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See also:Block


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Alternative forms




Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishblok(log, stump, solid piece), fromOld Frenchbloc(log, block), fromMiddle Dutchblok(treetrunk), fromOld Dutch*blok(log), fromProto-West Germanic*blokk, fromProto-Germanic*blukką(beam, log), fromProto-Indo-European*bʰelǵ-(thick plank, beam, pile, prop). Cognate withOld Frisianblok,Old Saxonblok,Old High Germanbloh,bloc(block),Old Englishbolca(gangway of a ship, plank),Old Norsebǫlkr(divider, partition). More atbalk. See alsobloc,bulk.



block (pluralblocks)

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  1. A substantial, often approximatelycuboid, piece of any substance.
    ablock of ice; ablock of stone
    1. A chopping block: a cuboid base for cutting or beheading.
      Anne Boleyn placed her head on theblock and awaited her execution.
      • 1943 November –1944 February (date written; published1945 August 17),George Orwell [pseudonym; Eric Arthur Blair],Animal Farm [], London:Secker & Warburg, publishedMay 1962,→OCLC:
        You young porkers who are sitting in front of me, every one of you will scream your lives out at theblock within a year.
    2. Awig block: a simplified head model upon which wigs are worn.
    3. Amould on which hats, bonnets, etc., are shaped.
    4. (printing, dated) A piece of hard wood on which astereotype orelectrotypeplate is mounted.
    5. Acase orframe housing one or moresheaves (pulleys), used withropes to increase or redirect force, for example as part of lifting gear or a sailing ship'srigging.See alsoblock and tackle.
      Synonym:pulley block
    6. A section of splitlogs used asfuel.
      • 1833,The Gospel Anchor, volume 2, page371:
        She said, 'I hope I shall not be left to kill myself, but It would be no more sin to kill me, than to put ablock on the fire.'
      • 1803, Mary Tighe,Selena:
        "Aye," said the farmer putting anotherblock on the fire as he spoke[]
      • 2012, Ron Herrett,Shorty's Story:
        Dawn and Shorty would cut this tree intoblocks, while Randy and Matt went back for more. Dawn and Shorty made a good team on the crosscut, so when another log arrived, the first was almost completely made into shake wood.
    7. A set of sheets (of paper) joined together at one end, forming a cuboid shape.
      ablock of 100 tickets
    8. (falconry) Theperch on which abird of prey is kept.
    9. (cellular automata) In Conway'sGame of Life, astill life consisting of four livingcells arranged in a two-by-two square.
      • 1989 October 31, Scott Huddleston, “life: glider guns”, incomp.theory.cell-automata[1] (Usenet):
        But there are many queen bee configurations in which the debris is neutralized, including placement of ablock or eater near the bee's turnaround point, or placing two queen bees in a line or at right angles in various positions and phases.
      • 1997 November 30, David Bell, “Day & Night - An Interesting Variant of Life (part 5/5)”, incomp.theory.cell-automata[2] (Usenet):
        Perhaps the simplest puffer known is the following period 20 puffer based on the period 20 spaceship, which createsblocks.
      • 2005 February 23, Dave Greene, “exist glider gun able of reconstruction in Life?”, incomp.theory.cell-automata[3] (Usenet):
        Blocks have a couple of unusual properties: they are cleanly destroyed by an incoming glider on any one of six adjacent paths, and none of the possible collisions include any output gliders, so you can't get chain reactions.
  2. A physical area or extent of something, often rectangular or approximately rectangular.
    ablock of text; ablock of colour; ablock of land
    1. (philately) A joined group of four (or in some cases nine) postagestamps, forming a roughly square shape.
    2. (viticulture) A discrete group of vines in a vineyard, often distinguished from others by variety, clone, canopy training method, irrigation infrastructure, or some combination thereof.
  3. A logical extent or region; a grouping or apportionment of like things treated together as a unit.
    ablock of data; ablock of seven days; ablock reservation
    1. (computing) A logical data storage unit containing one or more physicalsectors.
      Coordinate term:cluster
      • 2003, Dilip M. Ranade,Shared Data Clusters, page79:
        After one disk is mapped, the nextblock starts at address 0 on the next disk.
    2. (programming) A region ofcode in a program that acts as a single unit, such as afunction orloop.
      • 2006, Matthew MacDonald,Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005: From Novice to Professional, page49:
        With a foreachblock, you don't need to create an explicit counter variable.
    3. (cryptography) A fixed-length group ofbits making up part of amessage.
    4. (chemistry) A portion of amacromolecule, comprising manyunits, that has at least onefeature not present in adjacent portions.
