Conjugation ofarvoa (type 1/ampua, no gradation) | |||||
Indikativa | |||||
Preesens | Perfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | arvon | enarvo | 1st singular | oonarvont,oonarvonut | en ooarvont,en ooarvonut |
2nd singular | arvot | etarvo | 2nd singular | ootarvont,ootarvonut | et ooarvont,et ooarvonut |
3rd singular | arvoo | eiarvo | 3rd singular | onoarvont,onoarvonut | ei ooarvont,ei ooarvonut |
1st plural | arvomma | emmäarvo | 1st plural | oommaarvoneet | emmä ooarvoneet |
2nd plural | arvotta | ettäarvo | 2nd plural | oottaarvoneet | että ooarvoneet |
3rd plural | arvoot1),arvovat2),arvotaa | evätarvo,eiarvota | 3rd plural | ovatarvoneet | evät ooarvoneet,ei ooarvottu |
impersonal | arvotaa | eiarvota | impersonal | onoarvottu | ei ooarvottu |
Imperfekta | Pluskvamperfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | arvoin | enarvont,enarvonut | 1st singular | olinarvont,olinarvonut | en oltarvont,en oltarvonut |
2nd singular | arvoit | etarvont,etarvonut | 2nd singular | olitarvont,olitarvonut | et oltarvont,et oltarvonut |
3rd singular | arvoi | eiarvont,eiarvonut | 3rd singular | oliarvont,oliarvonut | ei oltarvont,ei oltarvonut |
1st plural | arvoimma | emmäarvoneet | 1st plural | olimmaarvoneet | emmä olleetarvoneet |
2nd plural | arvoitta | ettäarvoneet | 2nd plural | olittaarvoneet | että olleetarvoneet |
3rd plural | arvoit1),arvoivat2),arvottii | evätarvoneet,eiarvottu | 3rd plural | olivatarvoneet | evät olleetarvoneet,ei oltarvottu |
impersonal | arvottii | eiarvottu | impersonal | oliarvottu | ei oltarvottu |
Konditsionala | |||||
Preesens | Perfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | arvoisin | enarvois | 1st singular | olisinarvont,olisinarvonut | en olisarvont,en olisarvonut |
2nd singular | arvoisit,arvoist1) | etarvois | 2nd singular | olisitarvont,olisitarvonut | et olisarvont,et olisarvonut |
3rd singular | arvois | eiarvois | 3rd singular | olisarvont,olisarvonut | ei olisarvont,ei olisarvonut |
1st plural | arvoisimma | emmäarvois | 1st plural | olisimmaarvoneet | emmä olisarvoneet |
2nd plural | arvoisitta | ettäarvois | 2nd plural | olisittaarvoneet | että olisarvoneet |
3rd plural | arvoisiit1),arvoisivat2),arvottais | evätarvois,eiarvottais | 3rd plural | olisivatarvoneet | evät olisarvoneet,ei olisarvottu |
impersonal | arvottais | eiarvottais | impersonal | olisarvottu | ei olisarvottu |
Imperativa | |||||
Preesens | Perfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | — | — | 1st singular | — | — |
2nd singular | arvo | eläarvo | 2nd singular | ooarvont,ooarvonut | elä ooarvont,elä ooarvonut |
3rd singular | arvokoo | elkööarvoko | 3rd singular | olkooarvont,olkooarvonut | elköö olkoarvont,elköö olkoarvonut |
1st plural | — | — | 1st plural | — | — |
2nd plural | arvokaa | elkääarvoko | 2nd plural | olkaaarvoneet | elkää olkoarvoneet |
3rd plural | arvokoot | elköötarvoko,elkööarvottako | 3rd plural | olkootarvoneet | elkööt olkoarvoneet,elköö olkoarvottu |
impersonal | arvottakkoo | elkööarvottako | impersonal | olkooarvottu | elköö olkoarvottu |
Potentsiala | |||||
Preesens | |||||
positive | negative | ||||
1st singular | arvonen | enarvone | |||
2nd singular | arvonet | etarvone | |||
3rd singular | arvonoo | eiarvone | |||
1st plural | arvonemma | emmäarvone | |||
2nd plural | arvonetta | ettäarvone | |||
3rd plural | arvonoot | evätarvone,eiarvottane | |||
impersonal | arvottannoo | eiarvottane | |||
Nominal forms | |||||
Infinitivat | Partisipat | ||||
active | passive | ||||
1st | arvoa | present | arvova | arvottava | |
2nd | inessive | arvojees | past | arvont,arvonut | arvottu |
instructive | arvoen | 1) Chiefly in the Soikkola dialect. 2) Chiefly in the Ala-Laukaa dialect. *) For the imperative, the 2nd plural (arvokaa) may be used for the 3rd person as well. **) The interrogative is formed by adding the suffix-k (-ka?/-kä?) to the indicative ***) The deliberative is formed by adding the suffix-k (-ka?/-kä?) or-kse to either the indicative or the potential ****) In folk poetry, a long first infinitive can be formed by adding the suffix-kse-, followed by possessive suffixes, to the first infinitive. Note that sometimes gemination may be undone by this addition. | |||
3rd | illative | arvomaa | |||
inessive | arvomaas | ||||
elative | arvomast | ||||
abessive | arvomata | ||||
4th | nominative | arvomiin | |||
partitive | arvomista,arvomist |
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.