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See also:Channel


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Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishchanel (also ascanel,cannel,kanel), a borrowing fromOld Frenchchanel,canel, fromLatincanālis(groove; canal; channel). Doublet ofcanal.



channel (pluralchannels)

  1. Thephysicalconfine of ariver orslough,consisting of abed andbanks.
    The water coming out of the waterwheel created a standing wave in thechannel.
  2. The natural orman-made deepercourse through areef,bar,bay, or anyshallowbody ofwater.
    • 2013 January, Nancy Langston, “The Fraught History of a Watery World”, inAmerican Scientist[1], volume101, number 1, archived fromthe original on22 January 2013, page59:
      European adventurers found themselves within a watery world, a tapestry of streams,channels, wetlands, lakes and lush riparian meadows enriched by floodwaters from the Mississippi River.
    Achannel was dredged to allow ocean-going vessels to reach the city.
  3. Thenavigable part of a river.
    We were careful to keep our boat in thechannel.
  4. Anarrow body of water between two land masses.
    The EnglishChannel lies between France and England.
    • 2018 May 14, Jon Stone in Brussels,The Independent[2]:
      Our citizens and our businesses on both sides of thechannel need more security and predictability for the future
  5. Something through which another thing passes; a means of conveying or transmitting.
    The news was conveyed to us by differentchannels.
  6. (biochemistry) Anion channel: pore-formingproteins located in acell membrane that allow specificions to pass through.
  7. A gutter; a groove, as in a fluted column.
  8. (construction, mechanical engineering) Astructuralmember with a cross section shaped like a squared-off letter C.
    • 1960, “Structural Shapes”, inConstruction Materials, Concrete Construction, and Engineer Computations, U.S. Government Printing Office:
      Thechannel is not very efficient as a beam or column when used alone, but built-up members may be constructed ofchannels assembled together with other structural shapes and connected by rivets or welds.
  9. (electronics) Aconnection betweeninitiating andterminatingnodes of acircuit.
    The guard-rail provided thechannel between the downed wire and the tree.
  10. (electronics) The narrow conducting portion of aMOSFET transistor.
  11. (communication) The part thatconnects a datasource to a datasink.
    Achannel stretches between them.
  12. (communication) A path forconveyingelectrical orelectromagneticsignals, usually distinguished from otherparallel paths.
    We are using one of the 24channels.
  13. (communication) A single path provided by atransmissionmedium via physicalseparation, such as bymultipair cable.
    Thechannel is created by bonding the signals from these four pairs.
  14. (communication) A single path provided by a transmission medium viaspectral orprotocol separation, such as byfrequency ortime-divisionmultiplexing.
    Their call is being carried onchannel 6 of the T-1 line.
  15. (broadcasting) Aspecific radio frequency orband of frequencies, usually in conjunction with a predetermined letter, number, or codeword, and allocated by international agreement.
    KNDD is thechannel at 107.7 MHz in Seattle.
  16. (broadcasting) A specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used fortransmittingtelevision.
    NBC is onchannel 11 in San Jose.
    • 2008, Lou Schuler, "Foreward",in Nate Green,Built for Show, page xi
      TV back then was fivechannels (three networks, PBS, and an independent station that ranI Love Lucy reruns), []
  17. (storage) The portion of a storage medium, such as atrack or a band, that is accessible to a given reading or writingstation or head.
    This chip in this disk drive is thechannel device.
  18. The part of aturbinepump where the pressure is built up.
    The liquid is pressurized in the lateralchannel.
  19. (business, marketing) Adistribution channel.
  20. (Internet) A particular area forconversations on anIRC or similar network, analogous to achat room and often dedicated to a specifictopic.
    • 1996, Susan C. Herring,Computer-mediated Communication, page50:
      The excerpt in Figure 1 below shows a list of somechannel names as they appear to an IRC user. The left hand column displays thechannel name, the middle column displays how many people are currently on thechannel, and the right hand column indicates the theme of thechannel or the current topic of conversation:[]
  21. (Internet, historical) A means of deliveringup-to-dateInternetcontent via apush mechanism.
    • 1999, Jeffrey S Rule,Dynamic HTML: The HTML Developer's Guide:
      Netcaster is the "receiver" forchannels that are built into Netscape 4.01 and later releases.
    • 1999, Margaret Levine Young,Internet: The Complete Reference:
      To accesschannels in Windows 98, you don't have to go any farther than your desktop.
  22. Apsychic ormedium who temporarily takes on thepersonality of somebody else.
Derived terms
Terms derived fromchannel (noun)
Related terms
physical confine of a river or slough
natural or man-made deeper course through shallow body of water
navigable part of a river
narrow body of water between two land masses
biochemistry: pore-forming membrane proteinsseeion channel
groove, as in a fluted column
structural member with a cross section shaped like a squared-off letter CseeC-channel
electronics: connection between initiating and terminating nodes of a circuit
communication: part that connects a data source to a data sink
communication: path for conveying electrical or electromagnetic signals
communication: single path provided by a transmission medium via physical separation
communication: single path provided by a transmission via spectral or protocol separation
broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies
broadcasting: specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television
storage: portion of a storage medium that is accessible to a given reading or writing station or head
technic: way in a turbine pump where the pressure is built up
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Translations to be checked

Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishchanelen, from the noun (see above).



channel (third-person singular simple presentchannels,present participlechannelingorchannelling,simple past and past participlechannelledorchanneled)

  1. (transitive) To make or cut a channel orgroove in.
  2. (transitive) Todirect or guide along a desired course.
    We willchannel the traffic to the left with these cones.
    • 1997, Eric J Evans,Thatcher and Thatcherism:
      The resourceschannelled to those institutions which showed themselves most adept at formfilling, self-promotion and presentation were inadequate to sustain the quality they claimed.
    • 2009 April 3, Hugh Muir, “Diary”, inThe Guardian[3]:
      But the real excitement is to be found in Erith and Thamesmead, where the Blairites in exile arechannelling their hopes on Georgia Gould, 22, daughter of Mr Tony's famed pollmeister Philip.
  3. (transitive, of a spirit, as of a dead person) To serve as a medium for.
    She waschanneling the spirit of her late husband, Seth.
  4. (transitive) To follow as a model, especially in a performance.
    He was trying tochannel President Reagan, but the audience wasn't buying it.
    When it is my turn to sing karaoke, I am going tochannel Ray Charles.
    • 2007 June 17, Bob Morris, “Mirth, in Honor of Dad”, inThe New York Times[4]:
      So I handed out lyrics by Allan Sherman, the shticky 1960s parody writer who my father revered andchanneled to the end.
    • 2008 April 27, John Mcwhorter, “Talking the Talk”, inThe New York Times[5]:
      He ischanneling the most narcotic form of oratory in modern America for whites as well as blacks: a preacherly style of speaking rooted in black American tradition.
Derived terms
direct the flow
assume personality of other person

Etymology 3


From a corruption ofchainwale.



channel (pluralchannels)

  1. (nautical) Thewale of a sailing ship which projects beyond thegunwale and to which theshrouds attach via the chains. One of the flat ledges of heavy plank bolted edgewise to the outside of a vessel, to increase the spread of the shrouds and carry them clear of the bulwarks.


  • channel”, inOneLook Dictionary Search.
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