The word originally meant “of brass”; the figurative verb sense (as inbrazen it out(“face impudently”)) dates from the 1550s (perhaps evoking the sense “face like brass, unmoving and not showing shame”), and the adjective sense “impudent” from the 1570s. Comparebrass neck,bold as brass.
1786,Francis Grose,Military Antiquities Respecting a History of the English Army, from the Conquest to the Present Time, London: Printed for S. Hooper[…],OCLC745209064; republished asMilitary Antiquities Respecting a History of the English Army, from the Conquest to the Present Time, volume II, new [2nd] edition with material additions and improvements, London: Printed forT[homas] Egerton,[…]; & G. Kearsley,[…], 1801,OCLC435979550,page 262:
Brazen or rather copper swords seem to have been next introduced; these in process of time, workmen learned to harden by the addition of some other metal or mineral, which rendered them almost equal in temper to iron.
AndMoses made a brass image of the fiery serpents, and put it up on a pole, where all the people could see it; and when any one was bitten, he could look upon thebrazen serpent, and was cured.
1859 May 2, X. X. X.[pseudonym], “Looking at Lodgings”, inThe Ragged School Union Magazine, volume IX, London:Ragged School Union,[…]; Partridge & Co.,[…],→OCLC,page91:
The women, stout, strong,brazen-faced creatures, in most cases looked able to thrash any of the partners with whom they consorted.
The vegetation was similar to that which covers the lawns of the red Martians of the great waterways, but the trees and birds were unlike anything that I had ever seen upon Mars, and then through the further trees I could see that most un-Martian of all sights—an open sea, its blue waters shimmering beneath thebrazen sun.
1697,Virgil;John Dryden, transl.,The Works of Virgil: Containing HisPastorals,Georgics, andÆneis. Translated into English Verse;[…], London: Printed forJacob Tonson,[…],OCLC839376905; republished asThe Works of Virgil: Containing His Pastorals, Georgics, and Æneis. Translated into English Verse by Mr. Dryden. In Three Volumes, volume III, 5th edition, London: Printed by Jacob Tonson[…], 1721,OCLC181805247, book IX,page 822, lines 667–670:
And now the Trumpets terribly from far, / With rattling Clangor, rouze the sleepy War. / The Souldiers Shouts succeed theBrazen Sounds, / And Heav'n, from Pole to Pole, the Noise rebounds.
2001, R[alph] N[ixon] Currey, “The Horn”, inCollected Poems, Oxford:James Currey; Cape Town: David Philip Publishers,→ISBN, page246:
Often a traveller, when the air is quiet, / Will make the night reverberate with this riot / Ofbrazen sounds, whose singing cadence swells / The harmony of bleating and lambs' bells.
1870,The Sunday at Home: A Family Magazine for Sabbath Reading, volume XVII, London:Religious Tract Society,→OCLC, page587:
The giant [Goliath] was thus conquered by the youth [David]; the man-at-arms by the unarmed; the stone of the shepherd pierced thebrazen defences of the warrior.
2015,Bertolt Brecht, “Frank Wedekind”, in Marc Silberman, Steve Giles, Tom Kuhn, editors,Brecht on Theatre, 3rd rev. and updated edition, London, New York, N.Y.: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama,Bloomsbury Publishing,→ISBN, page19:
In the autumn, when a small group of us heard him [Frank Wedekind] read fromHeracles, his last work, I was amazed at hisbrazen energy. For two and a half hours without stopping, without once lowering his voice (and what a strong,brazen voice it was), barely pausing for breath for even a moment between acts, bent motionless over the table, he read – half from memory – those verses wrought in brass, looking deep into the eyes of each of his listeners in turn.
She wasbrazen enough to deny stealing the handbag even though she was caught on camera doing so.
1993, Karla Hocker,A Deceitful Heart (Zebra Regency Romance), New York, N.Y.: Zebra Books,Kensington Books,→ISBN:
He looked at her for a long moment. Slowly, a smile lit in his eyes. "Never a shrew. A fighter and abrazen hussy." / Placing a finger beneath her chin, he tilted her face up. "And, I'd say, you're the onlybrazen hussy who blushes." / Abrazen hussy. She should be offended. But the smile in his eyes, the touch of his finger moving slowly and feather-light from chin to throat and along the sensitive skin of her neck made it impossible to concentrate on rebuke.
2012,Michelle West,Skirmish: A House War Novel (DAW Books Collectors;no. 1571), New York, N.Y.:DAW Books,→ISBN:
If one had to lie at all, thebrazen lie was better becausebrazen lies were so outrageous many people failed to question them.
2019 February 27, Drachinifel, 18:25 from the start, inThe Battle of Samar - Odds? What are those?[1], archived fromthe original on3 November 2022:
Thisbrazen actionfurther helps convince Kurita that theJohnston is actually a cruiser, since,obviously, no meredestroyer woulddare risk this kind of charge, nor achieve this kind of damage!
1656, John Trapp, “A Commentary or Exposition upon the Gospel According to St. Matthew”, inA Commentary or Exposition upon All the Books of the New Testament.[…], 2nd enlarged edition, London: Printed by R. W. and are to be sold by Nath. Ekins,[…],→OCLC,page274:
And though the word doth eat up all they can ſay, asMoſes rod did: yet they harden their hearts withPharaoh, theybrazen their brows with him in the text, that ſaidI will not: Nay ſaid the Iſraelites, butwe will have a King. [Commentary on Matthew 21:29.]
His impudence is only less than his ignorance, in referring his questioner to[John] Milton, in proof of the scriptural angels being celestial women. That gentleman mildly remarks, "Milton's angels are not Ladies." Instead of blushing, hebrazens it out, and replies, "No—butsome scriptural angels are Ladies—I believe"—shewing that he is as ignorant of his Bible as of Milton.
Sabinabrazened it out before Mrs. Wygram; but inwardly she was resolved to be a good deal more circumspect.
1949,Robert Graves, “Modernist Poetry (with Laura Riding, 1926)”, inThe Common Asphodel, Collected Essays on Poetry, 1922–1949, London:Hamish Hamilton,→OCLC, page151:
[T]he historically minded modernist poet is uncertain whether there is any excuse at all for the existence of poets. Hebrazens out the dilemma by making cruel jokes at his own expense—jokes which he expects no one to see or to laugh at if seen.
[...] I've come to rely on a mental technique that I call powering through. [...] It's equivalent tobrazening out an awkward social situation—accidentally squeezing the butt of a stranger wearing the same costume as your boyfriend at a Halloween party, say. Powering through orbrazening out is almost always what I end up doing, but only after stifling my initial impulse to surrender or sink through the floor.
2008, Charles W. Sasser,God in the Foxhole: Inspiring True Stories of Miracles on the Battlefield, New York, N.Y.:Threshold Editions,Simon & Schuster,→ISBN:
The drivers of the 507s Lost Convoy knew they were in a world of deep fecal matter. Could theybrazen a path through the city once more and pick up Route Blue on the other side? Or would this morning's chain of unfortunate events finally catch up with them?