1409, J. L. Pensado Tomé, editor,Tratado de Albeitaria, Santiago de Compostela: Centro Ramón Piñeiro, page67:
se vsaren cauallgar en el por toios ou por llugares asperos a esto semellauijs, ven o Cauallo vsado a saltar et andar porllos llugares sobreditos, alçara ascoixas et os pees mais apostamente pollos outros llugares
if they happen to ride in [the horse] through gorses or through rough places similar to that, and the horse is used to jump and walk by the aforementioned places, then he will raise thethighs and the feet more handsomely when in other places
Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (2006–2018) “coyxa”, inCorpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega
^De Vaan, Michiel (2008)Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), Leiden, Boston: Brill,→ISBN,page140