Borrowed fromClassical Persianآزَار(āzār).
azar (definite accusativeazarı,pluralazarlar)
- illness
- Synonyms:xəstəlik,naxoşluq,mərəz
- trouble
- addiction,predilection (for),propensity
FromArabicالزَهْر(az-zahr,“the dice”). CompareSpanishazar,Italianzara andFrenchhasard.
azar m (pluralazares)
- bad luck;misfortune
- Foi muitoazar ter perdido aquele livro. ―Losing that book was some realbad luck.
- tough luck;big deal; I don’tcare(indicates that the speaker doesn’t care about the negative consequences mentioned)
“As crianças na África estão morrendo de fome!” “Azar.”- “Children in Africa are starving to death!” “Tough luck.”
“Cara, você pode morrer se fizer isso.” “Azar.”- “Dude, you could die if you do this.” “I don’t care.”
- The format “azar +possessive” or “azaro +possessive” can be use to indicate who will be affected by the negative consequences:
- Azar deles. ―That’s their problem.
- Azar o meu. ―That’s my problem.
- Azar da Ana. ―That’s Ana’s problem.
- This interjection is usually pronounced with a higher intonation in the stressed syllable, and often accompanied by a shrug of the shoulders.
FromArabicاَلزَّهْر(az-zahr,“the dice”). Related toEnglishhazard.
azar m (pluralazares)
- luck,chance
- alazar ―atrandom
- misfortune,accident
- obstacle,hazard
- (games) losing card, losing throw
- cushion side of a billiard pocket
Inherited fromOttoman Turkishآزار(azar,“a reprimand, reproach, scolding”),[1] fromPersianآزار(âzâr), fromPersianآزردن(âzordan,“to annoy, to torment”).[2] Cognates withAzerbaijaniazar,Northern Kurdishazar,Turkmenazar,Uzbekozor,Zazakiazar.
- IPA(key): /aˈzar/
- Hyphenation:a‧zar
azar (definite accusativeazarı,pluralazarlar)
- Areprimand,reproach.
- Synonyms:paylama,(dated)itap