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WOTD – 14 August 2022



From LateMiddle Englishathwert,athirt,[1] froma-(prefix meaning ‘in the direction of, toward’)[2] +thwert(crosswise; (cooking) across the grain,adverb).Thwert is derived fromthwert(crosswise, transverse; counter, opposing; contrary, obstinate, stubborn,adjective),[3] borrowed fromOld Norseþvert(across, athwart), originally theneuter form ofþverr(across, transverse),[4] fromProto-Germanic*þwerhaz(cross; adverse) (altered or influenced byProto-Germanic*þweraną(to stir; to swirl; to turn)), fromProto-Germanic*þerh-, probably fromProto-Indo-European*terkʷ-(to spin; to turn). The English word is analysable asa-(prefix meaning ‘in the direction of, toward’) +‎thwart(placed or situated across something else).[5]






athwart (comparativemoreathwart,superlativemostathwart)(nautical)

  1. Fromside to side, often in anobliquemanner;across orover.
    Above, the stars appeared to move slowlyathwart.
    We placed one log on the ground, and anotherathwart, forming a crude cross.
  2. Across thepath of something, so as toimpedeprogress.
    a fleet standingathwart our course
    • 2021 March 26, Richard Meade,Bigger ships create bigger problems[1]:
      One of the world’s largest containerships wedgedathwart the Suez Canal has offered the shipping industry a timely reminder that super-sized ships can create super-sized problems
    • 2021 May 25, “A giant container ship accidentally blocks the Suez Canal”, inThe Economist[2], London:The Economist Group,→ISSN,→OCLC:
      One of the world’s largest container ships was wedgedathwart the Suez Canal on March 23rd, blown off course by high winds.
      (Can wearchive thisURL?)
    • 2021 March 25, Amanda Mull, “The Big, Stuck Boat Is Glorious: The Ever Given is very big and very stuck.”, inThe Atlantic[3], Washington, D.C.: The Atlantic Monthly Group,→ISSN,→OCLC:
      The Ever Given is standingathwart one of the most important shipping lanes in the world, yelling “Oops!” She is ruining everything, and at least for the moment, she cannot be (un)stopped.
      (Can wearchive thisURL?)
    • 1791,Homer, “[The Iliad.] Book III.”, inW[illiam] Cowper, transl.,The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, Translated into Blank Verse, [], volume I, London: [] J[oseph] Johnson, [],→OCLC,page69, lines90–92:
      [W]ith his ſpear / Advancedathvvart puſh'd back the Trojan van, / And all ſtood faſt.
  3. (figuratively)Against theanticipated orappropriatecourse of something;improperly,perversely,wrongly.

Related terms



from side to side, often in an oblique mannersee alsoacross
across the path of something, so as to impede progress
against the anticipated or appropriate course of somethingseeimproperly,‎perversely




  1. From oneside to the other side of;across.
    The stars moved slowlyathwart the sky.
  2. Across thecourse orpath of, so as tomeet; hence(figuratively), to theattention of.
    • 1642,Thomas Fuller, “The True Church Antiquary”, inThe Holy State, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: [] Roger Daniel for John Williams, [],→OCLC, book II, paragraph 5,page71:
      For here our ſouls hath but one eye (the Apoſtle ſaith,vve knovv in part) be not proud if that chance to comeathvvart thy ſeeing ſide, vvhich meets with the blind ſide of another.
    • 1794 December 24 (date written),S[amuel] T[aylor] Coleridge, “Religious Musings. A Desultory Poem, Written on the Christmas Eve of 1794.”, inPoems, [], 2nd edition, London: [] N. Briggs, forJ[oseph] Cottle, [], and Messrs.Robinsons, [], published1797,→OCLC,page145, lines383–384:
      O Years! the blest preeminence of Saints! / Ye sweepathwart my gaze, so heavenly-bright,[]
  3. Across the course or path of, so as tooppose.
  4. (figuratively)
    1. Across;through.
      • 1712 (date written),[Joseph] Addison,Cato, a Tragedy. [], London: [] J[acob] Tonson, [], published1713,→OCLC, Act III, scene i,page37:
        And novv,athvvart the Terrors that thy Vovv / Has planted round thee, thou appear'ſt more fair, / More amiable, and riſeſt in thy Charms.
      • 1719 May 6 (Gregorian calendar), [Daniel Defoe],The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, [], London: [] W[illiam] Taylor [],→OCLC,page19:
        About three in the Afternoon he came up vvith us, and bringing too by Miſtake, juſtathvvart our Quarter, inſtead ofathvvart our Stern, as he intended, vve brought 8 of our Guns to bear on that Side, and pour'd in a Broadſide upon him, vvhich made him ſheer off again, after returning our Fire, and pouring in alſo his ſmall Shot from near 200 Men vvhich he had on Board.
      • 2014 September 7,Natalie Angier, “The Moon comes around again[print version: Revisiting a moon that still has secrets to reveal: Supermoon revives interest in its violent origins and hidden face,International New York Times, 10 September 2014, page 8]”, inThe New York Times[4], New York, N.Y.:The New York Times Company,→ISSN,→OCLC, archived fromthe original on22 June 2022:
        And should the moon happen to hit its ever-shifting orbital perigee at the same time that it liesathwart from the sun, we are treated to a so-called supermoon, a full moon that can seem close enough to embrace – as much as 12 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than the average full moon.
    2. Opposed to.
  5. (nautical) Across theline of aship's course, or across itsdeck.
    The damaged mainmast fellathwart the deck, destroying the ship’s boat.

Derived terms



from one side to the other side ofsee alsoacross
across the course or path of, so as to meet; (figuratively) to the attention of
across the path or course of, so as to oppose
across; throughseeacross,‎through
opposed to
across the line of a ship’s course, or across its deck


  1. ^athwert,adv.”, inMED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007.
  2. ^a-,pref.(2), in adverbs”, inMED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007.
  3. ^thwert,adj.”, inMED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007.
  4. ^thwart,adv.,prep., andadj.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1912;thwart,prep. andadv.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.
  5. ^athwart,adv. andprep.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press, December 2021;athwart,prep. andadv.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.
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