( metrology ) deca- , indicating multiplication by 10( international standards ) ISO 639-1 language code forDanish . From child language; comparedad anddada .
da (plural das )
( Ireland , Scotland , Northern England ) Father .2008 ,James Kelman ,Kieron Smith, Boy , Penguin 2009, page55 :Oh where is yerda son? The man said it to me and was grumpy. Is yerda here?
2011 ,Philip Reeve ,Scrivener's Moon ,Scholastic ,→ISBN , page48 :Once the silky gent who ran a barge called theKnuckle Sandwich tried to persuade Borglum's ma andda to sell him their little dwarfish boy for twelve gold coins.
Borrowing fromRussian да ( da ,“ yes ” ) .
da (uncountable )
( slang , Russian) Yes ; an affirmative response.da
( slang , Russianism) Yes .Representing pronunciation ofthe in informal speech.
Pronunciation spelling ofthe .Da New York Times
Da Bears
1932 ,Delos W. Lovelace ,King Kong , published1965 , page11 :"So I catch you. You stealer! Ho! Ho!" He seized the girl's wrist. "No, no, you don't run. Hey! Where is-ada cop?"
2012 , Jeffrey Arnold,Nobody's Laughing , page157 :They are both holding onto their caps in the stiff breeze, and Zang is shouting, "Where isda main hotel going to be?"
Commonly used to represent the pronunciation of various second-language varieties of English where the first language of the speaker does not contain the phoneme /ð/ or babies that can't produce /ð/ yet. In the US, especially common in representations of speakers fromChicago orNew York City andAfrican American Vernacular . Less commonly, represents a receding Midwestern accent influenced by early German and Scandinavian immigrants whose native languages lacked/ð/ . Imitative.
A meaningless syllable used when singing a tune or indicating a rhythm. You know that tune that goes "da da da di-dum di-dum"?
toswim ,drift ,float Ross, M. & Næss, Å. (2007 ) “An Oceanic origin for Äiwoo, the language of the Reef Islands?”, inOceanic Linguistics , volume46 , number 2 . Cited in: "Äiwoo " in Greenhill, S.J.,Blust, R. , &Gray, R.D. (2008).The Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database: From Bioinformatics to Lexomics .Evolutionary Bioinformatics , 4:271–283.da
( anatomy ) mouth ,orifice door ,doorway da
plant that is source ofkenaf fiber (Hibiscus cannabinus )Synonym: daba roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa )Synonym: dabilen 2007.The UCLA Phonetics Lab Archive . Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Department of Linguistics. 2003. Moussa Diaby (République du Mali, Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale),Léxique de base : Bamanankan - Français , Fondation Karanta. IPA (key ) : /da/ [d̪a] Rhymes:-a Hyphenation:da da (masculine allocutive duk ,feminine allocutive dun )
Third-person singular (hura ) present indicative form ofizan ( “ to be ” ) . Cognate withGerman der .
da m
the da f
the ( dative ) Bavarian articles singular plural masculine neuter feminine stressed unstressed stressed unstressed stressed unstressed stressed unstressed definite nominative der ,da — das ,es ,des 's de d' de d' accusative en ,den 'n dative em ,dem 'm em ,dem 'm der ,da — genitive1 des des der ,da der ,da indefinite nominative a — a — a — — accusative an 'n dative am 'm am 'm a ,ana 'na
1 higher, formal register
Unstressed form ofdia
you ( dative, singular ) FromProto-Brythonic *di , fromProto-Celtic *dū ( “ to ” ) . Cognate toWelsh i ( “ to ” ) .
da (requires soft mutation )
to An den a zo aetda Vreizh. ―The man wentto Brittany. FromProto-Celtic *towe ( “ your, thy ” ) ; compareCornish dha ,Welsh dy ,Irish do . Seete ( “ you ” ) .
da (requires soft mutation )
your sg da
inflection ofdar : third-person singular present / preterite indicative second-person singular imperative Clipping ofada .
it'sunimportant Unknown.
serves you right good for you Cognate withGerman da ; see there for more.
( Sette Comuni ) there bèar khimmet bor hia un bèar ghéet borda who comes here, and who goesthere “da” inMartalar, Umberto Martello, Bellotto, Alfonso (1974 )Dizionario della lingua Cimbra dei Sette Communi vicentini , 1st edition, Roana, Italy: Instituto di Cultura Cimbra A. Dal Pozzo FromLatin de ab . CompareItalian da .
from of da
surely Det kan handa ikke mene! Surely he cannot be serious!then , at that timeda
when (referring to finished events)Da jeg var ung, fandtes der ikke computere.When I was young, there were no computers. as , at the same time asDa jeg kom, gik hun.As I arrived, she left. because Da hun er mindreårig kan hun ikke idømmes fængsel.As she is underage, she cannot be sentenced to prison.da
when if da
there FromFrench de ,Italian di , altered to differentiatede .
