Borrowed fromPortugueseconto.Doublet ofcomputus.
conto (pluralcontos)
- (now historical) InPortugal andBrazil, a millionreis.
1984, Mario Vargas Llosa, translated byHelen R. Lane,The War of the End of the World, Folio Society, published2012, page506:‘I have a friend[…] who has filed suit against the state for the cows and sheep that the army troops ate. He's asking for seventycontos in compensation, no less.’
- first-personsingularpresentindicative ofcontar
Inherited fromOld Galician-Portugueseconto, fromVulgar Latin, fromLatincomputus(“calculation”).Doublet ofcómputo.
- IPA(key): /ˈkonto/[ˈkon̪.t̪ʊ]
- Rhymes:-onto
- Hyphenation:con‧to
conto m (pluralcontos)
- tale,story
1370, R. Lorenzo, editor,Crónica troiana, A Coruña: Fundación Barrié, page744:Et diz oconto que Telémacus fuy moy bõo caualeyro a marauilla et sesudo et dereyteyro.- An thestory says that Telemachus was a wondrous knight and intelligent and righteous
- gossip,hearsay
- matter,issue
1775, María Francisca Isla y Losada,Romance:Anque à prea non hègrande
si ca si, ò sacristan
disque à pestàna do figado
se lle hiba alegrando já.
Ôcont'hè, si enturra n'eso
Deus me libre das suas más,
que'anque eu non queira, na Coba
de chantarme heche capàz.- Although the booty is not large,
yes and yes, the sacristan
they say that his liver's eyes
were brightening already.
Theissue is, if he persists,
God save me from his hands,
that even if I don't want, in the grave
me he is capable of thusting me
- (archaic)account,registry
- 1280, M. Romaní Martinez (ed.),La colección diplomática de Santa María de Oseira (1025-1310). Santiago: Tórculo Edicións, page 1089:
- Aras Perez de Parrega que lles thomara seu aver de suas cassas de Mondim et de Carraszedo [...] et le britara seuscontos et seus privilegios
- Aras Perez de Parrega, who took their possessions from inside their houses of Mundín and Carracedo [...] and torn theiraccounts and privileges into pieces
- (archaic)calculation,number,sum
- 1460, Rui Vasques,Crónica de Santa María de Íria, in Souto Cabo, José António (ed.) (2001):Crónica de Santa María de Íria. Estudo e edizón de ---. Santiago: Cabido da S.A.M.I. Catedral / Seminario de Estudos Galegos / Ediciós do Castro, page 110:
Et vieron tantos mouros quenõ aviã conto et pelleJarõ cõ el rrey- And there came many Moors, so many that they wereuncountable [lit. "there was no number"], and they fought the king
- (archaic) amillion
1454, X. Ferro Couselo, editor,A vida e a fala dos devanceiros. Escolma de documentos en galego dos séculos XIII ao XVI, Vigo: Galaxia, page472:porque se derrocou hua ponte das grandes que en seus reynos auía, a qual era probeytosa á república de seus reynos, eno qual gastamos fasta hunconto et oyto çentos mill mrs- because a bridge collapsed, one of the large ones in his realms and which was beneficial for the republic of his realms, and in which we spent up to amillion and eight hundred thousand maravedis
- (archaic)fine(fee levied as punishment for breaking a contract or the law)
1284, E. Cal Pardo, editor,Colección diplomática medieval do arquivo da catedral de Mondoñedo, Santiago: Consello da Cultura Galega, page69:posoconto de cen mor. de la bona moneda en todos aquellos que enna iglesia nen ennos dezemos nen en los montes feziese forcia nen torto nen tallase nen entrasse los montes nen dellos nen da iglesia nen de suas cousas tomasse nenguna cousa contra uoluntade do chantres- he established afine of a hundred maravedis of good coin in anyone who, in the church or in the tithing or in the woods, would make force or wrong or cutting or entering the woods, or would took anything from them of from the churches against the will of the precentor
- a largequantity
- (dated)twelvepairs ofsheaves
- (dated)forty Galicianpounds ofgrain
- Ernesto Xosé González Seoane,María Álvarez de la Granja,Ana Isabel Boullón Agrelo (2006–2022) “conto”, inDicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega
- Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (2006–2018) “conto”, inCorpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega
- Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández, editor (2006–2013), “conto”, inDicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega [Dictionary of Dictionaries of the Galician language] (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega
- Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández,Ernesto Xosé González Seoane,María Álvarez de la Granja, editors (2003–2018), “conto”, inTesouro informatizado da lingua galega (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega
- Rosario Álvarez Blanco, editor (2014–2024), “conto”, inTesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega,→ISSN
- first-personsingularpresentindicative ofcontar
FromSpanishcuento and Interlinguacontar.
conto (pluralcontos)
- story,account
- count,number,amount
FromVulgar Latin*contu(s),*comptu(s), fromLatincomputus.Doublet ofcomputo andcompito.
conto m (pluralconti)
- calculation
- account(at a bank, etc.)
- bill(for a meal, hotel, etc.)
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
- first-personsingularpresentindicative ofcontare
Borrowed fromOld Frenchcointe(“known, courteous, refined”), fromLatincognitus.
conto (feminineconta,masculine pluralconti,feminine pluralconte)
- (archaic)known,familiar
Borrowed fromOld Frenchcointe(“known, courteous, refined”), as with Etymology 3, but crossed withLatincōmptus(“adorned, ornamented; arranged; dressed”), perfect passive participle ofcōmō(“to arrange, to dress, to adorn”).
- IPA(key): /ˈ,(high-style)/ˈkɔ
- Rhymes:-onto,(high-style)-ɔnto
- Hyphenation:cón‧to,(high-style)còn‧to
conto (feminineconta,masculine pluralconti,feminine pluralconte)
- (archaic)refined,elegant,gracious
- dative/ablativesingular ofcontus
Cognate toIndonesiancontoh.
- example
FromOld Galician-Portugueseconto, fromVulgar Latin*contu(s),*comptu(s), fromLatincomputus(“calculation”).Doublet ofcômputo.
conto m (pluralcontos)
- tale,story(account of an asserted fact or circumstance)
- Eu vou contar umconto. ―I will tell astory.
- Synonym:história
- (literature)short story(work of fiction shorter than a novel)
- count(a quantity counted)
- (obsolete) onemillionreis
- (dated, Portugal) a thousandescudos
- (Portugal) fiveeuros
- (slang, Brazil)real(unit of currency)
FromLatincontus(“pike”), fromAncient Greekκοντός(kontós,“type of cavalry lance”).
conto m (pluralcontos)
- thebutt of aspear orpolearm
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
- first-personsingularpresentindicative ofcontar
- “conto”, iniDicionário Aulete (in Portuguese), Rio de Janeiro: Lexikon Editora Digital,2008–2025
- “conto”, inDicionário inFormal (in Portuguese),2006–2025
- “conto” inDicionário Aberto based onNovo Diccionário da Língua Portuguesa de Cândido de Figueiredo, 1913
- “conto”, inDicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), Porto: Porto Editora,2003–2025
- “conto”, inMichaelis Dicionário Brasileiro da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), São Paulo: Editora Melhoramentos,2015–2025
- “conto”, inDicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa (in Portuguese), Lisbon: Priberam,2008–2025