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a carriage
a coach
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FromMiddle Englishcariage, fromOld Northern Frenchcariage, fromcarier(to carry).





carriage (countable anduncountable,pluralcarriages)

a carriage render
a carriage in Massachusetts
  1. The act ofconveying;carrying.
    Coordinate term:haulage
    • 1867, Simeon Thayer, Edwin Martin Stone,The Invasion of Canada in 1775, page 6:
      The remainder of the men were employed in unbarreling our Pork and stringing it on poles for convenience ofcarriage, and carrying our Batteaux from the river to the pond.
  2. A means ofconveyance.
  3. A (mostly four-wheeled) lighter vehicle chiefly designed to transport people, generally drawn by horse power.
    Antonym:(heavier vehicle designed to transport people or goods)wagon
    Thecarriage ride was very romantic.
  4. (rail transport, British, Abbreviation ofrailway carriage) Arailroad car.
    • 1967,Barbara Sleigh,Jessamy, Sevenoaks, Kent: Bloomsbury, published1993,→ISBN, page 7:
      When the long, hot journey drew to its end and the train slowed down for the last time, there was a stir in Jessamy’scarriage. People began to shake crumbs from their laps and tidy themselves up a little.
    • For more quotations using this term, seeCitations:carriage.
  5. The manner or posture in which one holds or positions a body part, such as one's arm or head.
    The runner has a very low armcarriage.
  6. (now rare) A manner of walking and moving in general; how onecarriesoneself,bearing,gait.
    • 1590,Edmund Spenser, “Book II, Canto I”, inThe Faerie Queene. [], London: [] [John Wolfe] forWilliam Ponsonbie,→OCLC:
      Hiscarriage was full comely and vpright, / His countenaunce demure and temperate [...].
    • 1942,Emily Carr, “Characters”, inThe Book of Small, Toronto, Ont.:Oxford University Press,→OCLC:
      In spite of her erectcarriage she could flop to herknees to pray assmart as any of us.
    • 1986 October 7,Miles Davis,The Dick Cavett Show:
      Cavett: What would it take – seriously – for a musician to be good enough to play in the Miles Davis bands? Suppose you're looking for a new guy.
      Davis: Well, the first thing he needs do – whoever he is – has to have goodcarriage, you know.
      Cavett: Meaning?
      Davis: Meaning that they have to look like what they're going to play – the instrument.
    • 2009,Cicely Tyson,Leading Women: Maya Angelou, season 1, episode 5:
      She [Maya Angelou] towered over everyone and exuded a power that I had not recognized in anyone other than my mother. It was in her height. It was in hercarriage. It was in her voice. And, I said to myself, 'This is woman to be reckoned with.'
    • 2010,Christopher Hitchens,Hitch-22, Atlantic, published2011, page90:
      He chose to speak largely about Vietnam [...], and his wonderfullysonorousvoice was asenthralling to me as his very strikingcarriage and appearance.
    • For more quotations using this term, seeCitations:carriage.
  7. (archaic) One'sbehavior, or way of conducting oneself towards others.
    • 1655 April 21, “Mr. Ja. Nutley toſecreary Thurloe.”, inA Collection of the State Papers ofJohn Thurloe, Eſq; [], volume III, London: [] the Executor of the lateMr. Fletcher Gyles;Thomas Woodward, []Charles Davis, [], published1742,page399:
      I had almoſt forgotten to acquaint your honor, that one major Alford (who was in mr. Love's conſpiracy) was of the graund inqueſt at Saliſbury, and was very zealous in his highneſſe ſervice here, and his good affection and wiſecarriage here, did much advantage the buſſineſe.
    • 1749, Henry Fielding,Tom Jones, Folio Society, published1973, page407:
      He now assumed acarriage to me so very different from what he had lately worn, and so nearly resembling his behaviour the first week of our marriage, that[] he might, possibly, have rekindled my fondness for him.
    • 1819, Lord Byron,Don Juan, section I:
      Some people whisper but no doubt they lie, / For malice still imputes some private end, / That Inez had, ere Don Alfonso'smarriage, / Forgot with him her very prudentcarriage [...].
    • For more quotations using this term, seeCitations:carriage.
  8. Thepart of atypewritersupporting thepaper.
  9. (US, New England) Ashopping cart.
  10. (British) Astroller; ababy carriage.
  11. Thecharge made for conveying (especially in the phrasescarriage forward, when thecharge is to be paid by thereceiver, andCarriage Paid To).
  12. (archaic) That which is carried,baggage.


types of carriages (wheeled vehicles)

Derived terms



the act of carrying or conveying
wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse powersee alsocoach
railroad carseerailroad car
manner of standing or walking
part of typewriter
the part of a machine tool such as a lathe that guides the bit as it cuts or otherwise manipulates the workpiece
the charge made for conveying

See also

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