Of,-ful (used instead ofde with quantities, to emphasize the quantity rather than the thing quantified, or to indicate the unity of a shape and its material, a container and its contents, or a group and its members )[ 1] [ 2] glasoda vino ―a glassof wine, a glassful of wine kilogramoda viando ―a kilogramof meat grupoda homoj ―a groupof people kvar metrojda ĉi tiu ŝtofo kostas naŭ frankojn four metersof this cloth costs nine francs Li ligis la tri florojn en bukedon, kaj prezentis al ŝi tiun bukedonda floroj He tied the three flowers into a bouquet, and presented her with this bouquetof flowers Damasko [...] estos amasoda ruinaĵoj Damascus will be a massof ruins tutoda kondiĉoj kaj cirkonstancoj, en kiuj iu troviĝas allof the conditions and circumstances in which we find ourselves sistemoda sonoj por la esprimado de pensoj a systemof sounds for the expression of thought Unlike most prepositions,da cannot occur after a verb. It necessarily links two nouns (or exceptionally an elliptical adverb and a noun, as insufiĉe da akvo below).
The articlela does not occur after the prepositionda , and this is often mistakenly understood to mean that the quantity introduced byda must be indefinite. However, there is no such restriction, any more than there is with possessive pronouns such asmia 'my', which also do not allow the article. Because of the unity of the two nouns linked byda , only the phrase can be modified by the article, so it must precede the first noun. See the fourth and fifth examples above.
Some Esperanto dictionaries substitute *listo de and *tuto de forlisto da andtuto da . This is an error, an influence of Western languages which do not have an equivalent toda .
Compare these:
listoda kandidatoj ―a listof candidates (list of names) listoda kondiĉojde la kandidatoj ―a list of conditions from the candidates
skatoloda ĉokolado ―a boxof chocolates (a boxful of chocolate)skatolode ĉokolado ―a chocolates box (the box itself, made for chocolates, but now perhaps used to store paper clips)skatoloel ĉokolado ―a boxmade of chocolate
ho, se mia kapo havus sufiĉeda akvo kaj miaj okuloj estus fontoda larmoj! ―oh, if my head had enough water, and my eyes were a springof tears! fonto de akvo ―a spring of water which indicates the kind of spring rather than the quantity of tears (an eyeful ). Even dry eyes could be said to befonto de larmoj 'a source of tears';fonto da larmoj indicates that they are tear-filled eyes. ^ Sergio Pokrovskij (2007)'La artikolo' , inLingva Kritiko: Studoj kaj notoj pri la Internacia Lingvo ^ 'Da' Reta vortaro da
bow mother snake FromOld Galician-Portuguese da , equivalent tode ( “ of ” ) +a ( feminine singular definite article ) .
da f sg (plural das ,masculine du or do ,masculine plural dus or dos )
of the 2000 , Domingo Frades Gaspar,Vamus a falal: Notas pâ coñocel y platical en nosa fala , Editora regional da Extremadura, Theme I, Chapter 1: Lengua Española:A grandedada lengua española é indiscotibli, i sei estudio, utilización defensa debin sel algo consostancial a nos,[ …] The greatnessof the Spanish language is unquestionable, and its study, use and defense must be something consubstantial to us, [ …] Valeš, Miroslav (2021 )Diccionariu de A Fala: lagarteiru, mañegu, valverdeñu (web) [4] , 2nd edition, Minde, Portugal: CIDLeS, published2022 ,→ISBN CompareMoore ra ( “ to buy ” ) .
da (progressive da'arɩ or da'ara )
tobuy From contraction of prepositionde ( “ of, from ” ) + feminine definite articlea ( “ the ” ) .
da f (masculine do ,masculine plural dos ,feminine plural das )
of the ;from theFrom a merger of three interrelated adverbs: 1.)Middle High German dā ,dār ( “ there, at that place ” ) , fromOld High German thār ,dār , fromProto-West Germanic *þār . 2.)Middle High German dar ,dare ( “ thither, to that place ” ) , fromOld High German thara ,dara , from an extended form of the former. 3.)Middle High German dō ,duo ( “ then, at that time ” ) , fromOld High German thō ,dō ,duo , fromProto-Germanic *þō .
The three forms were already sometimes intermingled in Old and Middle High German. The eventual loss of the distinction in modern German was reinforced by phonetic mergers in various dialects. Today, the senses of adverbs 1 and 3 are covered byda , while adverb 2 has been chiefly replaced withhin ,dahin . The formdar- remains as a variant ofda- before vowels and in some compound verbs (likedarlegen ,darbringen ). Adverb 1 and 2 are cognate withDutch daar ,Low German dar ,dor ,English there ,Swedish där . Adverb 3 is cognate withDutch toen .