    5. (rail transport) A section of arailroad where theblock system is used.
    6. (computing) Acontiguousrange ofUnicodecode points used toencodecharacters of a specific type; can be of any size evenly divisible by 16, up to 65,536 (a fullplane).
      The "Specials"block comprises the sixteen codepoints from U+FFF0 through U+FFFF.
    7. (education) Ayeargroup atEton College.
  4. A contiguous group of urban lots of property, typically several acres in extent, not crossed by public streets.
    I’m going for a walk around theblock.
    1. The distance from one street to another in acity orsuburb that is built (approximately) to agrid pattern.
      The place you are looking for is two longblocks east and one shortblock north.
      • 1832,Records and Briefs of the United States Supreme Court, page423:
        The Witness: Well, I have one that is 8/10 of a mile away; I have one that is just about another 8/10 of a mile away; I have one that is threeblocks away; I have one that is fourblocks away; I have one that is eightblocks away, and I have one that is about 14blocks away.
      • 2009, Hape Kerkeling,I'm Off Then[4], page241:
        This uphill trail is like a battlefield. Anne offers to carry the older woman's backpack.[] I couldn't walk threeblocks with the Danish woman's bulging backpack.
      • 2017, Raymond E. Murphy,The Central Business District, page37:
        A county courthouse and a municipal building, located approximately a cityblock north of the district, were automatically excluded because they were separated from the main CBD by severalblocks that did not reach either of the required index values.
  5. A cuboid or approximately cuboid building.
    ablock of flats; a towerblock; an officeblock; a toiletblock; a showerblock
    1. Acellblock.
  6. Something thatprevents something frompassing.
    There’s ablock in the pipe that means the water can’t get through.
    1. Interference orobstruction ofcognitive processes.
      • 1977 April 1, “COUNSELING (personal advertisement)”, inGay Community News, page14:
        I work with writers/artists/others using artistic skills as a tool to exploreblocks and free creative energy.
    2. (backgammon) Anypoint on the board where two or more men rest, and consequently anopponent may not land.
    3. (sports) An action to interfere with the movement of an opposing player or of the object of play (ball, puck).
      • 2011 February 12, Oliver Brett, “Sunderland 1–2 Tottenham”, inBBC[5]:
        The match proved an unedifying spectacle until Spurs won a corner following their first move of real quality, John Mensah making an importantblock with Jermain Defoe poised to strike.
      1. (cricket) Ashot played by holding thebatvertically in thepath of theball, so that it losesmomentum and drops to theground.
      2. (cricket) The position of a player or bat when guarding thewicket.
      3. (cricket) Ablockhole.
      4. (cricket) Thepopping crease.
      5. (volleyball) A defensive play by one or more players meant to deflect a spiked ball back to thehitter’s court.
    4. A temporary or permanentban that prevents access to an online account or service, or connection to or from a designated telephone number, IP address, or similar.
      The Wiktionary page-blanking vandal was hit with an indefiniteblock.
      I’ve put ablock on calls from that number.
  7. (slang) Thehumanhead.
    I’ll knock yourblock off!
  8. (UK)Solitary confinement.
  9. (obsolete) Ablockhead; astupid person; adolt.
Derived terms
Terms derived fromblock (noun)
group of buildings
cutting base
preventing passage
human head
Related terms
substantial often approximately cuboid piece
chopping block; cuboid base for cutting or beheading
simplified head modelseewig block
mould on which headgear is shaped
printing: piece of hardwood on which a plate is mounted
part of a ship's rigging
section of split log used as fuel
set of paper sheets
falconry: perch on which a bird of prey is kept
philately: joined group of stamps, forming square
computing: logical data storage unit
programming: region of code that acts as single unit
cryptography: fixed-length group of bits making up part of a message
chemistry: portion of macromolecule
section of a railroad where the block system is used
group of buildings demarcated by streets
distance from one street to another
residential building consisting of flats
something that prevents passing
sports: action to interfere
cricket: shot played by vertical bat
cricket: position of a player or bat when guarding the wicket
cricket: blockholeseeblockhole
cricket: popping creaseseepopping crease
volleyball: defensive play
slang: human head
solitary confinementseesolitary confinement
stupid personseeblockhead
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
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block (third-person singular simple presentblocks,present participleblocking,simple past and past participleblocked)

