1566,Thomas Harman,A Caveat or Warning for Common Cursitors[1], T. Bensley, published1814, page66:
Icouched a hogshead in a Skypper this darkemans.
1611,Thomas Middleton, “The Roaring Girl”, in Arthur Henry Bullen, editor,The Works of Thomas Middleton[2], volume 4, published1885, act 5, scene 1, pages128–129:
Ben mort, shall you and I heave a bough, mill a ken, or nip a bung, and then we'llcouch a hogshead under the ruffmans, and there you shall wap with me, and I'll niggle with you.
1992, Cynthia Morgan,Court of Shadows:
Mayhap we have been in the same bousing ken or stalling ken at some time. Mayhap we havecouched a hogshead at the same house in Southwark.