( local ) there Synonym: dort 1918 ,Elisabeth von Heyking , “Aus dem Lande der Ostseeritter ”, inZwei Erzählungen , Phillipp Reclam jun., page78 :Am liebsten entfloh sie dem allem in den großen Garten.Da verbrachte sie ihre schönsten Stunden. She liked best to escape from all of that into the big garden. There she spent her most pleasant hours. Wir fahren nach Hamburg. Meine Frau hat eine Freundin, dieda wohnt. We’re going to Hamburg. My wife has a friend who livesthere. ( temporal ) then ;so ; at thatmoment Synonyms: also ,dann Ich war gerade eingeschlafen, undda kam ein Anruf. I had just fallen asleep, andthat’s when someone called. Er hat immer weiter auf mich eingeschrien.Da bin ich einfach gegangen. He just kept on shouting at me.So I just left. ( colloquial ) replaces anypronominal adverb when the context is clear Ich wollte eigentlich Linsensuppe machen, aberda (=dafür ,dazu )hatte ich das Rezept nicht. I was actually going to make lentil soup, but I didn’t have the recipefor it. Wir haben jetzt ein Angebot gekriegt, aberda (=darüber )müssen wir noch diskutieren. We’ve now received an offer, but we’ll still need to have discussionabout that. present ,here ,there ( having arrived, being around in the topical location, regardless of whether this matches the speaker's position ) Die Gäste sind noch nichtda. The guests aren’there yet. da
since ;as ;because ;given thatSynonyms: weil ,zumal Da die Stelle mit häufigen Auslandskontakten verbunden ist, sind gute Fremdsprachenkenntnisse unerlässlich.Since the position involves frequent international contacts, good foreign-language skills are essential.( literary , dated ) when Synonyms: als ,wenn ,wo 1545 ,Martin Luther et al. ,Genesis 7:6:Er war aber sechshundert jar alt /da das wasser der Sindflut auff Erden kam. He was six hundred years old however,when the water of the deluge came upon Earth. Am Tag,da die Wahrheit offenbar wird, ist es zur Umkehr zu spät. On the daywhen the Truth will become manifest, it will be too late for penitence. In formal language,da is preferred overweil when it is in the first clause of the sentence. “da ” inDigitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache Friedrich Kluge (1883 ) “da ”, inJohn Francis Davis , transl.,Etymological Dictionary of the German Language , published1891 “da ” inDuden online “da ” inDuden online “da ” inDuden online da
I Terry Crowley, Claire Bowern,An Introduction to Historical Linguistics Guinea-Bissau Creole [ edit ] FromPortuguese dar . Cognate withKabuverdianu da .
togive FromProto-Gbe *ɖa , cognates includeFon ɖa ,Saxwe Gbe ɖà ,Adja ɖà ,Ewe ɖa
dà ( Nigeria )
tocook FromProto-Gbe *ɖa , cognates includeFon ɖà ,Saxwe Gbe oɖà ,Adja eɖa ,Ewe ɖa
dà (plural dà lẹ́ )( Nigeria )
hair Synonym: òdà FromEnglish the .
the Da odda day, I wen go his house.The other day, I went to his house.Borrowed fromItalian da .
by La genitori amesasda lia filii. The parents are lovedby their children. di ( “ of (indicates possession or association) ” ) de ( “ from, of (where an amount is indicated) ” ) Borrowed fromRussian да ( da ) .
and 1885 , “Sprachproben: Der goldene Vogel”, in Volmari Porkka, editor,Ueber den Ingrischen Dialekt mit Berücksichtigung der übrigen finnisch-ingermanländischen Dialekte :Mänida i heittiis makkaamaa, ja makkais taas hoomuksee nasse. He wentand threw himself to sleep, too, and he slept up till the morning again. (Note: The spelling has been normalised in accordance with the literary Ingrian language.) Ruben E. Nirvi (1971 )Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja , Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page565 Olga I. Konkova, Nikita A. Dyachkov (2014 )Inkeroin Keel: Пособие по Ижорскому Языку [5] ,→ISBN , page78 da
present ofdar imperative ofdar FromLatin dē ( “ from ” ) +ā/ab ( “ of, from ” ) . In the meaning of “at, near, by”,da probably comes from Latinunde +ad .[ 1]
from (all senses)Giacominoda Verona ―Giacominofrom Verona intervistedal libro ―interviewsfrom the book traduzionedall’ “Inferno” di Dante ―translationfrom Dante’s ‘Inferno’ dalla terra alla luna ―from the Earth to the moonUsed to indicate thehouse ,place , orestablishment of ;at /to +-'s da Giovanni ―at Giovanni’s (house)andaredal dottore ―to goto the doctor's since ; fromda quando? ―since when?to (implying necessity)non c'è (niente)da fare ―there's nothingto do un bel libroda leggere ―a nice bookto read like ,as fare una vitada cani ―to livelike a dog (literally, “to live like dogs ”)correreda matti ―to runlike crazy (literally, “to run like crazies ”)trattareda amico ―to treatas a friend by Used to indicate causation. saccheggiatodai ladri ―lootedby thieves Used to indicate themeans by which. era riconosciutodalla voce ―he was recognizedby his voice le giudicodalle azioni ―I judge themby their actions enough toc'è tanto rumoreda impazzire ―there'senough noiseto make me go crazy Used to express aquality orcharacteristic of. una ragazzadai capelli scuri ―a dark-haired girl (literally, “girlof dark hair ”)un edificiodalla facciata classica ―a building with a classical facade (literally, “of a classical facade ”)Used to indicate alimitation of. ciecoda un occhio ―blindin one eye zoppoda un piede ―lame on one footUsed to indicate aprice ,measure , orvalue of ;worth un martelloda pochi soldi ―a cheap hammer (literally, “a hammerworth little money ”)una lampadinada 60 watt ―a 60 watt lamp (literally, “lampof 60 watt ”)Used to indicate ascope ,purpose , orgoal of ;used to/for; in/with which totenutada poliziotto ―police gear (literally, “gearfor a policeman ”)copricapoda ciclista ―cyclist headgear (literally, “headgearfor (a) cyclist ”)una macchinada scrivere ―a machineused to writewith un cavalloda corsa ―a race horse (literally, “a horseused for racing ”)Used in someadverbial phrases . da per tutto/da ppertutto/da ogni parte ―everywhere da presso/da ppresso ―closely da lontano ―from a distance da solo ―by oneself When followed by the definite article,da produces the following combined forms: da
Misspelling ofdà . ^ Angelo Prati, "Vocabolario Etimologico Italiano", Torino, 1951 IPA (key ) : /da/
this here ;that there 2012 ,Di Jamiekan Nyuu Testiment , Edinburgh: DJB, published2012 ,→ISBN ,3 Jan 1:1 :Da letaya a kom fram mi, di elda — tu mi speshal fren, Gaiyos. Mi fren, mi riili riili lov yu.This letter comes from the elder to Gaius, my dear friend, whom I love in the truth.2012 ,Di Jamiekan Nyuu Testiment , Edinburgh: DJB, published2012 ,→ISBN ,Matyu 9:26:Anda nyuuzde pred aal uovada ieriyade . News of what happened spread throughoutthat region. (literally, “Andthat newsthere spread all overthat areathere . ”) Da is placed before the noun. The noun must then be followed byya (here) orde (there).
