FromMiddle Englishcovenaunt, borrowed fromOld Frenchcovenant(“agreement”), fromLatinconveniēns, convenientem(“agreeing,agreeable, suitable, convenient”), present participle ofconveniō(“to agree”). Cognate withconvenient andconvene.
covenant (pluralcovenants)
- (law) Anagreement to do or not do aparticular thing.
- (law) Apromise,incidental to adeed orcontract, eitherexpress orimplied.
- Apact orbindingagreement between two or more parties.
- Anincidental clause in an agreement.
agreement to do or not to do
promise incidental to a deed or contract
binding agreement
- Arabic:مِيثَاق m(mīṯāq),عَهْد m(ʕahd)
- Armenian:ուխտ (hy)(uxt)
- Bulgarian:договор (bg) m(dogovor)
- Czech:dohoda (cs) f,pakt (cs) m
- Danish:pagt
- Dutch:verbond (nl) n
- Finnish:sitoumus (fi)
- French:pacte (fr) m,convention (fr) f,alliance (fr) f
- Galician:avinza (gl) f,convenio (gl) m,pacto (gl) m
- German:Bund (de) m
- Greek:συμφωνία (el) f(symfonía),σύμφωνο (el) n(sýmfono),συνθήκη (el) f(synthíki),σύμβαση (el) f(sýmvasi)
- Ancient:διαθήκη(diathḗkē)
- Hebrew:ברית (he) f(brit)
- Indonesian:perjanjian (id)
- Italian:patto (it) m,accordo (it),contratto (it) m,convenzione (it) f,alleanza (it) f
- Japanese:誓約 (ja)(seiyaku)
- Latin:pactiō f
- Maori:kawenata
- Plautdietsch:Bunt n
- Polish:ugoda (pl) f,umowa (pl) f
- Portuguese:pacto (pt) m,contrato (pt) m,promessa (pt) f
- Romanian:legământ (ro)
- Russian:догово́р (ru) m(dogovór)
- Scottish Gaelic:cùmhnant m
- Slovak:pakt m,zmluva f,dohoda (sk) f
- Spanish:convenio (es) m,contrato (es) m,alianza (es) f,pacto (es) m
- Swedish:pakt (sv) c,överenskommelse (sv) c,förbund (sv) n,avtal (sv) n
- Welsh:cyfamod m
covenant (third-person singular simple presentcovenants,present participlecovenanting,simple past and past participlecovenanted)
- To enter into, or promise something by, a covenant.
1692,Roger L’Estrange, “ (please specify the fable number.) (please specify the name of the fable.)”, inFables, of Æsop and Other Eminent Mythologists: […], London: […] R[ichard] Sare, […],→OCLC:JupiterCovenanted with him, that it should be Hot or Cold, Wet or Dry,[…] as the Tenant should Direct.
- (law) To enter aformalagreement.
- (law) Tobind oneself incontract.
- (law) To make astipulation.
to enter a formal agreement
- “covenant”, inWebster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, Springfield, Mass.:G. & C. Merriam,1913,→OCLC.
- William Dwight Whitney,Benjamin E[li] Smith, editors (1911), “covenant”, inThe Century Dictionary […], New York, N.Y.:The Century Co.,→OCLC.
- “covenant”, inOneLook Dictionary Search.
- Douglas Harper (2001–2025) “covenant”, inOnline Etymology Dictionary.
FromLatinconveniēns, conveniēntem(“agreeing,agreeable, suitable, convenient”), present participle ofconveniō(“to agree”).
- presentparticiple ofcovenir
covenantoblique singular, m (oblique pluralcovenanzorcovenantz,nominative singularcovenanzorcovenantz,nominative pluralcovenant)
- covenant
c.1150, Thomas d'Angleterre,Le Roman de Tristan, Champion Classiques edition,→ISBN, page220, line2895:Delconvenant vus deit membrer- You must remember the convenant