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See also:BeastandBEAST


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Alternative forms




FromMiddle Englishbeeste,beste, fromOld Frenchbeste (Frenchbête), fromLatinbēstia(animal, beast); many cognates – seebēstia.





beast (pluralbeasts)

  1. Ananimal, especially a large or dangerous landvertebrate.
    • 1611, “Leviticus 11:3”, inKing James Version[1]:
      Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, and cheweth the cud, among thebeasts, that shall ye eat.
    1. (chiefly in Commonwealth English, more specifically) Adomestic animal, especially abovine farm animal.
      • 1908 September 21, “The fatteningbeast”, inMark Lane Express Agricultural Journal[2], page340:
        [] it always had the making of a finebeast about it, but up to the time I had it up here in a stall by itself it did not get the chance to make any headway [ie, fatten], all its mates were down on it and it never seemed to fill itself.[] A big framedbeast takes a lot of food — expensive food at that [—] to keep it doing[]
      • 1943 November –1944 February (date written; published1945 August 17),George Orwell [pseudonym; Eric Arthur Blair],Animal Farm [], London:Secker & Warburg, publishedMay 1962,→OCLC:
        Boxer was an enormousbeast, nearly eighteen hands high, and as strong as any two ordinary horses put together.
      • 1963,Margery Allingham, chapter 7, inThe China Governess: A Mystery, London:Chatto & Windus,→OCLC:
        ‘Children crawled over each other like little grey worms in the gutters,’ he said. ‘The only red things about them were their buttocks and they were raw. Their faces looked as if snails had slimed on them and their mothers were like great sickbeasts whose byres had never been cleared. []
    2. (often collective) All non-human animals seen as a group.
      Language is what separates man andbeast.
    3. A monstrously unusual and dangerous animal.
  2. A person whobehaves in a violent,antisocial oruncivilized manner.
  3. (slang) Anything regarded as larger or more powerful than one of its normal size or strength.
    That is abeast of a stadium.
    The subwoofer that comes with this set of speakers is abeast.
  4. (slang) Someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physically.
  5. (prisonslang, derogatory) Asex offender.
    • 1994, Elaine Player, Michael Jenkins,Prisons After Woolf: Reform Through Riot, page190:
      Shouts had been heard: 'We're coming to kill you,beasts.' In desperation, Rule 43s had tried to barricade their doors[]
    • 1994, Adam Sampson,Acts of Abuse: Sex Offenders And the Criminal Justice System, page83:
      For many prisoners and in many prisons, antipathy towards 'nonces' or 'beasts' is little more than an idea[]
  6. (figuratively) Somethingunpleasant anddifficult.
    • 2000, Tom Clancy,The Bear and the Dragon, Berkley, published2001,→ISBN,page905:
      [] Even unopposed, the natural obstacles are formidable, and defending his line of advance will be abeast of a problem."
    • 2006, Heather Burt,Adam's Peak, Dundurn Press, published2006,→ISBN,page114:
      He'd be in the hospital a few days — broken collarbone, a cast on his arm, abeast of a headache — but fine.
  7. Athing ormatter, especially a difficult or unruly one.
    • 2003, John Derbyshire,Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problems in Mathematics[3]:
      Now, the nucleus of a heavy element is a very peculiarbeast.
    • 2010, Rob Chapman,A Very Irregular Head: The Life of Syd Barrett[4], page65:
      'Lucy Leave', also known as 'Lucy Lea in Blue Tights', is a strangerbeast altogether. Musically it is as derivative as everything else the band was playing at this time
    • 2012, Kylee Swenson Gordon,Electronic Musician Presents the Recording Secrets Behind 50 Great Albums[5]:
      ButWasting Light, recorded analog to tape (API 1608 32track, two Studer 827s) with no computers, not even to mix or master, is an entirely differentbeast.
    • 2017, Riley Sager,Final Girls[6], page141:
      Murder is a strangerbeast than suicide, although the end result of both is the same.



Derived terms

terms derived from beast (noun)

Related terms

terms related to beast (noun)


non-human animal
domestic animal
violent/antisocial person
large or impressive thing or structure
slang: someone who is particularly impressive, especially athletically or physically
prison slang: sex offender
something unpleasant and difficult
difficult or unruly thing
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See also




beast (third-person singular simple presentbeasts,present participlebeasting,simple past and past participlebeasted)

  1. (British, military) Toimposearduousexercises, either astraining or aspunishment.
  2. (Scotland, slang, transitive) To engage insexualintercourse with, particularly in anillicit context.
    That teacher is under investigation forbeasting wee 'uns.



beast (comparativemorebeast,superlativemostbeast)

  1. (slang, chiefly Midwestern and northeasternUS)great;excellent;powerful
    • 1999, Jason Chue, “AMD K6-2 350mhz, FIC VA503+, LGS 64mb PC100 sdram”, injaring.pcbase (Usenet):
      There is another type from Siemens which is the HYB 39S64XXX(AT/ATL) -8B version (notice the "B" and the end) which is totallybeast altogether.
    • 2012, Katie McGarry,Pushing the Limits, page37:
      Translation: a piece of crap, but the rest of the car was totallybeast.



Middle English





  1. Alternative form ofbeeste





FromMiddle Englishbeeste(livestock), fromOld Frenchbeste, fromLatinbestia. Cognate with West Englishbeäst.





beast (pluralbeasthès)

  1. beast
      A hornedbeast.


  • Jacob Poole (d. 1827) (before 1828) William Barnes, editor,A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland, London: J. Russell Smith, published1867,page47 & 25
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