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FromAncient Greekχαρακτηριστικός(kharaktēristikós), fromχαρακτηρίζω(kharaktērízō,to designate by a characteristic mark), fromχαρακτήρ(kharaktḗr,a mark, character). Bysurface analysis,character +‎-istic.





characteristic (comparativemorecharacteristic,superlativemostcharacteristic)

  1. Being adistinguishingfeature of a person or thing.
    • 1918,W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell, chapter XII, inThe Mirror and the Lamp, Indianapolis, Ind.:The Bobbs-Merrill Company,→OCLC:
      All this was extraordinarily distasteful to Churchill. It was ugly, gross. Never before had he felt such repulsion when the vicar displayed hischaracteristic bluntness or coarseness of speech. In the present connexion […] such talk had been distressingly out of place.





Derived terms



being a distinguishing feature of a person or thing



characteristic (pluralcharacteristics)

  1. Adistinguishingfeature of a person or thing, a part of mental or physical behavior.
  2. (mathematics) Theinteger part of alogarithm.
    • 1830, Solomon Pearson Miles, Thomas Sherwin,Mathematical Tables: Comprising Logarithms of Numbers, [] ,page69:
      It is evident, moreover, that as the logarithms of numbers, which are tenfold, the one of the other, do not differ except in theircharacteristics, it is sufficient that the tables contain the fractional parts only of the logarithms.
    • 1911, F. T. Swanwick,Elementary Trigonometry,Cambridge University Press,page60:
      As the sine and cosine are always proper fractions their logarithms are negative, i.e. have negativecharacteristics. When we are given an angle, it is impossible to say, from inspection of the angle, what thecharacteristic of the logarithm of its sine, cosine or tangent may be; so thecharacteristics have to be printed with the mantissae.
    • 1961, “Principles and Applications of Mathematics for Communications-Electronics”, inU.S[1], Department of the Army, page69:
      Similarly, thecharacteristic for .003 is −3, and thecharacteristic for .0003 is −4.
  3. (nautical) The distinguishing features of anavigationallight on alighthouse etc by which it can be identified (colour, pattern of flashes etc.).
  4. (algebra, field theory, ring theory) For a givenfield orring, anatural number that is either the smallest positive numbern such thatn instances of themultiplicative identity (1) summed together yield theadditive identity (0) or, if no such number exists, the number 0.
    Thecharacteristic of a field, if non-zero, must be a prime number.
    • 1962 [John Wiley & Sons], Nathan Jacobson,Lie Algebras, 1979, Dover,page 289,
      In this chapter we study the problem of classifying the finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras over an arbitrary field ofcharacteristic 0.
    • 1992, Simeon Ivanov (translator), P. M. Gudivok, E. Ya. Pogorilyak,On Modular Representations of Finite Groups over Integral Domains, Simeon Ivanov (editor),Galois Theory, Rings, Algebraic Groups and Their Applications,American Mathematical Society,page 87,
      LetR be a Noetherian factorial ring ofcharacteristicp which is not a field.
    • 1993, S. Warner,Topological Rings[2], Elsevier (North-Holland), page424:
      Traditionally, a complete, discretely valued field ofcharacteristic zero, the maximal ideal of whose valuation ring is generated by the prime numberp, has been called ap-adic field. In our terminology, the valuation ring of ap-adic field is a Cohen ring ofcharacteristic zero whose residue field has characteristicp, and consequently ap-adic field is simply the quotient field of such a Cohen ring.



Coordinate terms


Derived terms


Related terms



distinguishing feature
integer part of a logarithm
distinguishing features of a navigational light
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See also


Further reading






characteristic (not comparable)

  1. characteristic

Related terms

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