Fromboy +-o.
boyo (pluralboyos)
- (Ireland) Aboy orlad.
- (sometimes derogatory)A stereotypicallyWelsh form of address for a man, usually younger than the speaker.
1980, Tristan Jones, “Down the Old Kent Road”, inAdrift[1], Sheridan House, Inc, published1992,→ISBN,page73:“Can’t get onboard the boat,” Dai finished for me. “Bloody typical, it is,boyo.”
1984,Frederick Forsyth,The Fourth Protocol, London: Hutchinson,→ISBN,page301:‘This, er, initiator of polonium and lithium, would it be used in an anti-personnel bomb?’ he asked. ‘Oh yes, you could say so,boyo,’ replied the Welshman.
1995, Peter Ho Davies, “The Ugliest House in the World”, inThe Ugliest House in the World: Stories[2], Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, published2003,→ISBN,page 4:A taff is a Welshman. Everyone in the doctors’ mess calls me taff or taffy. Mr Swain, the mortuary attendant, calls meboyo, especially during the rugby season when Wales lose badly.
2006, Francis Kerr Young,Hang on a Second![3],,→ISBN,page210:“You’re crazyboyo!” Taffy gaped at his shipmate’s rosy cheeks, their hugh brightened by the Canadian blasts. “Now, what in the bloody hell were you doing out thereboyo?”
(form of address for a man): When used to address a Welshman by a non-Welshman this can be (perceived as) derogatory or patronising; use by obviously Welsh people to anyone is rarely derogatory but may still be patronising, especially if used to address someone older than oneself.
- fish
- Romanization ofꦧꦺꦴꦪꦺꦴ
- Nonstandard spelling ofbaya.Romanization ofꦧꦪ
FromOld Spanishbollo, fromLatinbulla.
boyo m
- a stuffed saltedpastry
- first-personsingularpresentindicative ofboyar
- IPA(key): /ˈbojo/,[ˈbʊ̞jʊ̞],[ˈbɔ̝jɔ̝]
- asweetcake made ofgratedcassava (manioc) andcocos