FromOld Galician-Portugueseassi, fromLate Latinac sīc. Closely parallel toAromanianashi,Portugueseassim,Romanianașa,Spanishasí. Compare alsoCatalanaixí,Frenchainsi,Italiancosì.
- so,thus
- IPA(key): /aˈsi/[aˈsi]
- Rhymes:-i
- Syllabification:a‧sí
Inherited fromOld Spanishassí, fromLate Latinac sīc. Closely parallel toAromanianashi,Portugueseassim,Romanianașa. Compare alsoCatalanaixí,Frenchainsi,Italiancosì.
- like this; like that; as such;thus;so;thereby;this way,that way
- Synonym:talmente
¡Así se hace! Lo hiciste genial.- Way to go! You did great.
- (literally, “That's how it's done!”)
Si no paras de hablarasí, vas a hacerme llorar.- If you don't stop talkinglike that, you're going to make me cry.
- (followed by a subjunctive clause)used to express wishes of misfortune against someone, or to cast a spell
¡Así reciba un dolor de cabeza!- I hope he gets a headache!
Así hubiera sobrevivido.- I hope he survived.
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
- inflection ofasir:
- first-personsingularpreteriteindicative
- second-personsingular voseoimperative