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WOTD – 1 November 2020



From LateMiddle Englishcanonizen(to declare as a saint; to appoint to an ecclesiastical office),[1] fromOld Frenchcanonisier (modernFrenchcanoniser(to canonize)), or from itsetymonMedieval Latin,Late Latincanōnizāre, thepresentactiveinfinitive ofLatincanōnizō(to recognize as a saint, canonize; to declare as authoritative or official),[2] fromLatincanōn(measuring line; (figurative) precept, rule, canon; authorized catalogue) +-izō(suffix formingverbs). The English word is analysable ascanon(general principle, rule; authoritative group of works; catalogue of saints canonized in the Roman Catholic Church) +‎-ize.





canonize (third-person singular simple presentcanonizes,present participlecanonizing,simple past and past participlecanonized)(transitive, American spelling, OxfordBritish English)

  1. (chiefly Roman Catholicism) Todeclare (adeceasedperson) as asaint, andenter them into thecanon of saints.
    Thomas Becket wascanonized in 1173.
    • 1572,[Christopher Carlile], “The Second Discovrs, wherein is Proued, that neytherPeter, nor the Pope, is the Head of Christes Church”, inA Discourse. Wherein is Plainly Proued by the Order of Time and Place, that Peter was Neuer at Rome. [], London: [] Tho[mas] East and H[enry] Myddleton; for VVilliam Norton,→OCLC,folio 30, recto:
      Wée maye woorſhippe neyther theVirgine Marie, neyther the Apoſtles, neyther any Saincte, neyther make holy dayes, or Temples for them, muche leſſeCanonize them, which comprehendeth all theſe.
    • 1613,Henry Ainsworth, “The 5. Point of Difference: In the Letter”, inAn Animadversion to MrRichard Clyftons Advertisement. [], Amsterdam: [] Giles Thorp,→OCLC,page79:
      In heaven, are the ſowls of men departed in the popiſh fayth, and delivered from purgatorie: ſome of which, the Popecanonizeth for Saincts, whom the people on earth are religiouſly to honour and pray unto, as their mediators with God.
    • 1675,[Mr. Mayo], “Sermon XV. Invocation of Saints and Angels, Unlawful.”, in Nathanael Vincent [i.e.,Nathaniel Vincent], editor,The Morning-exercise against Popery. Or, The Principal Errors of the Church of Rome Detected and Confuted, [], London: [] A. Maxwell for Tho[mas] Parkhurst, [],→OCLC,page527:
      He muſt be of an eaſie belief, that can be certainly perſwaded that every one whom the PopeCanonizeth, and putteth into the Liſt of Saints, is ſo indeed.
    • 1869 September, “Spurious Churches”, inChrist is Coming! [], 5th edition, London: [] [F]or the author by John B. Day, [], published1871,→OCLC, part V (Re-organization of the One Holy Universal Church of Christ),page197:
      Where to pray to thy suppositious saints? Where has it taught thee to enjoin men to pray to imaginary saints, whom thoucanonizest from time to time?
    • 1947,Martin Luther, “An Open Letter to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, Concerning the Reform of the Christian Estate: 1520”, in[Charles M. Jacobs?], transl.,Three Treatises: An Open Letter to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation Concerning the Reform of the Christian Estate. A Prelude on the Babylonian Captivity of the Church. A Treatise on Christian liberty, Philadelphia, Pa.: Muhlenberg Press,→OCLC,page131:
      Nay, where pilgrimages are not successful, they begin tocanonise saints, not in honor of the saints—for they are sufficiently honored without canonisation—but in order to draw crowds and bring in money.
    • 2001, Sarah Gallick, “Introduction”, inThe Big Book of Women Saints, New York, N.Y.:HarperSanFrancisco,→ISBN,page 2:
      Since the twelfth century the pope has been the Church's sole authority forcanonizing saints. But not even a pope can "make" a saint. AsPope Paul VI explained at the canonization ofJulie Billiart (April 8): "We do not create, we do not confer saintliness, we recognize it, we proclaim it."
