Top: a spoon with itsconvex side up. Bottom: a spoon with itsconcave side up.Aconvex set. For any pointsx andy within the set, the connecting line lies within the set.A convex polygon.
1837,William Whewell, “Earliest Stages of Astronomy”, inHistory of the Inductive Sciences, from the Earliest to the Present Times.[…], volume I, London:John W[illiam] Parker,[…]; Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: J. and J. J. Deighton,→OCLC, book III (History of Greek Astronomy), section 9 (The Globular Form of the Earth),page150:
[D]rops of water naturally form themselves into figures with aconvex surface;[…]
(mathematics,not comparable, of aset in Euclidean space) arranged such that for any two points in the set, a straight line between the two points is contained within the set.
1859 November, “Harbours of Refuge”, inThe United Service Magazine, page347:
In like manner the north pier willconvex seaward, extending across the bay to the extent of 1000 feet from low water, terminating in about eight fathoms, leaving a clear entrance of 500 feet between the pier heads, the depth of the entrance being from seven to eight fathoms.
1926, David Louis Jones,Diesel Engines, Marine--locomotive--stationary, page502:
If the valve is ground excessively, the surfaces of the valve and cage willconvex so that the sealing contact is poor.
1998, James Stephen Hardy, Stephen T. Hardy,Time-saver Details for Roof Design, page247:
With thin metal flashing, as it expands, the metal between the fasteners willconvex.
(transitive) To cause to form a convex curve or surface; to make convex.
1898 March, Junius, “Tension in Saws”, inThe Wood-worker, volume17, number 1, page24:
The back edge of the saw being under the lip of the cleat, use the anvil for a fulcrum and press down on the edge of the saw opposite, which willconvex the plate, as the springing up concaved it, and the action of the fast and loose will be the reverse; that is, the fast will go down and the loose come up.
1945, John Northern Hilliard,Card Magic: A Practical Treatise on Modern Card Conjuring, page19:
This willconvex the fan and hold the cards more rigidly in place.
2012, Tamir Greenberg, “Elegy”, inPoets on the Edge: An Anthology of Contemporary Hebrew Poetry, page295:
In one moment the body willconvex the checkered blanket, and later—the featureless absence;
2011,Comprehensive Semiconductor Science and Technology, page156:
The crystal/melt interface thusconvexes into the melt; however, the convexity of the interface ( Figure 53 ) is not as strong as it is when the crucible does not rotate (Figure 52).
2014, Amy-Elyse Neer,The Seven Things Cookbook, page96:
The lid on willconvex the heat and you'll need that after it's been chilled.