  1. (transitive) To fill or obstruct (something) so that it is not possible to pass.
    The pipe wasblocked by leaves.
    You’reblocking the road – I can’t get through!
    • 2020 January 2, Philip Haigh, “Is there relief to congestion along Castlefield Corridor?”, inRail, page23:
      However, atManchester the junctions and signals are so close that a train running more slowly over several junctions simplyblocks those junctions for longer, preventing other trains moving.
  2. (transitive) To prevent (something or someone) from passing.
    A broken-down car isblocking the traffic.
  3. (transitive) To prevent (something from happening or someone from doing something).
    His plan to take over the business wasblocked by the boss.
    • 2019 November 25, Austin Ramzy, Tiffany May, Katherine Li, Elaine Yu, “Here’s What 5 of Hong Kong’s Newly Elected Politicians Have to Say”, inThe New York Times[6],→ISSN,→OCLC, archived fromthe original on2019-11-25[7]:
      Mr. Ip, who was the chairman of the Yau Tsim Mong district council, became a target of protesters in July after heblocked debate on the extradition bill that incited the protests this summer.
  4. (transitive, sports) To impede (an opponent or opponent’s play).
    Heblocked the basketball player’s shot.
    The offensive linemen tried toblock the blitz.
  5. (transitive, theater) To specify the positions and movements of the actors for (a section of a play or film).
    It was very difficult toblock this scene convincingly.
  6. (transitive, cricket) To hit with a block.
  7. (intransitive, cricket) To play a block shot.
  8. (transitive) Tobar (a person orbot, etc.) from connecting viatelephone,instant messaging, etc., or from accessing an online account or service, or similar.
    I tried to send you a message, but you’veblocked me!
    The user who started the edit war wasblocked for a day to cool off.
    • 2024 March 18, Sarah Zhang, “DNA Tests Are Uncovering the True Prevalence of Incest”, inThe Atlantic[8]:
      He messages her occasionally on Facebook, sending photos of grandkids and puppies he’s raised. Every year, he wishes her a happy birthday. She has not replied, but she has also notblocked him.
  9. (transitive) Tobar (a message or communication), or bar connection with (an online account or service, a designated telephone number, IP address, etc.).
    They’veblocked all calls to international numbers.
    Most Internet services have beenblocked.
  10. (programming, intransitive) Towait for somecondition to become true.
    When the condition expression is false, the threadblocks on the condition variable.
    • 2014, Richard Blewett, Andrew Clymer,Pro Asynchronous Programming with .NET, page25:
      Post is a “fire and forget” where the UI thread work is performed asynchronously; Send is synchronous in that the callblocks until the UI thread work has been performed.
  11. (transitive) Tostretch ormould (a knitted item, a hat, etc.) into the desired shape.
    Iblocked the mittens by wetting them and pinning them to a shaped piece of cardboard.
  12. (transitive) To shape or sketch out roughly.
    When drawing a scene, firstblock the main features, and then fill in the detail.
  13. (intransitive) To experiencemental block orcreative block.
    • 1976 April 26, Jil Clark, Julia Penelope, Susan Wolfe, “The Politics of Language”, inGay Community News, page 8:
      As I started to read the stories I thought, "I have to write my story," but Iblocked on it for six months. I couldn't write anything else while I couldn't write my coming out story. It seemed to me a subterfuge to turn out an anthology of coming out stories which didn't have my story in it.
  14. (transitive, slang, obsolete) To knock the hat of (a person) down over their eyes.
Derived terms
terms derived fromblock (verb)
to fill, making it impossible to pass
to prevent passing
to prevent an action
to impede opponent
to specify positions and movements of actors
cricket: to hit with a block
cricket: to play a block shot
to disable communication
computing: to wait
to stretch or mould into the desired shape
to impose a ban from accessing an online service, account or IP address

Etymology 2





  1. Misspelling ofbloc.



Alternative forms




FromEnglishblock.Doublet of薄lock.





block(Hong Kong Cantonese)

  1. (social media) toblock (someone)








  1. singularimperative ofblocken





Borrowed fromEnglishblock.



block m (genitive singularbluick)

  1. block,log,cake(of soap)

Derived terms



Mutation ofblock

Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Manx.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.





Unadapted borrowing fromEnglishblock.Doublet ofbloco.





block m (pluralblocks)

  1. (social media)block(temporary or permanent ban that prevents access to an online account or service)





FromMiddle Low Germanblock, fromOld Saxonblok, fromProto-West Germanic*blokk, fromProto-Germanic*blukką.





block n

  1. ablock, aboulder, acuboid (of ice, wood, rock)
  2. a block, apad, anotebook
  3. a block, apulley
  4. a block, a piece of data storage
  5. abloc (of voters or countries)


Declension ofblock

Derived terms


Related terms


See also



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