The moment I sat on the toilet, my crap immediately came out of myarsehole.
1986,Keri Hulme,The Knife and the Stone: Te Kaihau: The Windeater,page103:
Second cut, quick flash to the anus careful not to cut any sacs of roe. Then hold up the slimed thing and quickly slit down the other side to thearsehole again.
1994, G. C. Scott,His Mistress's Voice, 2010 eBook,unnumbered page,
Harriet waited until she was still before striking her again, this time vertically, on thearsehole.
Lessons aren't due to resume until two, and Sugar is longing for the respite, if only for the opportunity to remedy her physical discomforts – numb, half-frozen feet, armpits clammy with sweat, a sore and itchyarsehole.
But I said to her, ‘Look, I don't know what your real feelings are towards your father, but I strongly advise you, if you've got anything to say to him, even if it's just to call him anarsehole again, do it now.[…]’