  2. (figurative) Toregard as a saint; toglorify, toexalt to thehighesthonour.
    • c.1602 (date written),William Shakespeare,The Famous Historie of Troylus and Cresseid. [] (First Quarto), London: [] G[eorge] Eld for R[ichard] Bonian and H[enry] Walley, [], published1609,→OCLC,[Act II, scene ii]:
      She is a theame of honour and renowne, / A ſpurre to valiant and magnanimous deeds, / Whoſe preſent courage may beate downe our foes, / And fame in time to comecanonize us, [...]
    • 1704,[William Darrell], “Dialogue VI. Eusebius Instructs Neander in the Duties that Regard our Neighbour.”, inA Gentleman Instructed in the Conduct of a Virtuous and Happy Life. [], 2nd edition, London: [] E. Evets [],→OCLC, section V,page148:
      The Poet puts all his Wit into the Mouths of Rooks and Bullies; and if an honeſt Man appear, he is ſure to be hooted at, and generally goes off both Fool and Cuckold. Is not this to condemn Virtue? to execute it in Effigie? and tocanonize Vice by Deputy?
    • 1822, “Ozmin and Daraxa. A Tale.”, inThe Pocket Magazine of Classic and Polite Literature, volume IX, number53, London: [] John Arliss, [],→OCLC, chapter 5,page216:
      And because that in such turbulent affairs as this, words multiply more and more, and, together with the stir, reports gather strength and increase; and for that every one "canonizeth his own presumption," they began to murmer[sic – meaningmurmur] against Don Louis, and the people of his house.
    • [1875],[Charles Maurice Davies], “George”, inLove Lyrics and Valentine Verses, for Young and Old. [], London:Ward, Lock, and Tyler, [],→OCLC,page285:
      I am no mediæval maid, / Of saints obscure to brag on, / But one there is Icanonize— /St. George who killed the dragon.
    • 1915 June, “another Irishman”[pseudonym], quoting[George] Bernard Shaw, “Bernard Shaw on Self Effacement”, inFrank Crowninshield, editor,Vanity Fair, volume 4, number 4, New York, N.Y.: Vanity Fair Publishing Company,→OCLC,page37:
      I'll never forgive the Kaiser [Wilhelm II, German Emperor] so long as I live, though naturally I'm for him in this war—I have to be—everybody else is against him. [...] To get any space at all now, I have to hustle aroundcanonizing the Kaiser; [...]
    • 1921 September,John Galsworthy, “Old Jolyon Walks”, inTo Let, 1st American edition, New York, N.Y.:Charles Scribner’s Sons,→OCLC, part III,page229:
      Fifty-eight years ago Jolyon had become an Eton boy, for old Jolyon's whim had been that he should becanonised at the greatest possible expense.
    • 2012, Jessica A. Fox, chapter 13, inThree Things You Need to Know about Rockets: A Real-life Scottish Fairy Tale, 1st trade paperback edition, New York, N.Y.: Marble Arch Press,Atria Publishing Group, published August 2013,→ISBN,page122:
      American are perhaps more obsessed with the idea of royalty than our long-lost British brothers; our taste for anything royal, never satiated in a true democracy, manifests itself in thecanonising of celebrities and their families and mass idealisation of political dynasties like theKennedys.
  3. (Christianity) Toformallydeclare (apiece ofreligiouswriting) to bepart of thebiblical canon.
    • 1657,[John] Cosin, “The Testimonies of the Ecclesiastical Writers in the Seventh Century”, inA Scholastical History of the Canon of the Holy Scripture: Or The Certain and Indubitate Books thereof as They are Received in the Church of England, London: [] R[oger] Norton for Timothy Garthwait [],→OCLC,page136:
      Yet becauſe there areTwo Pretences made;One, that elſewhere heCanonizeth all the reſt of theConteſted Books; andanother, that in this place he detracteth nothing in that behalf from theBooks of theMaccabes, we will clear the way before us, and anſwer them both.