Thehiragana syllableだ ( da ) or thekatakana syllableダ ( da ) inHepburn romanization. FromProto-Tungusic [Term?] . Cognate withManchu ᡩᠠ ( da ) etc.
da (Jurchen script : , Image: )
head root FromPortuguese dar .
togive Regional variants ofda North Karelian (Viena ) ta South Karelian (Tver ) da
Borrowed fromRussian да ( da ) .
( South Karelian ) and da
( South Karelian ) yes A. V. Punzhina (1994 ) “da ”, inСловарь карельского языка (тверские говоры) [Dictionary of the Karelian language (Tver dialects) ],→ISBN Pertti Virtaranta, Raija Koponen (2009 ) “ta”, in Marja Torikka, editor,Karjalan kielen sanakirja [6] , Helsinki: Kotus,→ISSN da
water Bill Palmer,The Languages and Linguistics of the New Guinea Area (→ISBN , 2017), page 531, table 95,Comparative basic vocabulary in Lakes Plain Languages
I Terry Crowley, Claire Bowern,An Introduction to Historical Linguistics FromLatin dē ab .
from At thehouse of to (implying necessity)dā
second-person singular present active imperative ofdō "give !"da mihi osculum.Give me a kiss.FromProto-Sino-Tibetan *dan ~ daj ( “ single, one, whole, only ” ) . Cognate withBurmese တည်း ( tany: ,“ only, sole ” ) andBurmese တ ( ta. ,“ one ” ) .
one aunit . Dr. Ola Hanson,A Dictionary of the Kachin Language (1906). FromLatin dē ab .
from de ( “ of, from ” ,preposition ) +a ( “ the (fem. sing.) ” ,article )
da ( followed by a singular feminine noun )
of the from theFrom a merger of three interrelated adverbs: 1.)Middle High German dā ,dār ( “ there, at that place ” ) , fromOld High German thār ,dār , fromProto-Germanic *þar . 2.)Middle High German dar ,dare ( “ thither, to that place ” ) , fromOld High German thara ,dara , from an extended form of the former. 3.)Middle High German dō ,duo ( “ then, at that time ” ) , fromOld High German thō ,dō ,duo , fromProto-Germanic *þō .
( Eupen , local) there ,yonder ;here Synonym: do ( Eupen , temporal) then ;so ; at thatmoment Synonym: danne da
second / third-person singular preterite ofdaś da (da5 / da0 ,Zhuyin ˙ㄉㄚ )
Hanyu Pinyin reading of墰 Hanyu Pinyin reading of疶 Hanyu Pinyin reading of繨 / 𫄤 Hanyu Pinyin reading of跴 Hanyu Pinyin reading of蹽 Hanyu Pinyin reading of墶 / 垯 da
Nonstandard spelling ofdā .Nonstandard spelling ofdá .Nonstandard spelling ofdǎ .Nonstandard spelling ofdà .Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.FromOld Irish do .
to for da
third-person singular masculine ofda tohim /it FromProto-Micronesian *caa , fromProto-Oceanic *draʀaq , fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *daʀaq , fromProto-Austronesian *daʀaq .
blood da
I Terry Crowley, Claire Bowern,An Introduction to Historical Linguistics da
you Cognates includeMinica Huitoto da andNüpode Huitoto da .
one Katarzyna Izabela Wojtylak (2017 )A grammar of Murui (Bue): a Witotoan language of Northwest Amazonia. [7] , Townsville: James Cook University press (PhD thesis), page147 (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
( used withdoo ) not doo yáʼátʼééhda ―it isnot good da
including ,as well as ,and da
I ,first-person singular pronoun da
( Shetland ) Definite article,the da
( Mooring ) the ( plural, full form ) Coordinate term: ( reduced ) e The reduced neuter articleet may contract with most prepositions. Such contractions are spelt as single words, e.g.önjt ( “ in the ” ) .
