, inInternetowi Słowôrz Kaszëbsczégò Jãzëka [Internet Dictionary of the Kashubian Language ], Fundacja Kaszuby,2022 deja on Latvian Wikipedia
Deja Formed from the stem ofdejot ( “ to dance ” ) , by analogy withiet ( “ to go ” ) :eja ( “ (act of) going ” ) .[ 1]
deja f (4th declension )
( usuallysingular ) dance ( form ofart expressed viaharmonious ,rhythmic body movements ) baletasdeja ―balletdance dejas teorija ―dance theorydejā varbūt vairāk nekā jebkurā citā mākslas veidā mūs aizrauj meistarība ―indance , perhaps more than in any other form of art, we are captivated by workmanship neviens, kas pats nedejo, nevar iedomāties, cikdejas māksla ir smags darbs ―no one who does not himself dance can imagine how much heavy work the art ofdance is dance ( aperformance of thistype ofart , foraesthetic pleasure orsimple enjoyment ) sena, modernadeja ―an ancient, moderndance tautasdeja ―a popular (traditional)dance aicināt uzdeju ―to invite, to ask todance pēc koncerta bijadejas ―there was adance after the concert aicināt uzdejām klubā ―to invite to adance at the club dejas solis ―adance step deju stundas ―dance lessonsdeju vakars ―dance eveningdeju konkurss ―dance contest, competitiondeju kolektīvs ―dance groupdeju dziesma, mūzika ―dance song, musicgalvenādeja ir valsis; kas to prot, iemācās ātri citas ―the maindance is waltz; he who knows it quickly learns others ( figuratively ) dance ( complex ,rhythmic movement ofsmall objects orinsects ) odu, tauriņudeja ―mosquito, butterflydance ārā ir tumšs, kauc vējš, pārslas griežas trakādejā ―it is dark outside, the wind is howling, the (snow)flakes turn around in a crazydance dance music ,song atskaņotdeju ―to playdance (music) deju orķestris ―dance orchestravisiem komponistadeju žanra darbiem ir virtuozs raksturs, tā nav sadzīves, bet koncertmūzika ―all of the composer's works in thedance genre have virtuoso traits, it is not everyday (music), it is concert music deja
third-person singular / plural past indicative ofdiet Likely cognate withLatvian deja ( “ dance ” ) , perhaps through a semantic shift similar to that involving the English wordtragedy deriving from an ancient Greek type of song.
unfortunately deja
alas Derksen, Rick (2015 ) “deja”, inEtymological Dictionary of the Baltic Inherited Lexicon (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series;13 ), Leiden, Boston: Brill,→ISBN ,page120 FromLatin dea .
( Western, Milanese ) IPA (key ) : /ˈdɛja/ Hyphenation:de‧ja deja f (masculine dia or dee ,feminine plural deje ,masculine plural dia or dee )( New Lombard Orthography )
goddess Borrowed fromKashubian deja .
deja m pers
( Chełmno , derogatory ) oaf ( sluggish and clumsy person ) Gustaw Pobłocki (1887 ) “deja ”, inSłownik kaszubski z dodatkiem idyotyzmów chełmińskich i kociewskich (in Polish), 2 edition, Chełmno, page130 French déjà
already ,yet deja
genitive singular ofdej IPA (key ) : /ˈdexa/ [ˈd̪e.xa] Rhymes:-exa Syllabification:de‧ja Deverbal fromdejar .
deja f (plural dejas )
rest (that remaining after cutting textiles)deja
inflection ofdejar : third-person singular present indicative second-person singular imperative