bosa (countable anduncountable,pluralbosas)
Inflection ofbosa (Kotus type 10/koira, no gradation) | |||
nominative | bosa | bosat | |
genitive | bosan | bosien | |
partitive | bosaa | bosia | |
illative | bosaan | bosiin | |
singular | plural | ||
nominative | bosa | bosat | |
accusative | nom. | bosa | bosat |
gen. | bosan | ||
genitive | bosan | bosien bosainrare | |
partitive | bosaa | bosia | |
inessive | bosassa | bosissa | |
elative | bosasta | bosista | |
illative | bosaan | bosiin | |
adessive | bosalla | bosilla | |
ablative | bosalta | bosilta | |
allative | bosalle | bosille | |
essive | bosana | bosina | |
translative | bosaksi | bosiksi | |
abessive | bosatta | bositta | |
instructive | — | bosin | |
comitative | See the possessive forms below. |
radical | lenition | eclipsis |
bosa | bhosa | mbosa |
Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Modern Irish.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
bosa f (definite singularbosa,indefinite pluralboserorbosor,definite pluralboseneorbosone)
bosa (present tensebosar,past tensebosa,past participlebosa,passive infinitivebosast,present participlebosande,imperativebosa/bos)