so Em dixwinda em karibin bijîn. We eatso we may live. FromOld Norse þá andþó (adverb); andOld Norse þá er (when, conjunction), andGerman da (because, conjunction).
then da
when because “da” inThe Bokmål Dictionary .FromOld Norse þá andþó ( adverb ) ; andOld Norse þá er ( “ when ” ,conjunction ) , andGerman da ( “ because ” ,conjunction ) .
then da
when because “da” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary .CompareThai อย่า ( yàa ) ,Lao ຢ່າ ( yā ) .
do not ,shall not da
mouth da
please ,come on ( clarification marker ) danaa ! —damn it ! FromProto-West Germanic *daijā , fromProto-Germanic *dajjǭ .
dā f
doe , femalefallow deer Weak feminine (n-stem):
Alternative spelling ofdá Mutation ofda radical lenition nasalization da da pronounced with /ð(ʲ)-/ nda
Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in Old Irish. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
these ,those Pite Sami demonstrative pronouns singular plural proximal dát dá distal dat da remote dut du
Joshua Wilbur (2014 )A grammar of Pite Saami , Berlin: Language Science Press Rhymes:-a Syllabification:da Onomatopoeic .
( Lasovia ) used to expressjoy See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
third-person singular future indicative ofdać Oskar Kolberg (1865 ) “da ”, inLud. Jego zwyczaje, sposób życia, mowa, podania, przysłowia, obrzędy, gusła, zabawy, pieśni, muzyka i tańce. Serya II. Sandomierskie (in Polish), page261 FromOld Galician-Portuguese da , fromde ( “ of ” ) +a ( “ feminine definite article ” ) .
da f sg
Contraction ofde a ( “ of/from the( feminine singular ) ” ) :feminine singular ofdo For quotations using this term, seeCitations:do .
do ( masculine form ) das ( plural form ) dos ( masculine plural form ) da
Obsolete spelling ofdá .1614 ,Fernão Mendes Pinto ,Peregrinaçam :[...], com que cada día nosda noticia de outras tão nouas que parece que a excedem,[ …] [...], with which hegives us each day news of other [marvels] so new that they seem to exceed it, [ …] da
from by From aSlavic language (e.g. Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Russian; or rather a loan from a Common Slavic before the emergence of distinct modern languages), fromProto-Slavic *da .
Another less likely (and controversial) theory argues that it perhaps derived originally from the Latinita , one of several ways to say "thus", "so" or "yes"; it further may have been influenced by theda , also meaning "yes", in the surrounding Slavic languages before reaching its present state (seeSprachbund ).[ 1] See alsodacă , which according to this theory derives fromita quod . In some regions,ta is used repeatedly to indicate impatience with someone talking too much or aimlessly, although this is more likely onomatopoetic in origin. Nonetheless, Romanian etymological dictionaries deriveda from a Slavic language, which is almost certainly the primary source.[ 2]
yes FromLatin dare , ultimately fromProto-Italic *didō , fromProto-Indo-European *dédeh₃ti , from the root*deh₃- ( “ give ” ) . CompareAromanian dau, dari ,Italian dare ,Spanish dar .
a da (third-person singular present dă ,past participle dat ) 1st conjugation
togive tohit ( music , with placeholdero ) tojam 2019 , Paraziții, “Căpitane, raportez!”, inArma secretă [8] :O dau așa, ah!Ijam like this, ah! ( reflexive , with placeholdero , seeusage notes ) tohave sex , todo , totake In the sense of “have sex”, three constructions are possible:
i-o dă cuiva , with a simple dative indirect object and unmistakably active in meaning;și-o dă cu cineva , in a dative reflexive construction and a prepositional object of person;și-o dă , with a dative reflexive plural pronoun reciprocal in sense.FromLatin dē .
of ,from about da
Shetland form ofthe da
Alternative form ofdha FromProto-Slavic *da , probably old imperative of the worddȁti , itself fromProto-Indo-European *deh₃- ( “ to give ” ) .
da (Cyrillic spelling да )
that Rekao jeda će doći. ―He said that he would come. Rekao sam tida nemam pojma o čemu pričaš! ―I told you that I have no idea what you are talking about! to ,so ,so that ,in order to Došao jeda mi sve ispriča. ―He came to tell me everything. Došao je ovdjeda nađe posao. ―He came here to find work. Da bi se i mi mogli natjecati, moramo vježbati. ―To be able to compete, we have to practice. to (when the subjects of both clauses are not the same)On hoćeda mu pokažete put do stanice. He wants you to show him the way to the station. ( subjunctive only, often followed byi ) if ,even if (=kad )Da sam na vašem m(j)estu, ne bih se puno zamarao takvim detaljima. ―If I were you, I wouldn't bother too much with such details. Da si više radio, zaradio bi više novca. ―Had you worked harder, you would have made more money. Da i znam ne bih ti rekao! ―Even if I knew I wouldn't tell you! ( usually preceded bykȁo ) as if ,as though ,like S(j)ećam se,kao da je bilo juče(r). ―I remember, as if it were yesterday. Kao da ne znaš o čemu pričam! ―As if you don't know what I'm talking about! ( usually preceded bya ) without (after negative verbs)Odlazi,a da nije rekao ni zbogom. ―He's leaving without even saying goodbye. ( archaic , literary , religious) lest Onaj koji se bori protiv zla treba pazitida time i sam ne postane zao. ―He who fights evil need care lest he thereby become evil himself. As a conjunction with the sense of "if",da , just like synonymouskad , is only used insubjunctive mood , to express what one wishes were the case or hypothetical situations contrary to reality in general. For all other uses,ako is used instead.
