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See also:Broken





FromMiddle Englishbroken, fromOld Englishbrocen,ġebrocen, fromProto-Germanic*brukanaz, past participle ofProto-Germanic*brekaną(to break). Cognate withDutchgebroken(broken),German Low Germanbroken(broken),Germangebrochen(broken). Morphologicallybroke +‎-n.






  1. pastparticiple ofbreak



broken (comparativemorebroken,superlativemostbroken)

A brokenmug.
  1. Fragmented; in separate pieces.
    One recent morning the team had to replace abroken weather research station.
    1. (of a bone or body part)Fractured; having the bone in pieces.
      My arm isbroken!
      The ground was littered withbroken bones.
    2. (of skin)Split orruptured.
      A dog bit my leg and now the skin isbroken.
    3. (of a line)Dashed; made up of short lines with small gaps between each one and the next.
    4. (of sleep)Interrupted; notcontinuous.
    5. (meteorology, of the sky) Five-eighths to seven-eighthsobscured by clouds; incompletely covered by clouds.
      Tomorrow:broken skies.
    6. (of a melody) Havingperiods ofsilencescattered throughout; not regularlycontinuous.
  2. (of a promise, etc)Breached;violated; not kept.
    broken promises of neutrality
    broken vows
    thebroken covenant
  3. Non-functional; notfunctioningproperly.
    I think my doorbell isbroken.
    1. (of an electronic connection)Disconnected, no longer open or carrying traffic.
    2. (software, informal)Badlydesigned orimplemented.
      This is the mostbroken application I've seen in a long time.
    3. (of language)Grammaticallynon-standard, especially as a result of being produced by anon-native speaker.
      • 1925 July –1926 May,A[rthur] Conan Doyle, “(please specify the chapter number)”, inThe Land of Mist (eBook no. 0601351h.html), Australia:Project Gutenberg Australia, published April 2019:
        His conversation was in French with Mailey and Roxton, who both spoke the language well, but he had to fall back uponbroken English with Malone, who could only utter still morebroken French in reply.
      • 1979, “Broken English”, performed byMarianne Faithfull:
        Don't say it in Russian / Don't say it in German / Say it inbroken English
    4. (colloquial, US, of a situation) Not having gone in the way intended;saddening.
      Oh man! That is justbroken!
  4. (of a person) Completelydefeated anddispirited;shattered;destroyed.
    The bankruptcy and divorce, together with the death of his son, left him completelybroken.
    • 2006, “Welcome to the Black Parade”, inThe Black Parade, performed byMy Chemical Romance:
      He said, "Son, when you grow up / Would you be the savior of thebroken / The beaten, and the damned?"
    • 2011,Dia Frampton, “TheBroken Ones”, inRed[2], performed byDia Frampton:
      And oh, maybe I see a part of me in them / The missing piece, always trying to fit in / The shattered heart, hungry for a home / No, you're not alone / I love thebroken ones / I love thebroken ones
  5. Having no money;bankrupt,broke.
    (The addition ofquotations indicative of this usage is being sought:)
  6. (of land)Uneven.
    • 2005, Will Cook,Until Darkness Disappears, page54:
      All that day they rode intobroken land. The prairie with its grass and rolling hills was behind them, and they entered a sparse, dry, rocky country, full of draws and short cañons and ominous buttresses.
  7. (sports, video games, of a tactic or option)Overpowered; overly powerful; giving a player too much power.
    This item is incrediblybroken. I win almost every run I get to use it.





Derived terms



with nouns (physical sense)
  • broken glass
  • broken vase
  • broken cup
  • broken mirror
  • broken window
  • broken bone
  • broken wing
  • broken leg
  • broken arm
  • broken hand
  • broken foot
  • broken egg
  • broken tool
  • broken sword
  • broken column
  • broken road
  • broken bridge
  • broken stick
  • broken device
  • broken machine
  • broken camera
  • broken TV
  • broken car
  • broken computer
  • broken land
  • broken circle
with nouns (abstract sense)
  • broken heart
  • broken promise
  • broken vow
  • broken law
  • broken trust
  • broken dream
  • broken relationship
  • broken friendship
  • broken love
  • broken family
  • broken marriage
  • broken bond
  • broken tie
  • broken silence
  • broken image
  • broken language
  • broken spirit
  • broken soul


not whole; fragmented
having the bone in pieces, fractured
of a line: dashed
of skin: split or ruptured
not working properly
completely defeated and dispirited
poorly spoken
having no moneysee alsobankrupt,‎broke
uneven of relief, cut by valleys
of software: badly designed or implemented
meteorology: five eighths to seven eighths obscured by clouds
sports and gaming: very powerful
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
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Further reading

  • broken”, inOneLook Dictionary Search.


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