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See also:Associate




  • Verb: (these pronunciations can also apply to the noun and adjective)
    • (RP)enPR:əsō'shiāt,əsō'siātIPA(key): /əˈsəʊʃieɪt/,/əˈsəʊsieɪt/
    • (US)enPR:əsō'shiāt,əsō'siātIPA(key): /əˈsoʊʃieɪt/,/əˈsoʊsieɪt/
    • Audio(US):(file)
  • Noun and adjective:
    • (RP)enPR:əsō'shiət,əsō'siətIPA(key): /əˈsəʊʃi.ət/,/əˈsəʊsi.ət/
    • (US)enPR:əsō'shiət,əsō'siətIPA(key): /əˈsoʊʃi.ət/,/əˈsoʊsi.ət/,/əˈsoʊʃi.ɪt/,/əˈsoʊsi.ɪt/
    • Audio(US):(file)
    • Audio(US):(file)
  • Hyphenation:as‧so‧ci‧ate

Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishassociat(e) (usedparticipially as well asadjectively up toEarly Modern English), fromLatinassociātus, theperfectpassiveparticiple ofassociō(to join, unite), fromad- +‎sociō, fromsocius(shared, common, kindred) +‎(first conjugation verb-forming suffix).



associate (notcomparable)

  1. Joined with another or others and having lowerstatus.
    Theassociate editor is someone who has some experience in editing but not sufficient experience to qualify for a senior post.
  2. Havingpartial status orprivileges.
    He is anassociate member of the club.
  3. Following or accompanying;concomitant.
  4. (biology, dated) Connected byhabit orsympathy.
    associate motionsmotions that occur sympathetically, in consequence of preceding motions
    • 1794, Erasmus Darwin,Zoonomia; Or, The Laws of Organic Life, page36:
      Theseassociate ideas are gradually formed into habits of acting together, by frequent repetition, while they are yet separately obedient to the will; as is evident from the difficulty we experience in gaining so exact an idea of the front of St. Paul's church, as to be able to delineate it with accuracy, or in recollecting a poem of a few pages.
Derived terms
joined with others and having equal or near equal status
having partial status or privileges
following or accompanying

Etymology 2


From thesubstantivization of the aboveadjective, see-ate(noun-forming suffix) andEtymology 1 for more.



associate (pluralassociates)

  1. A person united with another or others in anact,enterprise, orbusiness; apartner oremployee.
    Allow me to introduce my businessassociates, Alice and Bob, who are senior VPs for ops and strategy, respectively.
    Associates must wash hands before returning to work
  2. Somebody with whom one works,coworker,colleague.
  3. Acompanion; acomrade.
  4. One that habituallyaccompanies or is associated with another; anattendantcircumstance.
  5. A member of an institution or society who is granted only partialstatus orprivileges.
  6. (algebra) One of a pair of elements of anintegral domain (or aring) such that the two elements are divisible by each other (or, equivalently, such that each one can be expressed as the product of the other with aunit).
Derived terms
companion; comrade
one that habitually accompanies or is associated with another
member of an institution or society who is granted only partial status or privileges
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Etymology 3


FromMiddle Englishassociat(e)(associated, allied) (the verb*associaten is not found inMiddle English writings and only attested at a later period), see-ate(verb-forming suffix) andEtymology 1 for more.Doublet ofassocie.



associate (third-person singular simple presentassociates,present participleassociating,simple past and past participleassociated)

  1. (intransitive) To join in or form aleague,union, orassociation.
  2. (intransitive) To spend timesocially; keepcompany.
    Sheassociates with her coworkers on weekends.
    • 1915,G[eorge] A. Birmingham [pseudonym; James Owen Hannay], chapter I, inGossamer, New York, N.Y.:George H. Doran Company,→OCLC:
      As a political system democracy seems to me extraordinarily foolish, []. My servant is, so far as I am concerned, welcome to as many votes as he can get.[]I do not suppose that it matters much in reality whether laws are made by dukes or cornerboys, but I like, as far as possible, toassociate with gentlemen in private life.
  3. (transitive, withwith) Tojoin as apartner,ally, orfriend.
    Heassociated his name with many environmental causes.
  4. (transitive) Toconnect or join together;combine.
    Synonyms:attach,join,put together,unite;see alsoThesaurus:join
    particles of goldassociated with other substances
  5. (transitive) To connectevidentially, or in themind orimagination.
    • 1819 September 21,John Keats, letter toJohn Hamilton Reynolds:
      I always somehowassociate Chatterton with autumn.
    • 1848,Thomas Babington Macaulay,The History of England from the Accession of James II[1]:
      He succeeded inassociating his name inseparably with some names which will last as long as our language.
    • 1951 August, P. W. Gentry, “Cliff Railways”, inRailway Magazine, page514:
      A branch of rail transport that seems to been rather neglected by historians is that concerned with cliff railways, of which a fair number exist in Great Britain. This is probably because these lines are overshadowed by the more spectacular funicular railways in Switzerland and other mountainous regions; perhaps, too, because of the general habit of referring to them as "cliff lifts," which tends toassociate them with the vertical indoor type.
    • 1960 December, “The Glasgow Suburban Electrification is opened”, inTrains Illustrated, page714:
      The economics of rebuilding all the stations covered by the electrification would be prohibitive, but to help bring home to the Glasgow public that their North Clyde suburban service has been transformed, not merely re-equipped with new trains, stations have at least beenassociated psychologically with the rolling stock by a common colour scheme.
    • 2013 July-August,Philip J. Bushnell, “Solvents, Ethanol, Car Crashes & Tolerance”, inAmerican Scientist:
      Surprisingly, this analysis revealed that acute exposure to solvent vapors at concentrations below thoseassociated with long-term effects appears to increase the risk of a fatal automobile accident.
  6. (reflexive, in deliberative bodies) Toendorse.
    • 1999 August 4-5, Congress, “Pt. 14”, inCongressional Record, volume145, page19343:
      Mr. President, I rise toassociate myself with the remarks of my senior Senator from Louisiana who has led this fight successfully for many years
  7. (mathematics) To beassociative.
  8. (transitive, obsolete) Toaccompany; to be in the company of.
Derived terms
Related terms
to join in or form a league, union, or association
to spend time socially
to join as a partner, ally, or friend
to connect or join together; combine
to connect in the mind or imagination
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Etymology 1





  1. inflection ofassociare:
    1. second-personpluralpresentindicative/subjunctive
    2. second-personpluralimperative

Etymology 2




associate pl

  1. feminineplural ofassociato






  1. second-personpluralpresentactiveimperative ofassociō
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