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WOTD – 16 January 2021


A bogie(sense 1) orflatbedtrolley used totransportluggage at arailway station inSomerset,England, UK.
AFrenchmetrocar, showing one of its two bogies(sense 2).
One of the bogies(sense 3) of an Airbus A350'slanding gear.

Etymology 1


Adialectal word from Northern England of unknown origin which is unrelated tobogey(hostile supernatural creature; terrifying thing, bugbear).[1][2]



bogie (pluralbogies)

  1. (Northern England) Alow,hand-operatedtruck, generally withfourwheels,used fortransportingobjects or forriding on as atoy; atrolley.[from 19th c.]
  2. (by extension, rail transport, also attributively) One oftwosets of wheels under alocomotive orrailcar; also, astructure withaxles and wheels under a locomotive, railcar, orsemi whichprovidessupport andreducesvibration for thevehicle.
    Synonym:(US)railroad truck
    • 1883 April 13, “Abstracts of Specifications Published during the Week Ending November 24, 1883”, inW[illiam] H[enry] Maw,J[ames] Dredge [Jr.], editors,Engineering: An Illustrated Weekly Journal, volume XXXVI, London: Offices for advertisements and publication, 35 & 36,Bedford Street,Strand, W.C., published 30 November 1883,→ISSN,→OCLC,page507, column 2:
      1878.Bogie Trucks for Railway Locomotives, &c.: [...] Fig. 1 is a cross section and Fig. 2 a section plan of abogie. A curved castinga is fixed to the engine and a wrought-iron beam or beamsb are connected to thebogie frames by linksc fitted with or without springsd.
    • 1889, J[ames] A[rthur] Lees, W[alter] J. Clutterbuck, “The C.P.R.[Canadian Pacific Railway]”, inB.C. 1887: A Ramble in British Columbia, new edition, London, New York, N.Y.:Longmans, Green, and Co.,→OCLC,pages57–58:
      The soil all along this portion of the route is so elastic and the line so straight and level that the train goes humming along without jar or vibration, and the sensation in these cars, with their six-wheeledbogies and well arranged springs, is more like what one imagines flying to be than a mere matter-of-fact railway journey.
    • 1908 May 1, “Miscellanea”, inW[illiam] H[enry] Maw, B. Alfred Raworth, editors,Engineering: An Illustrated Weekly Journal, volume LXXXV, London: Offices for advertisements and publication, 35 & 36,Bedford Street,Strand, W.C.,→ISSN,→OCLC,page585, column 3:
      An empty train was by mistake sent into the rear of an ordinary train standing at the station Rathausbrücke. The two colliding car-ends were damaged and thebogie of the standing train was lifted off the supporting rail so that its wheels settled by the side of the rail. Neither train fell, however, and nobody was seriously hurt.
  3. (aviation, by extension) A set ofwheels attached to one of anaircraft'slanding gear, or thestructureconnecting the wheels in one such set.
    Although most A320s have two wheels on each of their main gear, a few built for the Indian market have four-wheelbogies, halving the amount of weight on each wheel and allowing the aircraft to use runways that couldn't withstand the ground pressure from a standard A320.
  4. (British, India, rail transport) Arailway carriage.
    • 1917 October 12, “Company Meetings.[Assam Railways and Trading.]”, inThe Near East: A Weekly Review of Oriental Politics, Literature, Finance, and Commerce, volume XIII, number336, London: The Near East Editorial and Publishing Offices,→OCLC,page479, column 3:
      Thebogie coaches which he spoke of last year had been brought or were being brought into active service, but they had no further wagon stock available.
    • 1959 April, P. Ransome-Wallis, “The Southern in Trouble on the Kent Coast”, inTrains Illustrated, London:Ian Allan Publishing,→ISSN,→OCLC, page220:
      Although we took our eightbogies along to Whitstable at 60 m.p.h., and made a clean start from there, after Herne Bay the engine primed badly on Blacksole Bank and nearly stopped before we got over the top. Then we ran like the wind across the marshes with half-regulator, 30 per cent cut-off, and the engine blowing off.
    • 1979 August, Michael Harris, “A line for all reasons: the North Yorkshire Moors Railway”, inRailway World, page415:
      Hard work is required from men and machines as I was to experience later when footplating Lambton No 5 on fivebogies battling its way up Newtondale.
    • 2003 September,Jhumpa Lahiri, chapter 1, inThe Namesake, New York, N.Y.:Mariner Books, published2004,→ISBN,page17:
      [...] Ashoke was still reading at two-thirty in the morning, one of the few passengers on the train who was awake, when the locomotive engine and sevenbogies derailed from the broad-gauge line. The first fourbogies capsized into a depression alongside the track.
  5. (dated) Asoapbox racing vehicle.
Alternative forms
Derived terms
low, hand-operated truck used for transporting objects or riding on as a toy
structure with axles and wheels under a locomotive, railcar, or semi
railway carriageseerailway carriage

Etymology 2

A bogie ormarijuanacigarette.

