Contraction of the articleda ("the").
Pronunciation spelling ofthe , representingdialectal English .Synonym: da Reduction.
Contraction ofdo .( only before "you" or "ye" ) D' you wanna go?
Contraction ofdid .( only before "you" or "ye" ) D' you eat yet?
Contraction of the prepositionde ( “ of, from ” ) .
( before a vowel or ah ) Apocopic form ofde :of ,from d’ Asturiesof Asturias d’ hermanuof a brother Unstressed form ofde .
d' f or pl
the Bavarian articles singular plural masculine neuter feminine stressed unstressed stressed unstressed stressed unstressed stressed unstressed definite nominative der ,da — das ,es ,des 's de d' de d' accusative en ,den 'n dative em ,dem 'm em ,dem 'm der ,da — genitive1 des des der ,da der ,da indefinite nominative a — a — a — — accusative an 'n dative am 'm am 'm a ,ana 'na
1 higher, formal register
Contraction of the prepositionde ( “ of, from ” ) .
( before a vowel or anh ) Apocopic form ofde :of escolad' idiomes ―language school Contraction of the articlede ( “ the ” ) .
( archaic , poetic , colloquial ) Apocopic form ofde :the Contraction of the prepositionde ( “ of, from ” ) .
( before a vowel or amute h ) Apocopic form ofde :of un verred ’eau a glassof water ( informal , after a vowel sound) Apocopic form ofde :of 2002 , Jean-François Pauzé, “Mon chum Rémi”, inBreak Syndical , thes inpas is silent:Hé Rémi / fais pasd ’conneries / J’t’aime ben la face / pis tu m’dois encore cinquante piasses Hey Rémi / stop with the nonsense / I really like your face / and you still owe me fifty dollars IPA (key ) : [d̪ˠ] ( before a word starting witha ,o ,u ,fha ,fho , orfhu ) IPA (key ) : [dʲ] ( before a word starting withe ,i ,fhe , orfhi ) ( Ulster , colloquial ) IPA (key ) : /ə/ ,( before ⟨a/á, o/ó, u/ú⟩ ) /ə.ɣ-/ ,( before ⟨e/é, i/í⟩ ) /ə.j-/ [ 1] Prevocalic apocope ofdo (all senses).
( before vowel sounds andfhr- ) Apocopic form ofdo :Marker of the past tense. d’ ól sé ―he drank d’ fhág sé ―he waited d’ fhreagair sé ―he answered Used before vowel sounds (including whenf has been lenited tofh before a vowel) and also beforefr- lenited tofhr- . The variant form used before consonants,do , is generally omitted but may be encountered in Munster Irish and in literary language. d’ (plus dative ,triggerslenition )
( before vowel sounds ) Apocopic form ofdo :to ,for d’ athair Sheáinto Seán’s father, for Seán’s father d’
( before vowel sounds ) Apocopic form ofdo :your ( singular ) Prevocalic apocopic form ofde .
d’ (plus dative ,triggerslenition )
( before vowel sounds ) Apocopic form ofde :from ,of d’ athair Sheáinfrom Seán’s father, of Seán’s father Contraction of the prepositiondi ( “ of, from ” ) .
d' (apocopated )
( sometimes before a vowel or anh ) Apocopic form ofdi :of Folliad' amore ―Madnessof love. Un bicchiered' acqua. ―A glassof water. In some rare casesd' represents the prepositionda :
d'ora in poi ( “ from now on ” ) =da ora in poi d'ora in avanti ( “ from now on ” ) =da ora in avanti IPA (key ) : /d/ ( before vowels and voiced consonants ) IPA (key ) : /t/ ( before voiceless consonants ) IPA (key ) : /-/ ( sometimes; see usage notes below ) d' f or n
Reduced form of déi Reduced form ofdat This article form is commonly not pronounced between/t/ and another consonant, and occasionally otherwise when the combination of preceding and following consonants creates an impossible cluster. Only rarely is this muteness avoided by using the full form of the article. Rather, the lack of anin definite article becomes a definite article by default. Occasional ambiguities, particularly in the plural, are tolerated. d'
elided form ofde Earlier manuscripts omit theapostrophe d espaigne ―of Spain FromOld French de , fromLatin dē .
of from d'
Alternative form ofde ( before a vowel ) d'
elided form ofde Unlike in modern French,de is not always elided tod' before a vowel or a mute h. It is optional. The apostrophe is not used in the original manuscripts, but is added by scholars for clarity.d espaigne ―of Spain d'
elided form ofde d'
Apocopic form ofde ( used before words beginning in a vowel, archaic except in fixed expressions or before a facultative contraction containing part of a proper name ) Aceitaria um copod' água? ―Would you like a glassof water? Camões é o autord' Os Lusíadas . ―Camões is the authorof Os Lusíadas . d'
Apocopic form ofad ( “ of ” ) Apocopic form ofde .
IPA (key ) : /d‿/
d' (apocopate )
Apocopic form ofde used before a vowel From the development of anepenthetic [d] in pronunciation between the prepositionscun /chin /in and the indefinite articlesunu ,una .
IPA (key ) : [d‿]
ortographic realization of a[d] sound in certain environments Contraction of the prepositiondi ( “ of, from ” ) .
IPA (key ) : /d‿/
d' (apocopate )
( before a vowel or anh ) Apocopic form ofdi d’
Apocopic form ofdo ( “ your ” ) ( second-person singular possessive pronoun ) A bheil fios aigd’ athair? ―Doesyour father know? Seod’ fhaclair. ―Here’syour dictionary. Scottish Gaelic possessive determiners singular plural +C +V +C +V first person mo L m' ar ar N second person do L d' ur ur N third person m a L — an ,am 1 an f a a H
L Triggers lenition;H Triggers H-prothesis;N Triggers eclipsis1 Used beforeb- ,f- ,m- orp-