döner (pluraldöners)
- Alternative form ofdoner(“doner kebab”).
2014,Linda Rottenberg, “A Circle of Mentors”, inCrazy Is a Compliment: The Power of Zigging When Everyone Else Zags, New York, N.Y.:Portfolio / Penguin,→ISBN, part II (Go Big),pages160–161:They would create a casual restaurant chain specializing in Iskenderdöners, those drenched in tomato sauce and yogurt but served in a clean, sit-down environment.
2021,Saša Stanišić, translated byDamion Searls, “Schwarzheide, 1993”, inWhere You Come From, London:Vintage,→ISBN:There’s a bar here, adöner shop, and a supermarket, so that’s what we do in our spare time, Father wrote. Also that thedöners of Schwarzheide were the bestdöners he’s ever eaten.
2023, Karosh Taha, translated by Grashina Gabelmann,In the Belly of the Queen[1], Berlin: V&Q Books,→ISBN:‘[…] He has adöner place in Frankfurt as well. Or maybe a restaurant.’ / Thedöner guy laughs. ‘You think everyone who sells kebabs knows each other?’ / ‘No, I know there’s nodöner network, I just thought maybe you know your competition.’ / ‘Ourdöner’s the best.’
FromOttoman Turkishدونر(döner,“to turn round”),[1] fromdönmek(“to turn”).
- third-personsingularindicativeaorist ofdönmek
- spinning,turning
döner (definite accusativedöneri,pluraldönerler)
- Ellipsis ofdöner kebap.