Enormous elm-treeboles did stoop and lean / Upon the dusky brushwood underneath / Their broad curved branches, fledged with clearest green, / New from its silken sheath.
A fine powder filled the air and caressed the cheek with a tingle in its touch, and the blackboles of the trees showed up in a light that seemed to come from below.
2018 April 14, “8 things to know about İznik pottery”, inChristie's[1]:
Good Iznik has strong colours well-contained within their outlines and a very clean, clear white. The red colour, made with Armenianbole (an earthy clay) should be thick and proud of the surface.
The shade of reddish brown which resembles this clay.
1649,Jeremy Taylor, “An Apology for Authorized and Set Forms of Liturgy Against the Pretence of the Spirit”, inCharles Page Eden, editor,The Whole Works of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor, D.D., volume V, published1849,page294:
[…]or else[…]the churches were very incurious to swallow such abole, if no pretension could have been reasonably made for their justification.
1707,J[ohn] Mortimer,The Whole Art of Husbandry; or, The Way of Managing and Improving of Land.[…], London:[…] J[ohn] H[umphreys] for H[enry] Mortlock[…], and J[onathan] Robinson[…],→OCLC:
Take then good Barley newly thrashed and well purged from the Chaff, and put thereof eightBoles, that is about ſix English Quarters, in a Stone - trough
"Open thebole," said the old woman firmly and hastily to her daughter-in-law, “open thebole wi' speed, that I may see if this be the right Lord Geraldin[…].
FromEnglishbowl, probably viaGermanBowle. Alternative historical forms:bols. First attested use to mean a bowl for making punch – 1880. First attested use to refer to the beverage itself – 1886.[1]
Aleksander Saloni (1899) “bole”, in “Lud wiejski w okolicy Przeworska”, in M. Arct, E. Lubowski, editors,Wisła : miesięcznik gieograficzno-etnograficzny (in Polish), volume13, Warsaw: Artur Gruszecki, page237