da (Cyrillic spelling да )
yes Je li tako?Da ! ―Is that so? Yes! ( Serbia ) Question-forming interrogative particle. ( Serbia ) A particle used for marking the following verb with matching subject ;to Da li ste žedni? ―Are you thirsty? Reci mida li je to istina? ―Tell me if that is true? Used in various phrases, expressing wishes, commands etc. Da se nisi usudio! ―Don't you dare! Da Bog dao! ―God willing! (literally, “If God gives (it). ”)Da počnemo! ―Let's begin! ( when starting a question ) : je li ( Croatian, Serbian ) da (Cyrillic spelling да )
inflection ofdati : third-person singular present second / third-person singular aorist past Presumably loaned from Russian (compare withRussian да ( da ) ) or fromProto-Slavic *da .
and Koponen, Eino, Ruppel, Klaas, Aapala, Kirsti, editors (2002–2008 ),Álgu database: Etymological database of the Saami languages [9] , Helsinki: Research Institute for the Languages of Finland FromProto-Slavic *da .
yes Synonym: ( informal ) jā Antonym: nȅ “da ”, inSlovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU (in Slovene),2014–2025 IPA (key ) : /ˈda/ [ˈd̪a] Rhymes:-a Syllabification:da da
inflection ofdar : third-person singular present indicative second-person singular imperative second-person singular voseoimperative da
Romanization of𒁕 da c
Nonstandard spelling ofdag .da (notcomparable )
Eye dialect spelling ofdå .Men kom igenda ...! But come onthen ...! Influenced by Baybayin characterᜇ ( da ) .
da (Baybayin spelling ᜇ )
the name of theLatin-script letterD /d , in theAbakada alphabet Synonyms: ( in the Filipino alphabet ) di ,( in the Abecedario ) de “da ”, inPambansang Diksiyonaryo | Diksiyonaryo.ph , Manila,2018 Cognate withPersian ده ( dah ) .
ten da
go Borrowed fromRussian да ( da ) .
and Koponen, Eino, Ruppel, Klaas, Aapala, Kirsti, editors (2002–2008 ),Álgu database: Etymological database of the Saami languages [10] , Helsinki: Research Institute for the Languages of Finland dat ( when not preceding a verb ) da
First-person inclusive plural pronoun : you (many) and I, you (many) and me1) The plural pronouns lose the final -t when preceding a verb.
FromOttoman Turkish ده ( da, de ,“ conj. also, and, moreover, again” ) ,[ 1] fromProto-Turkic *tākı ( “ conj. and” ) ,[ 2] [ 3] whencedaha anddahi . Cognate withAzerbaijani da ( “ also, as well, too ” ) ,Kazakh andKyrgyz да ( da ,“ also, as well, too ” ) ,
as well ,too ,also Oda sorunun yanıtını biliyor. ―Healso knows the answer to the question. Oğuzhanda bizimle geliyor. ―Oğuzhan is coming with usas well . Yağızda dondurma yemeyi sever. ―Yağız likes eating ice cream,too . Generally forms one speech unit with the preceding word. Accordingly it complies withvowel harmony ; taking the formda after back vowelsa, ı, o, u , andde after front vowelse, i, ö, ü. In writing it should not be joined to the preceding word. Such use is occasionally seen, but is considered incorrect by theTurkish Language Association . The disjoined spelling rules out confusion with the locative suffix-da . ^ Redhouse, James W. (1890 ) “ده ”, inA Turkish and English Lexicon [1] , Constantinople: A. H. Boyajian,page929 ^ Starostin, Sergei ,Dybo, Anna ,Mudrak, Oleg (2003 ) “*d(i)akɨ ”, inEtymological dictionary of the Altaic languages (Handbuch der Orientalistik; VIII.8), Leiden, New York, Köln: E.J. Brill ^ Nişanyan, Sevan (2002– ) “de ”, inNişanyan Sözlük da
locative case marker, used to show the time or the place of an action; equivalent to Englishin orat Samarqandda yashayman. I livein Samarqand. Soat uchda boraman. I go at 3 o'clock. When used after interrogative pronounsda can take on different meanings. Pronouns such askim ( “ who ” ) ,nima ( “ what ” ) ,qayer ( “ where ” ) ,necha ( “ how many, how much ” ) becomekimda ( “ to whom ” ) ,nimada ( “ with what, by using what ” ) ,qayerda ( “ from where ” ) ,nechada ( “ what time ” ) . da
pig Dialogue on Dialect Standardization , edited by Carrie Dyck, Tania Granadillo, Keren RiceBorrowed fromRussian да ( da ) .
and Zajceva, N. G., Mullonen, M. I. (2007 ) “да ,и ”, inUz’ venä-vepsläine vajehnik / Novyj russko-vepsskij slovarʹ [New Russian–Veps Dictionary ][11] , Petrozavodsk: Periodika FromProto-Vietic *-taː . Cognate withMuong Bita .