    • 2017, Timothy H. Lim, “An Indicative Definition of the Canon”, in Timothy H. Lim with Kengo Akiyama, editors,When Texts are Canonized (Brown Judaic Studies;no. 359), Providence, R.I.:Brown Judaic Studies,→ISBN,page22:
      Not all psalms that claimDavidic authorship were included in the canon, but those that werecanonized frequently had this association.
  4. (by extension) To regard (anartistic orwrittenwork or its creator) as one of agroup that arerepresentative of aparticularfield.
    • 1930,Tenney Frank, “Republican Historiography andLivy”, inLife and Literature in the Roman Republic, Berkeley, Los Angeles, Calif., London:University of California Press, published1971,→ISBN,page169:
      To these errors the Middle Ages contributed not a little bycanonizing all the ancient authorities so that when modern historical criticism came into vogue the reaction against authority went too far and skepticism overleaped the mark.
    • 1994, Jonathan Lake Crane, “Terror and Everyday Life”, inTerror and Everyday Life: Singular Moments in the History of the Horror Film, Thousand Oaks, Calif., London:SAGE Publications,→ISBN,page 1:
      [I]ncanonizing horror films and ranking serial killers among the entertainment elite, have we made the perilous environment that lies just beyond the coursing marquee lights and pale glow of the video monitor an even more dangerous space?
  5. (chiefly Christianity) Especially of achurch: togiveofficialapproval to; toauthorize, tosanction.
    • 1715,Gilbert [Burnet], “Book IV. Of what Happen’d during the Reign of KingEdward theVIth, from the Year 1547, to the Year 1553.”, inThe History of the Reformation of the Church of England. The Third Part. [], London: [] J. Churchill [],→OCLC,page183:
      He ſhews, the Legate's Drift was toCanonize all the Abuſes of the Court ofRome: ſo they never ſuffer'd them to be treated of freely, but managed them like the Compounding of a Law-Suit: [...]
    • 1784,[Jean-Philippe-René] de La Bléterie, “History of theEmperor Jovian”, inJohn Duncombe, transl.,Select Works of the Emperor Julian, and Some Pieces of the Sophist Libanius, Translated from the Greek. [], volume II, London: [] J[ohn] Nichols;[f]orT[homas] Cadell, [],→OCLC,page271:
      [T]hat a rhetorician, likeLibanius, a Pagan even to madneſs, ſhould think the Chriſtians capable of attempting the life ofJulian, is not ſurpriſing. [...] But that an eccleſiaſtical hiſtorian, likeSozomen, ſhould be tempted tocanoniſe ſo deteſtable an action, might perhaps not be credited on my aſſertion.
    • 1998, Sean Cubitt, “Reading the Interface”, inDigital Aesthetics, London, Thousand Oaks, Calif.:SAGE Publications,→ISBN,page 9:
      The European library only achieves its characteristic design in 1843, with the separation of reading areas from bookstacks first attempted in library architecture at the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève at the Université de Paris. [...][Anthony] Panizzi's British Museum Reading Room (stacks surrounding a central reading room)canonised the procedure, which dominates even the more recent tower stacks, in which librarianship triumphs over ideological and economic divides, [...]

Alternative forms


Derived terms


Related terms



to declare as a saint
to regard as a saint; to exalt to the highest honoursee alsoglorify
to formally declare to be part of the biblical canon
to regard as one of a group representative of a particular field
to give official approval tosee alsoauthorize,‎sanction

See also



  1. ^canonīzen,v.”, inMED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007.
  2. ^canonize,v.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1888;canonize,v.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.

Further reading







  1. inflection ofcanonizar:
    1. first/third-personsingularpresentsubjunctive
    2. third-personsingularimperative
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