First use appears c. 1784,[ 1] inThe Hindu Wife; or, The Enchanted Fruit, by William Jones. Borrowed fromHindustani अवतार /اوتار ( avtār ) , fromSanskrit अवतार ( avatāra ,“ descent of a deity from a heaven ” ) , a compound ofअव ( ava ,“ off, away, down ” ) and thevṛddhi -stem of the root√तॄ ( √tṝ ,“ to cross ” ) . In the computing sense, some use appeared in video games in the 1980s, such as the onlineroleplaying game Habitat (1985) by Lucasfilm Games (todayLucasArts ), byChip Morningstar andRandy Farmer ,[ 2] later versions of theUltima series (following religious use inUltima IV: Quest of the Avatar (1985)), and thepen and paper role-playing gameShadowrun (1989). Also popularized by the novelSnow Crash (1992) byNeal Stephenson .[ 1]
avatar (plural avatars )
( Hinduism ) Anincarnation of a deity, particularlyVishnu . Theembodiment of anidea orconcept ; aninstantiation , especially apersonification orincarnation .1886 May 1 – July 31 ,Robert Louis Stevenson , “Dedication”, inKidnapped, being Memoirs of the Adventures of David Balfour in the Year 1751: [ … ] , London; Paris:Cassell & Company , published1886 ,→OCLC ,pages v–vi :And honest Alan, who was a grim fire-eater in his day, has in this newavatar no more desperate purpose than to steal some young gentleman's attention from hisOvid ,[ …] [Contrasting the historical Alan Breac with his incarnation in the novel.] ( Internet , video games ) A complex and dynamicdigital representation of aperson orbeing in the form of a digitalmodel , used online as asimulation oremulation of a person, or as a person's onlinealter ego , in avirtual world, virtualchat room , ormetaverse .1992 ,Neal Stephenson ,Snow Crash , New York: Bantam Books,→ISBN ,pages35–36 :The people are pieces of software calledavatars . They are the audiovisual bodies that people use to communicate with each other in the Metaverse.
2008 ,BioWare ,Mass Effect (Science Fiction ), Redwood City: Electronic Arts,→ISBN ,→OCLC , PC, scene: Computers: Virtual Intelligence (VI) Codex entry:A virtual intelligence is an advanced form of user interface software. VIs use a variety of methods to simulate natural conversation, including an audio interface and anavatar personality to interact with.
2013 November 27,Roger Cohen , “The past in our future”, inThe New York Times [1] :Devices now track and record our every move and, whether we like it or not, each one of us will bequeath to posterity a virtualavatar , a digital being whose calls, messages, transactions, loves and losses will live on in a vast, unregulated cyberspace. The afterlife has arrived, at least for our cyberbeings.
( Internet , video games ) A simple and static or nearly staticdigital representation of aperson orbeing in the form of a small digital object, used online as asimulacrum ortoken of a person or that person's onlinealter ego , in any digital environment but especially innonvirtual ,nonmetaversal ones.Hyponyms: profile picture ,pfp ,user pic Coordinate term: icon earthly incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu
Assamese:অৱতাৰ ( owotar ) Bengali:অবতার (bn) ( obotar ) Chinese:Mandarin:化身 (zh) ( huàshēn ) Dutch:belichaming (nl) f , avatar (nl) Esperanto:avataro Finnish:avatar (fi) ,inkarnaatio (fi) French:avatar (fr) m , incarnation (fr) f Georgian: ავატარა ( avaṭara ) German:Avatar (de) m , Avatara (de) m , Herabkunft f , Inkarnation (de) f Greek: αβατάρα f ( avatára ) Gujarati: અવતાર ? ( avatār ) Hindi: अवतार (hi) m ( avtār ) Hungarian: avatára (hu) Indonesian:avatar ,awatara Italian:avatar (it) m , incarnazione (it) f Japanese: 天降 ( あまくだり , amakudari) ,天下り (ja) ( amakudari ) Kannada:ಅವತಾರ (kn) ( avatāra ) Khmer:អវតារ (km) ( a’vea’taa ) Malayalam:അവതാരം (ml) ( avatāraṁ ) ,അവതാർ ( avatāṟ ) Marathi:अवतार ? ( avtār ) Odia: ଅବତାର ( abatāra ) Polish:awatar (pl) m , awatara (pl) f Portuguese: avatar (pt) m Punjabi: ਅਵਤਾਰ (pa) m ( avatār ) Russian: авата́ра (ru) f ( avatára ) ,авата́р (ru) m ( avatár ) ,воплоще́ние (ru) n ( voploščénije ) Sanskrit: अवतार (sa) m ( avatāra ) Sindhi: اوتار Spanish:avatar (es) m , encarnación (es) f Swedish: avatar (sv) c Tamil: அவதாரம் (ta) ( avatāram ) Telugu:అవతారము (te) ( avatāramu ) ,అవతారం (te) ( avatāraṁ ) Thai:อวตาร (th) ( à-wá-dtaan ) Ukrainian:аватар m ( avatar ) ,аватара f ( avatara ) Urdu: اَوتار m ( avtār )
The physical embodiment of an idea or concept; a personification
Arabic:أَفَاتَار m ( ʔafatār ) Chinese: Mandarin: 化身 (zh) ( huàshēn ) Dutch:verpersoonlijking (nl) Esperanto:avataro Finnish:ruumiillistuma ,henkilöitymä (fi) ,avatar (fi) French:avatar (fr) m , matérialisation (fr) f , personnification (fr) f , allégorie (fr) f Georgian: განსხეულება ( gansxeuleba ) ,პერსონიფიკაცია ( ṗersonipiḳacia ) German:Verkörperung (de) f Greek: ενσάρκωση (el) f ( ensárkosi ) Hungarian: inkarnáció (hu) ,megtestesülés (hu) Japanese:化身 (ja) ( けしん, keshin ) ,アバター ( abatā ) Korean:아바타 (ko) ( abata ) Malayalam:അവതാരം (ml) ( avatāraṁ ) Marathi:अवतार m ( avtār ) Polish: personifikacja (pl) f , ucieleśnienie (pl) n Portuguese: personificação (pt) f Punjabi: ਅਵਤਾਰ (pa) m ( avatār ) Russian: воплоще́ние (ru) n ( voploščénije ) ,авата́р (ru) m ( avatár ) Spanish: materialización f , personificación (es) f Thai: บุคคลวัต (th) ,บุคลาธิษฐาน Ukrainian:втілення n ( vtilennja ) ,персоніфікація f ( personifikacija )
digital representation of a person or being
Arabic:أَفَاتَار m ( ʔafatār ) Catalan: avatar (ca) m Chinese: Mandarin: 紙娃娃 / 纸娃娃 ( zhǐwáwá ) ,頭像 / 头像 (zh) ( tóuxiàng ) Czech:avatar (cs) m Dutch: avatar (nl) c ,( informal ) ava c Esperanto: avataro Finnish:hahmo (fi) ,virtuaalihahmo ,avatar (fi) French:avatar (fr) m , emblème (fr) m , symbole (fr) m , photo de profil (fr) f Georgian: ავატარი ( avaṭari ) German:Avatar (de) m Greek: άβαταρ (el) n ( ávatar ) ,αβατάρ (el) n ( avatár ) Indonesian: avatar Italian:avatar (it) m , emblema (it) ,simbolo (it) Japanese:アバター ( abatā ) Korean:아바타 (ko) ( abata ) Maori:tuatangata Polish:awatar (pl) m Portuguese: avatar (pt) m Russian: авата́р (ru) m ( avatár ) Spanish: avatar (es) m , emblema (es) ,símbolo (es) Swedish:avatar (sv) Thai:อวตาร (th) ( à-wá-dtaan ) ,อวทาร์ ( à-wá-taa ) Turkish:avatar (tr) Ukrainian:аватар m ( avatar )
Borrowed fromEnglish , fromSanskrit .
avatar m (plural avatars )
( religion ) avatar ( computer games ) avatar FromEnglish avatar , fromSanskrit अवतार ( avatāra ) .
avatar ( earthly incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu ) ( rare ) avatar ( physical embodiment of an idea or concept ) Synonym: ruumiillistuma ( rare ) avatar ( digital representation of a person or being ) Synonyms: hahmo ,virtuaalihahmo FromHindustani अवतार /اوتار ( avtār ) , fromSanskrit अवतार ( avatāra ,“ descent of a deity from a heaven ” ) , a compound ofअव ( ava ,“ off, away, down ” ) and thevṛddhi -stem of the rootतरति ( √tṝ ,“ to cross ” ) .
avatar m (plural avatars )
( Hinduism ) avatar ( computing ) avatar ( plural tantum ) misadventures ,incidents Synonyms: aléa ,vicissitude ,péripétie ,bouleversement FromEnglish avatar , fromHindustani अवतार /اوتار ( avtār ) , fromSanskrit अवतार ( avatāra ,“ descent of a deity from a heaven ” ) .Doublet ofawatara .
avatar (plural avatar -avatar )
( Hinduism ) avatar ( the incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu ) Synonym: awatara ( computing ) avatar ( a digital representation of a person or being ) Unadapted borrowing fromEnglish avatar .
avatar m ( invariable )
avatar (all senses)Borrowed fromFrench avatar , fromSanskrit अवतार ( avatāra ,“ descent of a deity from a heaven ” ) .[ 1] [ 2] The computing sense comes fromEnglish .
avatar m (plural avatares )
( Hinduism ) avatar ( computing , video games ) avatar Borrowed fromFrench avatar .
avatar n (plural avataruri )
avatar IPA (key ) : /aʋǎtaːr/ Hyphenation:a‧va‧tar avàtār m (Cyrillic spelling ава̀та̄р )
avatar IPA (key ) : /abaˈtaɾ/ [a.β̞aˈt̪aɾ] Rhymes:-aɾ Syllabification:a‧va‧tar avatar m (plural avatares )
avatar ( in theplural ) vicissitudes ,ups and downs avatar c
( Hinduism ) anavatar anavatar (representing a user on an internet forum, a player in a video game, or the like)