( North Central Vietnam ) đa (classifier làn ) da • (䏧 ,𤿦 ,𪤻 )
( anatomy ) skin ( outer covering of the body ) da đầu ―scalp hide ;material made of animal skin, such asleather Seeđa . This form has been completely displaced by the mainstreamđa originated from Central Vietnam.
(classifier cây ) da
( originally Northern Vietnam and Southern Vietnam ) Obsolete form ofđa ( “ banyan ” ) .da
through throughout Borrowed fromRussian да ( da ) .
and but Hallap, V., Adler, E., Grünberg, S., Leppik, M. (2012 ) “da ”, inVadja keele sõnaraamat [A dictionary of the Votic language ], 2nd edition, Tallinn FromMiddle Welsh da , fromProto-Brythonic *daɣ , fromProto-Celtic *dagos ( “ good ” ) (compareIrish dea- ).[ 1]
da (feminine singular da ,plural da ,equative cystal ,comparative gwell ,superlative gorau )
good ,well da m (plural daoedd )
goodness ( collective , uncountable ) goods ,cattle R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “da ”, inGeiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
first-person singular future colloquial ofdod Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
^ Matasović, Ranko (2009 )Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 9), Leiden:Brill ,→ISBN da
stick FromThai ดำ ( dam ) ("todive ") orLao ດຳ ( dam ) ("todive "), fromProto-Tai *ɗamᴬ ( “ todive ” ) .
tosubmerge todive intowater tobathe Cognate withIgala dà
topour (down or into) ( intransitive , nanutical) tooverturn , tocapsize ọkọ̀ ojú-omidà ―The boatcapsized todraw out somequantity of something allround or to putround anentity Synonym: bùyípo da before a direct objectdà
( intransitive ) tovomit , tothrow up Synonyms: bì ,pọ̀ tosecrete ; toemit da before a direct objectdà
tothrow down anobject as in aritual todivine withsomething da before a direct objectdà
( transitive ) todirect ,guide , orlead aflock Fúlànída mààlúù ―The Fulanidirected a flock of cows da before a direct objectdà
( transitive ) todigest ( intransitive ) to bedigested oúnjẹ tidà nínú mi ―The food hasdigested in my stomach da before a direct objectdà
( intransitive ) to beacceptable (especially pertaining to a religious sacrifice), to beacceptable to theorisha Synonym: yàn ẹbọdà ―The sacrifice isacceptable to the orisha da before a direct objectCognate withIgala dà
tochange andbecome something else , toturn into bí oore bá pọ̀ lápọ̀jù, ibi níídà ―If too much kindness is shown, it canturn into evil Moda ọmọ ọdún mẹ́tàlélógún níjẹta ―Iturned 23 two days ago da before a direct objectdà
where is Synonyms: ( Oǹdó ) kẹ̀ ,( Ìkálẹ̀ ) han Ayọ̀dà ? ―Where is Ayo?Also regarded as an interrogative verb not permitting the high tone after its definite subject. dà
( transitive ) tobetray Synonym: dalẹ̀ Má bá wọn ṣọ̀rẹ́ o, wọ́ndà mí ―Don't befriend them, they betrayed me Collocates withilẹ̀ da before a direct objectdá
toplace orgo across collocates withẹ̀bú as an object dá
( transitive ) tocreate , tomake , toinitiate , toestablish ọmọdé gbọ́n, àgbà gbọ́n, l'a fidá Ilé-Ifẹ̀ ―The child is wise, the elder is wise, is the idea that was the basis for theestablishing of Ile-Ife Èmi ni modá ọ̀rọ̀ yìísílẹ̀ ―I was the one whoinitiated this conversation toexercise power orauthority dá
( intransitive ) tocease , tostop Òjò ò tíìdá síbẹ̀ ―The rain hasn'tstopped yet dá
( intransitive , withara ) tobecome healthy , to bedevoid ofillness (in reference to the body)Ara midá ṣáṣá ―I'm healthy (literally, “My bodyis healthy ”)dá
tomake acontribution to ( withsí ) tointervine ; tocontribute (to a conversation)Tí àwọn ọmọdé bá ṣerépá, ìyá wọn á máadá sí i ―If the kids start engaging in horseplay, their mum willintervene Wọn ò tiẹ̀ fẹ́dá sí mi ―They don't even want totalk to me Ẹ máadá ọgbọ́n yínsí i ―Docontribute with your wisdom toadd to togive Wọ́ndá milọ́lá gidi gan-an ―They reallyhonoured me dá
( transitive ) toengage indivination , todivine wọ́ndá Ifá ―Theyperformed Ifa divination dá
toact alone o ti tódá ṣiṣẹ́ ―You are old enough toact alone Must be used with a full verb dá
( transitive ) toovercome , tooverpower , tothrow down ( idiomatic ) tofall down Synonym: ṣubú igidá ―The treefell dá
( transitive ) tohit Synonym: gbá ( idiomatic ) tocontract anillness , to beinfected with adisease (literally, to be "hit" with a disease)Synonym: kóràn sòbìàdá mi ―I havecontracted guinea worm disease toinflict something onsomeone First definition is usually used withní igi ("with a stick") dá
( intransitive ) to becomesharp ,vocal , orfully awake ẹnu rẹ̀dá ―He has asharp tongue ( withojú ) to besure ; to becertain Synonym: dájú Ódá mi lójú ―Iam certain Used usually withẹnu ( “ mouth ” ) orojú ( “ eyes ” ) dá
( transitive , intransitive ) tosnap , tobreak , tocut (into two)Synonyms: já ,ṣẹ́ ,fọ́ modá igi ―Icut the wood into two toscoop out da
and (after words ending in a consonant)Sabitda Arbaha ra - Saturday and WednesdayZaghawa conjunctions come after all words they group. Thus,Adam and Eve is 'adoum ra hawa ra', not *adoum ra hawa , as the literal English translation would be.
