atas (comparativemoreatas,superlativemostatas)
- (informal, Singapore)High(elevated in status, esteem, prestige; exalted in rank, station, or character).
- (informal, Singapore)Arrogant.
- Lee, Min Kok (2016 September 13) “Aiyoh,atas, ah beng and char kway teow: More Singlish words added to Oxford English Dictionary”, inThe Straits Times[1],→OCLC, archived fromthe original on13 September 2016: “"Atas", an oft-used term by Singaporeans to deride people for being too arrogant or high-class, was also included in the list.”
- second-personsingularpresentsubjunctive ofatar
- second-personsingularpresentindicative ofatar
Inherited fromProto-Malayic*atas, fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian*atas, fromProto-Austronesian*aCas.
- on;above;over
- Scott, N. C. (1956)A Dictionary of Sea Dayak[2], School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
FromMalayatas, fromProto-Malayic*atas, fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian*atas (compareTagalogtaas), fromProto-Austronesian*aCas.
- upstairs
- on,upon,on top of
- upper,above
- inconnection with, withreference to,regarding
- according to
- of
Buku itu terdiriatas beberapa bab.- That book consistsof several chapters.
- due to,because of
- about
Ia berlagak tidak mengertiatas masalah itu.- He/she pretended not to understandabout that problem.
- (mathematics)over
Sifat distributif perkalianatas penjumlahan dan pengurangan- The distributive property of multiplicationover addition and subtraction.
Affixed terms and other derivations
Regular affixed derivations:
Irregular affixed derivations, other derivations and compound words:
- inflection ofat:
- presentindicativedirect relative
- first-personsingularpastindicative dependent
Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Modern Irish.
All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
FromProto-Malayic*atas, fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian*atas (compareTagalogtaas), fromProto-Austronesian*aCas.
atas (Jawi spellingاتس)
- on,upon,on top of.
- upper,above (abstract).
- inconnection with,according to.
- for.
Kami mengucapkan terima kasihatas kerjasama anda.- We would like to express our gratitudefor your cooperation.
- about.
- due to,because of
Dia tidak dapat menyertai pertandinganatas masalah kesihatan.- He cannot participate in the competitiondue to health issues.
Affixed terms and other derivations
Regular affixed derivations:
- mengatas[agent focus] (meN-)
- mengatasi[agent focus + causative (locative) benefactive] (meN- +-i)
- mengataskan[agent focus + causative benefactive] (meN- +-kan)
- teratas[agentless action] (teR-)
- atasan[resultative / locative / collective / variety / verbal noun / fruit] (-an)
- pengatas[agentive / qualitative / instrumental / abstract / measure] (peN-)
- pengatasan[agentive / qualitative / instrumental / abstract / measure + resultative / locative / collective / variety / verbal noun / fruit] (peN- +-an)
Irregular affixed derivations, other derivations and compound words:
atas f pl
- plural ofata
- second-personsingularpresentindicative ofatar
- IPA(key): /ˈatas/[ˈa.t̪as]
- Rhymes:-atas
- Syllabification:a‧tas
- second-personsingularpresentindicative ofatar
atas (Baybayin spellingᜀᜆᜐ᜔)
- order;command;mandate
- Synonyms:utos,mando,orden
atás (Baybayin spellingᜀᜆᜐ᜔)(obsolete)
- allocation;partition(as of heirs obtaining shares of inheritance)
- Synonyms:pagpaparti,partisyon