[...] from his nook up leapt the venturous lad, / And flinging wide the cedar-carven door / Beheld an awful image saffron-clad / And armed for battle!
1912,James Stephens, chapter 10, inThe Charwoman's Daughter; republished asMary, Mary, New York: Boni & Liveright,(Please provide a date or year),page66:
Her downcast eyes were almost mesmerized by the huge tweed-clad knees which towered like monoliths beside her.
Everything was lost in a scene from a movie in which khaki-clad regiments marched fast, fast across the scene.
1964,Hajime Nakamura, “Alienation from the Objective Natural World”, in Philip P. Wiener, editor,Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples: India–China–Tibet–Japan[3], translator not credited, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, page142:
The radical conservatives of the Jain monks were called “Digambara—the sky-clad.” They went about completely naked, or in other words, “clothed in space.”
1981,Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o,Detained: A Writer's Prison Diary, Section One, London: Heinemann, page111:
There his chains would be removed and he would be ushered into the waiting-room for a five-minute chat with his wife surrounded on all sides by security men and civilian-clad prison warders.
2001,Daryl, transl. Hine, chapter CXXV, inPuerilities: Erotic Epigrams of The Greek Anthology, Princeton University Press, page59:
Love brought between my sheets a laughing lad / One night. Eighteen years old, he was half-clad / Like a young boy: what a sweet dream!
2007, Carolin Duttlinger, chapter 7, inKafka and Photography, Oxford University Press, page214:
In the original photograph, the two leaders are followed by a single pair of uniform-clad men, but in Kafka's symmetrical arrangement, there are two pairs of attendants, each pair facing each other.
On all sides, Goudet is shut in by mountains; rocky foot-paths, practicable at best for donkeys, join it to the outer world of France; and the men and women drink and swear, in their green corner, or look up at the snow-clad peaks in winter from the threshold of their homes [...]
Into this book-clad room it followed the Bishop, with blue eyes and laughter on the red lips [...]
1929,Robinson Jeffers, “Evening Ebb”, inThe Selected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers[6], New York: Random House, published1937, page263:
The sun has gone down, and the water has gone down / From the weed-clad rock, but the distant cloud-wall rises.
1941,Sinclair Lewis, “A Note on Book Collecting”, inThe Man from Main Street, New York: Pocket Books, published1963, page101:
[...] I can remember every volume among the three or four hundred books that made up the library of my father, the country doctor—three or four hundred besides those portentous leather-clad depositories of medical mystery filled with color plates depicting the awful intimacies of the innards;
1963, Harry L. Garver, “Lightning Protection for the Farm”, inFarmers' Bulletin[7], Issue 2136, U.S. Government, page 8:
Copper and copper-clad steel resist corrosion indefinitely in soil that is relatively free from ammonia.
1987, Sol M. Michaelson, James C. Lin, chapter 3, inBiological Effects and Health Implications of Radiofrequency Radiation[8], New York and London: Plenum Press, page84:
The probe is constructed from plastic-clad silica fiber with an FPA Teflon jacket to prevent ambient light from being scattered into the system.
2011, Colin Imber, “The Ottoman Empire (tenth/sixteenth century)”, inMaribel Fierro, editor,The New Cambridge History of Islam, Volume 2: The Western Islamic World: Eleventh to Eighteenth Centuries, Cambridge University Press, page353:
The second half of the century also saw the artistic peak of ceramic production at İzniq, with the finest products of the İzniq kilns made visible to the public in the tile-clad walls of the mosques of Rüstem Pasha (968/1561) and Șoqollu Meḥmed Pasha (979/1571) in Istanbul, both by Sinān.
Apparently derived fromclad(adjective);[5] seeetymology 2. Uses ofclad as the simplepast and pastparticiple form ofclad are indistinguishable from uses of the word as the simple past and past participle form ofclothe.
At last faireHeſperus in higheſt ſkie / Had ſpent his lãpe [i.e., lampe] and brought forth dawning light, / Then vp he roſe, andclad him haſtily; / The dwarfe him brought his ſteed: ſo both away do fly.
Muſicke and Poetry is his delight, / Therefore ile haue Italian Maskes by night, / Sweete ſpeeches, Comedies, and pleaſing ſhowes, / And in the day when he ſhall walke abroad, / LikeSiluian Nimphs my Pages ſhall beclad,[…]
And it came to paſſe at that time whenJeroboam went out of Jeruſalem, that the ProphetAhiiah the Shilonite found him in the way: and hee hadclad himſelfe with a new garment; and they two were alone in the field.
1660, “Walter Brockett, 1660”, in William A[nderson] Gunnell, compiler,Sketches of Hull Celebrities: Or Memoirs and Correspondence of Alderman Thomas Johnson, (Who was Twice Mayor of Kingston-upon-Hull.) And Four of His Lineal Descendants, from the Year 1640 to 1858.[…], Hull, Yorkshire:[…] Walker & Brown,[…][for] William Anderson Gunnell,[…], published1876,→OCLC,page176:
He alwaiecladdeth yn a blak Cote with Trunkhose o ye lyke Colore, wi Shoos and Siller Buckels, a spuddish coroned Hatte, wi a Bruarte o muche brodeneſse, an tached vppe atte ye Rear, wi a Cordige an Tassle.
1726 October 28, [Jonathan Swift], “The Humours and Dispositions of theLaputians Described.[…]”, inTravels into Several Remote Nations of the World.[…][Gulliver’s Travels], volume II, London:[…]Benj[amin] Motte,[…],→OCLC, part III (A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdribb, Luggnagg, and Japan),page23:
Those to whom the King had entruſted me, obſerving how ill I wasclad, ordered a Taylor to come next Morning, and take my Meaſure for a Suit of Clothes.
