FromMiddle Englishcongruence, fromLatincongruentia(“agreement”), fromcongruēns, present active participle ofcongruō(“meet together, agree”).
congruence (countable anduncountable,pluralcongruences)
- The quality ofagreeing orcorresponding; beingsuitable andappropriate.
- (mathematics, number theory) A relation between twonumbers indicating they give the sameremainder whendivided by some given number.
- (mathematics, geometry) The quality of beingisometric — roughly, the same measure and shape.
- (mathematics, linear algebra)Matrixsimilarity by anorthogonal matrix.
- (universal algebra) Anyequivalence relation defined on analgebraic structure which is preserved byoperations defined by the structure.
the quality of agreeing or corresponding
number theory, relation indicating two numbers give the same remainder when divided by some number
geometry, quality of being roughly the same size and shape
linear algebra, matrix similarity by an orthogonal matrix
algebra, equivalence relation preserved by operations
Translations to be checked
FromLatincongruentia(“agreement”), fromcongruēns, present active participle ofcongruō(“meet together, agree”).
congruence f (pluralcongruences)
- (mathematics)congruence