Possibly frombogart(to selfishly take or keep something, to hog; especially to hold a joint (marijuana cigarette) dangling between the lips instead of passing it on) +‎-ie(suffix formingcolloquialnouns).Bogart is derived from the surname of the American actorHumphrey Bogart (1899–1957), who was frequently shown smoking (tobacco) cigarettes in his films. The verb was popularized by its use in the song “Don’t Bogart Me” (1968) by the rock groupFraternity of Man which appeared in thesoundtrack of the filmEasy Rider (1969); the song has the lines “Don’t bogart that joint my friend. / Pass it over to me.”[3]



bogie (pluralbogies)

  1. (chiefly US, slang) Amarijuanacigarette; ajoint.
    Synonyms:seeThesaurus:marijuana cigarette
    • [2002 November, Alonzo Westbrook, “bogies”, inHip Hoptionary: The Dictionary of Hip Hop Terminology (Harlem Moon), New York, N.Y.:Broadway Books,→ISBN,page15:
      bogies: marijuana cigarettes.]
    • 2008, Eric James, “Suburbia Life”, inShades of the Moon: Brawls before Laws,[Bloomington, Ind.]:Xlibris,→ISBN,page53:
      We normally dropped off at Shooters Billiards where we'd play pool and arcades, but sometimes left to do other shit. Shooters was a good lie to our parents when we came home smelling like smoke, because people smoked in the place, so we'd get away with smokingbogies or weed.
    • 2019, Joseph Anthony Torres,The World of Koolassjoe[1], New York, N.Y.: Koolassjoe Entertainment/USZ United,→ISBN:
      If i was the hulk i would smash you bite you like a cashew, then i smoke abogie if i have to
    • 2020 August 19, Levi John Gladstone, chapter 7, inThe Royal Family[2],[Bloomington, Ind.]:Xlibris,→ISBN:
      I ain't got no trees for sale but I got some personal shit for me. Ima fuck with you 'cause you seem like an a'ight nigga. You smokebogies?
Alternative forms
marijuana cigaretteseejoint

Etymology 3


A variant ofbogey.



bogie (pluralbogies)

  1. Alternative spelling ofbogey
    1. Aghost,goblin, or otherhostilesupernaturalcreature.
      • 1886,Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, translated by H.L. Brækstad,Folk and Fairy Tales, page47:
        All of a sudden he heard a terrible scream ahead, and he thought it must be thebogie singing his dirge.
    2. Astandard ofperformanceset up as amark to beaimed at incompetition.
    3. (aviation, military, slang) Anunidentifiedaircraft, especially asobserved as aspot on aradarscreen andsuspected to be hostile.
    4. (golf) Ascore ofone overpar on ahole.
    5. (British, colloquial) Apiece ofdriedmucus in orremoved from thenostril.


  1. ^bogie,n.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1887;bogie,n.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.
  2. ^Joseph Wright, editor (1898), “BOGIE,sb.3”, inThe English Dialect Dictionary: [], volumeI (A–C), London: Henry Frowde, [], publisher to theEnglish Dialect Society, []; New York, N.Y.:G[eorge] P[almer] Putnam’s Sons,→OCLC,page327, column 2.
  3. ^bogart,v.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press,June 2005;bogart,v.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.

Further reading



FrenchWikipedia has an article on:








bogie m (pluralbogies)

  1. abogie(UK, Can., Aus. etc.: a frame on which the axles and wheels are mounted, used under locomotives and other rail vehicles, trams, semitrailers and lorries)

Alternative forms





IndonesianWikipedia has an article on:



Borrowed fromEnglishbogie.Doublet ofbogi.





bogie (pluralbogie-bogie)

  1. (rail transport)bogie

Further reading

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