[B]y the means of theſehooks, and Spikes it [atapeworm in the intestines] might faſten it ſelf, and ſo prevent it's too eaſyejection out of the body. For it being ſo verylong, and large too, and it's body in many places winding, andconvoluted, the deſcent of thefæces upon all occaſions would be apt to carry it out with them; had it not this hold, [...]
1754,John Hill, “ANGUILLA, the Eel”, inUrania: Or, A Compleat View of the Heavens; Containing the Antient and Modern Astronomy, in the Form of a Dictionary:[…], London: Printed for T. Gardner,[…],→OCLC:
The figure [of the constellation Anguilla] is that of the common eel in thatconvoluted ſtate in which it is uſually ſeen when in motion.
Petals five, generally reflected, the three exterior ovate, hollowed; the two interior longer andconvoluted.
1831 March 31,George Brettingham Sowerby, “Ammonites”, inNumber XXXIV.[...] of the Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells, for the Use of Students in Conchology and Geology, London: G. B. Sowerby,[…],→OCLC:
Among the various fossil shells which abound in the secondary beds, and which are not known in a recent state, one of the most remarkable and numerous is the GenusAmmonites, commonly calledCornu Ammonis from its resemblance to theconvoluted horn generally represented on the head of Jupiter Ammon in mythological history. [...] This Genus, which consists of discoid,convoluted, chambered shells with contiguous volutions, the margins of whose septa are lobated and sinuous, and whose siphunculus is dorsal, is very nearly related to Nautilus, [...]
The great mass of cloud filling the head of the gulf had long red smears amongst itsconvoluted folds of grey and black, as of a floating mantle stained with blood.
Closer examination, however, begins to reveal the brain as having a much more intricate structure and sophisticated organization [...]. The largeconvoluted (and most porridge-like) portion on top is referred to as thecerebrum.
He gave aconvoluted explanation that amounted to little more than a weak excuse for his absence.
1836,R[obert] Walsh, chapter IV, inA Residence at Constantinople, during a Period Including the Commencement, Progress, and Termination of the Greek and Turkish Revolutions:[...] Two Volumes, volume II, London: Frederick Westley and A. H. Davis,[…],→OCLC,pages90–91:
There is aconvoluted cypher which designates the name and titles of the Sultan, contained in a single complicated figure, which is seen on the coins of the empire, and on all public edifices.
[1839?],Robert Walsh, “Guzel-Hissar, and the Plain of the Meander. Asia Minor.”, inConstantinople and the Scenery of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor Illustrated.[…], volume II, London, Liverpool: Peter Jackson, late Fisher, Son, & Co.[…],→OCLC,pages26–27:
The river Meander [now theBüyük Menderes River] is perhaps the most celebrated of all antiquity, and has been made a generic term, in most languages, to designate a winding stream; [...] It affordedDædalus the model for his labyrinth, and travellers have discovered in many parts the various accurate outlines of some of the mostconvoluted letters of the Greek alphabet.
1999,Keith Soothill, “Foreword”, in Herschel Prins,Will They Do it Again?: Risk Assessment and Management in Criminal Justice and Psychiatry, London, New York, N.Y.:Routledge,→ISBN,page xi:
[H]e [Herschel Prins] has a very special talent for makingconvoluted and tortured topics clear. Clarity rarely enhances one's academic reputation, for there is little left to argue about. Clarity, however, appeals to readers, for they can begin to understand a subject which the experts have begun to claim.
2018 July 25, A. A. Dowd, “Fallout may be the Most Breathlessly IntenseMission: Impossible Adventure Yet”, inThe A.V. Club[1], archived fromthe original on31 July 2018:
The plots ofMission: Impossible movies tend to beconvoluted but negligible, really only there to provide connective tissue between jaw-dropping set pieces.