Rebracketing ofweblog. TheOxford English Dictionary says the shortened word was coined 23 May 1999 and references the "Jargon Watch" article in an issue of an online magazine[1] which attributes the shortening to Peter Merholz.[2] The formblog is now so much more common thanweblog that some misspell the latter aswebblog, as if fromweb +blog.
(Internet) Awebsite that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal, sometimes letting readers comment on theirposts. Most blogs are written in a slightly informal tone (personal journals, news, businesses, etc.)
2002,Biz Stone, chapter 1, inBlogging: Genius Strategies for Instant Web Content, Indianapolis: New Riders Pub.,→ISBN,page 4:
So you see, theblog has been around since the beginning of the web; that is how basic the concept is. Today'sblogs, and the activity of blogging, have taken on more meaning, but the concept of it all is still very simple and rooted in the beginning and intentions of the web itself.
Have you tried these, darling? They’re tempura zucchini flowers. Japanese-Italian fusion! My own invention. Shall I photograph it? We can put it on ourblog.
I hadn’tblogged myself, because I thought I had nothing to say. After 9/11, I did. So I planned to write the blog for a few weeks, until I ran out of memories.
1960, Rich Brown, Paul Stanbery,The Golden Halls of Mirth[5], published2006-07-19:
The earliest form we know about composed before Rhysling was blinded, at some drinking bout, and the verses concerned what he would do at the SoLaCon I—if he could find enoughblog, a mimeo, and a few willing femmefans.
1994 June 7, David E Romm, “Re: To Ghost or Not To Ghost...”, inrec.arts.sf.fandom[6] (Usenet),message-ID <>:
The closest we came to that was not serving alcohol in the consuite one year. That was a significant success for it's [sic] main purpose. We actually came up with a definition of a fan, albeit a partial one phrased in the negative: Anyone who comes to Minicon just because there's free beer in the consuite is not a fan. That year there was more alcohol and more kinds* of alcohol than at any Minicon before or since; all the real fans who liked to drink brought their own and shared. The policy mainly discouraged the jerks who liked to hang out at the consuite and hit on the women. We did that for one year and happily went back to serving beer andblog.
1995 September 4, Lindsay Crawford, “Re: Intersection”, inrec.arts.sf.fandom[7] (Usenet),message-ID <>:
I can't speak for Faye as ed of FHAPA, but it would be really swell of someone could send us a set of Intersection daily newszines, plus any con flyers or other fannish papers that were there to had for the picking up: fannish things, you know, not including media, gaming, filking or costuming, fine fun but not my cup ofblog, thank you.
^Dawson, Keith (1999 August 30) “TBTF for 1999-08-23: Compliance”, inTasty Bits from the Technology Front[1], retrieved2012-01-02
^Merholz, Peter (2002 May 17) “Play With Your Words”,[2], retrieved2012-01-02: “For What It's Worth: I've decided to pronounce the word 'weblog' as wee'- blog. Or 'blog' for short.”
(blogging)blog(website that allows users to reflect, share opinions, and discuss various topics in the form of an online journal, sometimes letting readers comment on their posts)
^Pęzik, Piotr, Przepiórkowski, A., Bańko, M., Górski, R., Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, B (2012)Wyszukiwarka PELCRA dla danych NKJP. Narodowy Korpus Języka Polskiego [National Polish Language Corpus, PELCRA search engine][4], Wydawnictwo PWN
“blog”, inSlovníkový portál Jazykovedného ústavu Ľ. Štúra SAV [Dictionary portal of the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Science] (in Slovak),,2003–2025
R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “blog”, inGeiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies