1994, Maria Guadalupe Serna-Perez,Entrepreneurship, Women's Roles, and the Domestic Cycle:
In the same melodrama, Madame Rotschild, a supporting character plays a similar role by "auntying" all children as a rich and powerful woman who can solve most problems in children's own homes.
2003, Richard M. Lerner,Handbook of applied developmental science:
More and more children are being "auntied" by women in the community who feel it is their duty as mothers to care for parentless children.
2011, Salvatore Scibona,The End, page72:
She had had only one unmitigated success in bending the girl to her will over the many years she'dauntied her: She had peeled the dialect right olf Lina's tongue.
2019, Keturah Kendrick,No Thanks: Black, Female, and Living in the Martyr-Free Zone:
“I am the best auntie of any auntie that has everauntied,” she'd say, and in doing so reshape herself into the image her community needed to see.