FromLatincoeliacus, fromAncient Greekκοιλιακός(koiliakós), fromκοιλία(koilía,“belly”). Bysurface analysis,coel- +-i- +-ac. Cognate withcoelom.
coeliac (notcomparable)
- (anatomy) Relating to theabdomen, or to the cavity of the abdomen.
1838, William James Erasmus Wilson,Practical and Surgical Anatomy[1], page350:Next remove the middle portion of the lesser omentum, and feel for thecoeliac axis.
2002, Colin Pinnock, Ted Lin, Tim Smith,Fundamentals of Anaesthesia,page218:Thecoeliac plexus is formed by the two interconnectingcoeliac ganglia which lie either side of thecoeliac artery.
2010, Robert H. Whitaker, Neil R. Borley,Instant Anatomy,page85:Thecoeliac ganglia lie on each side of thecoeliac trunk.
- Abbreviation ofcoeliac disease;used attributively.
1982, S. Ahlstedt,Recent Trends in Allergen and Complement Research[2], page48:The results of skin testing and RAST indicate that mostcoeliac patients do not have circulating IgE specific for wheat proteins [25, 34, 108].
1994, Norman Leslie Kent, A. D. Evers,Technology of cereals: An Introduction for Students of Food Science and Agriculture,page297:Mostcoeliac patients are childen, the symptoms showing when cereals are first introduced in their diet.
2008, Helen Griffiths,Coeliac Disease: Nursing Care and Management[3], page10:Thus more fortunately for mostcoeliac patients a reliable diagnosis could now be made on the basis of one set of small bowel biopsies as opposed to three.
coeliac (pluralcoeliacs)
- Someone who hascoeliac disease.
1961, Association of National European and Mediterranean Societies of Gastroenterology,Proceedings VIth meeting of the "Association des Sociétés Nationales Européenes et Méditerranéennes de Gastro-Entérologie"[4], page624:In all 5 untreatedcoeliacs as well as the 3 partially treatedcoeliacs who were in relapse at the time of biopsy, villi were entirely absent.
1986, David R. Triger,Clinical Immunology of the Liver and Gastrointestinal Tract[5], page67:Hyposplenism incoeliacs does not appear to lead to these diseases.
1999, Giuseppe Gobbi,Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders in Coeliac Disease[6], page212:Instead, anecdotal observations came to dominate the literature, describing adultcoeliacs as mentally peculiar, excessively nervous and unstable, depressive, or even schizophrenic (Paulley, 1959; Dohan, 1966).