FromProto-Tai *p.taːᴬ ( “ eye ” ) .[ 1]
In Northern Tai, cognate withBouyei dal .
In Zuojiang Zhuang, cognate withha (Longzhou and Daxin dialects)[ 2] orta as inmakta etc. (Ningming and Chongzuo dialects).[ 2]
In Central Tai, cognate withNong Zhuang ta .[ 2]
In Southwesten Tai, cognate withThai ตา ( dtaa ) ,Northern Thai ᨲᩣ ,Lao ຕາ ( tā ) ,Lü ᦎᦱ ( ṫaa ) ,Tai Dam ꪔꪱ ,Shan တႃ ( tǎa ) ,Aiton တႃ ( tā ) ,Ahom 𑜄𑜠 ( ta ) or𑜄𑜡 ( tā ) .
Possibly cognate withProto-Austronesian *maCa ( “ eye ” ) .[ 3]
Within Kra-Dai, compareSui ndal ,Southern Kam dal ,Hlai [ʈʂʰaː¹] andLingao [ɗa¹].
CompareOld Chinese 睹 (OC *taːʔ , “tosee ”).
da (Sawndip forms 𥅂 [ 4] or 𭾚 [ 4] or 𰥗 [ 4] or 𰥎 [ 4] or 𠯈 [ 4] or 他 [ 4] or 哆 [ 4] or 打 [ 4] ,1957–1982 spelling da )
eye judgment ;eye joint ;knot ;node ( in astem orbranch of aplant ) da (1957–1982 spelling da )
section of( a stem, demarcated by nodes in the stem ) FromProto-Tai *taːᴬ ( “ maternal grandfather ” ) .[ 5]
In Northern Tai, cognate withBouyei dal .
In Zuojiang Zhuang, cognate withZuojiang Zhuang da as ingungqda (Longzhou, Ningming and Chongzuo dialects)[ 6] ordah as ingungzdah (Daxin dialect).[ 6]
In Central Tai, cognate withNong Zhuang daq (Guangnan dialect).[ 6]
In Southwestern Tai, cognate withThai ตา ( dtaa ) ,Lao ຕາ ( tā ) ,Lü ᦎᦱ ( ṫaa ) ,Shan တႃ ( tǎa ) .
CompareProto-Mon-Khmer *ʔt₁aʔ ( “ male elder ” ) [ 7] (Old Khmer អ្តា ,Khmer តា ( taa ) ).
da (Sawndip forms 𭖯 [ 4] or 㐲 [ 4] or 𰁫 [ 4] or ⿰老他 [ 4] or ⿰口夛 [ 4] or 他 [ 4] or 她 [ 4] or 大 [ 4] ,1957–1982 spelling da )
maternal grandfather Synonym: goengda father-in-law ^ Pittayaporn, Pittayawat (2009) The Phonology of Proto-Tai (Doctoral dissertation)[2] , Department of Linguistics, Cornell University, page 323 ↑2.0 2.1 2.2 Zhang, Junru (张 均如); et al. (1999)壮语方言研究 [A Study of Zhuang Dialects] (in Chinese), Chengdu: Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House (四川民族出版社), page 640 ^ Ostapirat, Weera (2005) "Kra-dai and Austronesian: notes on phonological correspondences and vocabulary distribution" In Sagart, Laurent; et al. (eds.)The Peopling of East Asia , London; New York: RoutledgeCurzon, pages 111 ↑4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 古壮字字典 [Dictionary of Old Zhuang Characters ] (in Chinese), Guangxi: Ethnic Publishing House (广西民族出版社 ),2012 ,→ISBN ^ Pittayaporn, Pittayawat (2009) The Phonology of Proto-Tai (Doctoral dissertation)[3] , Department of Linguistics, Cornell University, page 336 ↑6.0 6.1 6.2 Zhang, Junru (张 均如); et al. (1999)壮语方言研究 [A Study of Zhuang Dialects] (in Chinese), Chengdu: Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House (四川民族出版社), page 655 ^ This form was reconstructed by Shorto, Harry L.; (ed.) Sidwell, Paul et al. (2006)A Mon–Khmer Comparative Dictionary . Canberra:Australian National University, Pacific Linguistics, page 85