She had a rustic, woodland air, / And she was wildlyclad; / Her eyes were fair, and very fair, / —Her beauty made me glad.
1831 July, “Art. III.—1.Erste Sammlung Lettischer Sinngedichte. Ruien, 1807, 12mo. 2.Zweyte Sammlung Lettischer Sinn-oder Stegriefs Gedichte, 1808, 12mo. 3.Palzmareeschu Dseesmu Krahjums. (Lettish and Palzmarinian Songs and Epigrams.)”, inThe Foreign Quarterly Review, volume VIII, number XV, London: Treuttel and Würtz, and Richter,[…]; Black, Young, and Young,[…],→OCLC,page77:
O Pergubri! thou it is that sendest the winter away, and bringest back the beautiful spring. It is thou who coverest the hedges and the meadows with green, andcladdest the hedges and the forest with leaves.
Those ladies came over to champion "Woman's rights," and proclaim the equality of the sexes; and to show they had a right to do so, they assumed, or rather usurped male attire—theyclad themselves in breeches.
But what interested me most was the slender figure of a dainty girl,clad only in a thin bit of muslin which scarce covered her knees—a bit of muslin torn and ragged about the lower hem.
His followers were neither ideologues nor philosophers nor clerics but shabbilyclad fifteen-year-olds who looked twice their age and who subsisted on dried corn, fruit, or animal flesh and followed officers with uniforms made out of blankets with cut-out holes for their heads.
1596,Thomas Lodge, “A Margarite of America, 1596. To the Noble, Learned and Vertuous Ladie, the LadieRussell, T. L. Wisheth Affluence on Earth, and Felicitie in Heaven.”, in Clara Gebert, editor,An Anthology of Elizabethan Dedications and Prefaces, Philadelphia, Pa.:University of Pennsylvania Press, published1933,→OCLC,page115:
[M]any bitter and extreme frosts at midsummer continually clothe andclad the discomfortable mountaines;[…]
1667,John Milton, “Book VII”, inParadise Lost.[…], London:[…] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker[…];[a]nd by Robert Boulter[…];[a]nd Matthias Walker,[…],→OCLC; republished asParadise Lost in Ten Books:[…], London: Basil Montagu Pickering[…],1873,→OCLC, lines313–316:
He ſcarce had ſaid, when the bare Earth, till then / Deſert and bare, unſightly, unadorn'd, / Brought forth the tender Graſs whoſe verdureclad / Her Univerſal Face with pleaſant green,[…]
1863,F[rederik] Paludan-Müller, “The Death of Abel”, in Mrs. Krebs, transl.,A Few Poems Translated from the Danish, Copenhagen, Denmark: C. A. Reitzel,[…],→OCLC, stanza V,page24:
But on the pale moonEve now fix'd her gaze, / „Behold”, she said, „how cold and pale its face, / „NowAbel’s house itcladdeth with its ray, / „And shineth now aboveCain’s lonely way.”
1896, Fiona Macleod [pseudonym;William Sharp], “[The Three Marvels of Hy] The Moon-child”, in Mrs. William Sharp [i.e.,Elizabeth Sharp], editor,The Sin-eater, The Washer of the Ford and Other Legendary Moralities (The Writings of “Fiona Macleod”; 3), uniform edition, New York, N.Y.:Duffield & Company, published1910,→OCLC,page297:
There, on a rock, he saw a little child. Naked she was, thoughclad with soft white moonlight.
1972 October, B. W. Lifka, D. O. Sprowls, “Significance of Intergranular Corrosion in High-Strength Aluminum Alloy Products”, inLocalized Corrosion—Cause of Metal Failure[…] (ASTM Special Technical Publication;516), Philadelphia, Pa.:American Society for Testing and Materials, publishedJuly 1981,→ISBN,page122:
Subsequently E. H. Dix, Jr., at Alcoa Research Laboratories established methods to metallurgicallyclad commercial aluminum to both sides of a 2017-T4 (then known as 17S-T) sheet to obtain outstanding corrosion protection[…].
1989, C[arole] A. Daniels, “Additives”, inPolymers: Structure and Properties, Lancaster, Pa.: Technomic Publishing Company,→ISBN,page26, column 2:
[T]he most effective materials at preventing oxygen diffusion are metals or ceramics of a thickness on the order of 1 millimeter or more. This type of coating may not be easily incorporated into the design or easilycladded to the polymer.
The visible surface conveys a building's image.[…] It is the thin membrane thatclads the walls of both the interior and exterior of the building, and thus constitutes its "facades."
[A] wrinkled moon strvaigs / across the field of stars, pewters each thistle / spear, andclads each thread of down in light.
2006 December, Martin Bauser, “The Production of Extruded Semifinished Products from Metallic Materials[Extrusion of Semifinished Products in Zirconium Alloys]”, in A. F. Castle, transl., edited by M. Bauser, G. Sauer, and K. Siegert,Extrusion, 2nd edition, Materials Park, Oh.:ASM International,→ISBN,page269, column 1:
The best method, but also the most expensive iscladding the billets in copper. Clad billets can be heated in an induction furnace and lubrication with oil-graphite suffices similar to standard copper alloys.
Moſt mercifull father, we beſeche thee ſo to ſende vpon theſe thy ſeruauntes thy heauenly bleſſyng, that they maye becladde about with all iuſtice, & that thy worde ſpoken by theyr mouthes, may haue ſuch ſucceſſe, that it may neuer be ſpoken in vain.
The other day I was looking up some records of the Parliamentary Debates of the past, and I found my hon. Friend the Member for Dundee (Mr.[Dingle] Foot), who is nowclad in all the majesty of a Minister and sits on the Treasury bench without regard to his murky past, moved a Motion on one of those pleasant Fridays to which I have referred,[…]